what is the worst gametype/ gametype map combo youve played, for me its btb snipers because Its just snipers with holograms and mongooses with none of that awesome btb goodness. bro slayer paticularialy big bro shalyer because its a mess of super long respawn times and shity spawn camping. btb on hemorage because its a shitty ass sniperfest, ctf on hemorage because every time its a stalemate with both teams camping with shotguns and nobody even getting the flag out of the base. hell anything for hemorage for that matter. so whats yours? UPDATE: also including firefight maps, my favorite is unearthed, lost platoon + good infantry action and a rockethog! pure gold. my least favorite is waterfront because of the 2 jackals with focus rifles on top of the cliff which you cant reach and ar realy hard to snipe because the second you pop out of cover to countersnipe you get shot _______________________________________________________________________________ if somebody wont get in your mongoose then you should just follow them arround in your mongoose going BEEEP BEEEEEP BEEPBEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!! to piss them off
Add Pinnacle to the list, and thats what I got. I dislike how easy it is to spawn kill, and how jetpack dominates all of those maps unfairly.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, anything AR starts on Hemmorhage. I agree that Snipers is atrocious on it, campy and beyond slow, 'utterly stagnant' only begins to describe it, but I'd still rather play it than Neutral Bomb 4v4 AR starts on that map.
I wonder why people vote for BTB on Hemmorage every time if it is so terrible in your opinion. Nospampost: Elite Slayer (big team) on Hemmorage. There is no reason to give every player a plasma pistol in a vehicle based game.
Because I like going positive 20. On topic: The Cage is just atrocious and is too easily dominated by jetpacks.
I like Snipers on Hemmorhage, it promotes real life Sniping techniques. You have to keep hidden while mentally tracking the enemy. MLG team slayer on Sanctuary is something I just detest, maybe it was fun the first time but sometimes I just want an objective game.
Me too. Sorry if that comment could be misconstrued as me hating on Hemmorage. I actually love that map and tend to go +20 on it too unless I'm just driving the warthog. Nospampost: Also BTB on anything up on the cliffs above the coliseum is just continuous nade spam.
BTB on Atom. God that map is atrocious. Even when it's just 4v4. Cliffhanger sucks too. Then there's The Cage And lastly, Any gametype on Paradiso.
It's a big toss up between invasion slayer on paradiso or snipers on pinnacle. Also, you guys notice how most of these comments are about forgeworld maps
Snipers on Pinnacle Snipers on Breakpoint as Red Team BTB Headhunter on anything Not that I dislike headhunter, it's just terrible on gigantic open maps with 8 people chasing after you whenever you grab a skull.
This, except I can deal with Spire, Though I got a perfection on atom once I hate that map 99% of time I lose with so many deaths. Seems like whatever I do I'm either camping behind team get 2 kills hole game or on front lines surrounded by 5 people, just can't get hang of that map. Worst gametype for me personally is Snipers I can't snipe well so I have to rely on cheap spots most of the time. I don't play snipers so if there is snipers on Atom that would be the worst gametype/map for me.
For me: elite slayer on Hemmorhage is really annoying. The abundance of plasma pistols makes most of the vehicles pointless, although if you're good with a ghost you MIGHT avoid the rain of green blobs long enough to get two or three kills. And the massive size makes the non-evade loadouts pointless, since that one gives you a legitimate range weapon and the others don't. So it turns into people evading their way towards the middle of the map and zapping each other (and any stray vehicles) with plasma pistols and needle rifles. Woo-frickin'-hoo. Another one I can't stand is big team bro slayer on Atom. I don't mind regular slayer on Atom (even though the jetpack dominates so much that again, other loadouts are pointless), and I don't mind bro slayer on other maps. But this combination is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked. It turns into base and spawn-raping so quickly that every game is almost always a blowout. Actually I played the weirdest game of that the other day - the other team was blowing us out something like 80-60, and then we set up on THEIR main spawn area and went to town, and eventually tied it at like 90-90. They pulled out a squeaker win and it was the only fun time I've ever had playing bro slayer on that map. But still it just illustrates the underlying problem: somebody's always getting dominated, there's no real push and pull. Finally: any game type really (though I think I've only ever played slayer) on Cliffhanger. God, **** that map, seriously. It is SO boring. And unless the other team is pitifully bad, there's nowhere to be out of the line of fire for more than a few seconds. On the plus side, I did sort of enjoy being on the giving-it-out end of the worst beatdown I've ever seen in a team slayer game: 4 vs. 4 slayer, all randoms, nobody quit out or was AFK, and the final score was 50-5. I couldn't even believe it. If I was those guys I would have rage quit or started jumping off the cliff three minutes into the game.
Yeah agreed, Cliffhanger is pretty awful. My personal approach to it (bear in mind that this is FFA so not side specific) is to hang around the little rock hollows in the corners next to the man cannons. It seems the least likely area to get spawned on top of, in the sense that the spawns half way along each edge of the map are cut off by rocks from where you're sitting (this is better on the cliff edge rather than the rock face edge), and it enables you to watch the corner of the map to your right and catch respawns (again FFA). You can push forward and get some LoS on the enemy side in team games, and there's the opportunity to cannon up and get some longer LoS too. It still doesn't guarantee safety, but it seems like the strongest spot in the sense that it has some useable LoS on useful areas and common hotspots, but doesn't risk getting sandwiched like pretty much every spot on that map. In team games I often try going up top of the base when I get Sniper, if you stay cool you can sometimes get some easy pot shots from up there (GL end obviously), but imo it's worse for team games than FFA simply because the few safer spots become even less useful. Still, nothing is worse than Pinnacle in terms of the forge maps, sorry. I hate The Cage but I've learned how to work it more and more recently, same to a lesser extent with Cliffhanger and even Atom a little. But Pinnacle, no matter how well I do on it, even if I succeed in controlling one of the towers, just pains me. But even then, I probably dislike Sword Base even more than any of the awful forged maps. I saw your post in the other thread, megapwn, and I actually see your point, I can get why it's so popular. But tbh I just can't stand it, my least favourite map in the entire game, just because it focuses so heavily on all my least favourite aspects of the game, basically very focused CQC that's very restricted in terms of horizontal movement. This is for 4v4 and FFA, to be fair, I enjoy it more for smaller games like 2v2.
BTB on Countdown. Bumping into a group of enemies 2 feet from spawn, nearly every time, is not fun. Infection on Pinnacle. Most default maps suck for infection, but on this map I just put the controller down and give up.
I'll have to try that if I get forced into playing that map again. It's almost the only area on the map I've spent almost no time. It really does make for horrible games - yet weirdly I remember having a lot of fun on Ascension back in Halo 2. Maybe the very different weapons and lack of armor abilities made it play very differently? Also we always played with a banshee, which shifted the power positions on the map and forced strategy adjustments all the time. I dunno, it just felt very different from Pinnacle. Pinnacle for me is tolerable in a best case scenario, and more often is just extremely irritating. And AR starts on that map are arguably as bad as AR starts on Hemmorhage - that weapon is just absolutely useless once other people start picking up the DMRs and snipers. I can understand that. Personally I like CQC - or more accurately I like a mix of styles, but I fall back on CQC when lag or nerves or whatever are making the longer ranges not work for me in that game. But certainly if you're not really into that, Sword Base will be an utter trial. Maps like Countdown have some of it too but at least there are options, you aren't usually forced to engage a guy with a shotgun in a short, narrow hallway if you don't want to. Sword Base is not so flexible.
Thing is, I thought about it and I'm being a bit unfair. In FFA, I actually enjoy Slayer DMRs on it since, other than the focus areas we talked about before, it has a nice variety of engagement ranges and scenarios which see much more use with a ranged starting weapon. I guess part of what guides me towards the hate is the fact that it's more often than not paired with AR starts in FFA and TS, that oh so common first spot in the voting. And agreed about Countdown too, it often goes that way, to be quite honest I enjoy it more partly cause I'm much more proficient at whoring shotty and sword on that map . Even if CQC isn't so much my thing, I won't pretend that I don't consider winning a somewhat redeeming quality...