SAFE HARBOR- I’m sure it must have been a good feeling after a long and treacherous voyage for a seafaring Captain and crew to be tied up dockside... in Safe Harbor. NOT! This map features a two masted Sailing cargo ship, Dock and Lighthouse... and trouble on the horizon. Thanks to Rob - Ragnar0k26 - for the Lighthouse idea and the rest just came about. This is another map we had fun with playing what we called this time, "Somali Pirates". Same thing we did on River Boat by trying to hold the Wheelhouse... but this is a bigger boat. Safe Harbor or NOT! Nope
Hello rock,this map is looking really good. By train now by sea, very interesting design an theme going on. The ships sail posts look awesome and i like the torpedo on its way to the ship. And is this also the lighthouse i seen u working on or is that a different map ? Great work
Thanks a lot Tim. Yeah, I pretty much covered it, Sea, Land and Air with these last 4 maps. I think this scenario is probably the best of the 3 I tried to pull off here lately. Those sail masts came out best I could do with what we have to work with. I wish Bungie would have put in more small pieces like different length and width poles or thinner blocks for the Aesthetic map makers. That's the first Lighthouse for me, must have been.
Amazing detail with the lighthouse. Also great concept with the torps and sub in the distance. Overall very creative idea! DL and liked
Is the lighthouse supposed to be used as a sniping area or something? Other than that this map looks epic.
Thanks for the shout out Rock The map looks great you really took the idea and ran with it hope it gets more views good job.
Thanks dude, Delta, Carter and Rob for the good comments. The light house was Rob's idea when I was looking for something new to build and it seems it's what most everyone likes the most. Carter, I didn't build the lighthouse as a Sniper spot, but it would make a good one. I might do another map with one in it with a spiral staircase in it to the top, but on this one my budget was pretty thin at the end. Delta, I think Aesthetic maps should be the most creative of the categories and like my reply to timmypanic I've covered land, sea and air pretty good, so I'm thinking maybe space as one in my next series of maps. Send me a FQ if you want to come look over my shoulder or puzzle on a new idea. Rob, you know me well enough that I Forge because I'm a Forge nut and if I get views that cool, if I don't, no big deal. I just really like coming up with new ideas and making them work for a map.
It's a high threat sail boat, fire ALL weaponz!! I like the irony behind the title. Want to start off by saying that that lighthouse is impressive. Nice use of 5x1s really gives of that stripe effect. And now for the boat. Although you used fairly cheap objects to generate it, overall it turned out good. It was interesting to check out the explosive power behind the torpedoes. Definitely an overkill firepower wise, but the entire theme of this creation is well noted. Now hopefully there were no bags of tea in those cargo crates.. Otherwise this will turn out like a very familiar event in history-with a violent/left thumbstick-clicking twist. Good job Rock
Thanks Grim I appreciate you checking out my map and comments about it. Not sure what other pieces I could have used to make this boat or the other two I've posted lately but man, you can sure give me some advice on it... always looking to build better. Yep, definitely overkill to sink the boat but not for also destroying all military cargo beyond useful salvage. (Ex Navy, specialized in aircraft Fire Control, like firing missiles and dropping bombs, figured it be the same for Subs and torpedoes.) I've only got one map I will be posting soon. I've done Air, land, sea and under water vehicles and scenarios in maps I've done lately, only one place left new to go...? Anyway, I'm usually working on at least three maps at once but lately I've been doing re-fits of the Halo 3 maps, Guardian, Construct, The Pit and Narrows. My group looked over every map we could find (over 20) and picked the best of each one for me to re-fit and bring as close to the original size, look and feel, plus correct weapons placement, spawn points and spawn times so we can play Lone Wolf and Team Slayer games. Guardian and Construct are done with each taking about 8 or more hours of reconstruction work. Yeah, I'm a stickler for detail, placement and alignment. They were damn good maps to start with, now... they're just better and "we think" the best ever done.