The miniseries is the most boring of the show. Pilots always suck, amirite? 'Neway, the division in seasons is b/c of writers strikes or them just dangling the end of the series in your face. And if you like the mythos, buckle in it's going to be a helluva ride. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Bt, I am very disappointed. That reply groups you with the lowest of all americans. Learn to recogize good writing and acting, and get the **** over stereotypes about the most insignificant ****.
You can run a server off your desktop if it just above average. You don't need a seperate server unless you're handling alot of people, like 8+
We're trying to host a capacity of 10 at all times but there's usually more than that trying to get on at peak hours and we lag around 7+. I think he's upgrading it next month though.
So I just saw the Roast of Donald Trump. The best part was when The Situation's terrible act nearly got booed off stage.
No seriously shuman, I won't die this time, I've learnt to be careful around lava. YouTube - Darth Vader Burns