Salutations fellow forgers! Well, I'm sure you guys can read my name so I'll just rant about my history. First and foremost I am new to Forging, but I am very well experienced in Level Designing. Like messing with new engines, I hope that using Halo's Forge will be a fun experience for me to make custom maps for the entire halo communities to enjoy. Mapping is a hobby turning professional area for me. I have made countless maps with Savage 2, Starcraft 1 and Broodwar, as well as some unfinished projects with Starcraft 2. I have used the Unreal Engine and I am also currently learning the Unity engine as well. I hope that I will be able to produce maps in a broad area of game types that will attract players to custom games and have an overall positive feel with the maps they are playing. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask them! I'm a fairly open person, but if there's something I really don't want to answer I'll be sure to let you know P.S: Are there any "Forge Teams" out there? It seems like the mass majority is all Single handed.
How the hell did I know someone would come trolling along... J/K No I'm not a virgin. I dont care what scientific proof you have, Its untrue! Well I've been lurking around trying to see if there was some sort of team, but didn't see any. Dunno if its a good idea or not seeing as how forging isn't that overly complex to do. I guess its just my past work ethics but I always feel more can be accomplished with a team, or group than flying solo.
I'm not trolling! You said I can ask anything lol That's what i usually ask people when I meet them haha
I am not trolling, I am LD, you see! Welcome to ForgeHub Mr Zenatsu, I really like your thread title, the fact that you are not a virgin and your beard, you have a beard right?
That better be a ****ing beard. Even though I cant rock a beard, I only really like having scruffy scruff
It is a beard, a very manly beard. so manly my face couldn't handle it and melted in its sheer presence. So I decided to dress up as a pirate, and now i'm a skeleton pirate with a very manly beard. Very few can compare.
cant compare to brian wilsons beard, i mean no ones ever even touched it. Is it a myth? welcome zenatsu. I, too, was very intrigued by the thread.
Actually Captain Crun--- I mean ThrowinDemBows is right. I only have have half of a beard. Brain Wilson has a full beard. However both of our beards are in fact, so substantial that people are drawn by it and all its glory. However, there is sadly an honest truth. Sometimes its okay to be clean shaven, so long as you have giant man pecks with multiple abdominals to compensate your lack of a stunning beard. So to those out there whom are beardless, don't fret! Stunning muscles are a satasfiing alternative!
We don't need more beards in this thread, if we did, this should be called the official "Beard Thread"