Aqueduct Water will be spilt. 2-4 players. Designed and forged by NeXn. Aqueduct begun after I started playing Quake Live for a few days. I got really inspired by certain things Quake map designers do with their maps and I wanted to do something similar. Aqueduct is a small asymmertical 1v1 and 2v2 map that focuses on free-flowing gameplay. I wanted to try to take elements that I thought worked well on certain maps in Quake and apply them to Halo, one of the most noteable of these elements is the placement of the power weapons; they're placed on small platform over large water pits that require a risky jump to obtain. That's not the end of it though, as this opens up a lot of other possibilities, such as nading the power weapons off of the platforms into the water to deny your opponent the weapons that you cannot currently control due to the players only being able to carry two of the three power weapons at a time. I spent a large amount of time making sure that the map played how I envisioned it and I think I did well. Below is the initial SketchUp of Aqueduct, and as you can see, it hasn't changed much. Offical 1v1 Gametype Supported 2v2 Gametypes Team Slayer - Capture the Flag - King of the Hill - Oddball Shotgun CTF (2v2 / 4v4) Weapons 1x Evade 1x Camo - 90 / Does not spawn at start 1x Sniper Rifle - 1 spare clip - 75 1x Shotgun - 0 spare clips - 120 1x Grenade Launcher - 3 spare clips - 90 1x Plasma Rifle - 60 2x Needle Rifle - 45 3x DMR - 30 1x Magnum - 30 2x Frag Grenade - 30 4x Plasma Grenade - 30 2x Health Pack - 60 Download Enjoy.
Honestly enough, it's a great layout, but I hated playing this map. I just didn't enjoy anything about it and overall it felt like it was only 60% finished as it just looked too empty. I got spawn killed loads as well in the map
I did a walkthrough on this map just after you submitted it for the 2v2 contest. I've been waiting for an opportunity to comment on it since then. I loved the layout and atmosphere you created. The use of forge components is also exemplary adding to the solid, more realistic architectural feel. I've not played a game on the map though and am disappointed to hear Stevo's assessment of the game play. I trust his judgement and I hope if you find his concerns warranted, that you'll try to remedy any problems. I think this map seems like it could be a classic, layout and atmosphere-wise. Let's make sure it attains that in the game play department as well. Regardless, great job with a beautiful, smartly laid out and well-forged map.
Nice use of forge. I haven't had the opportunity to play on the map yet, but the layout is very well done, i'm impressed. If I get a match on it i'll let you know how the gameplay went. I'm sure if there are errors, they could be easily fixed. Nice job though!
I can see why you're an architect, but this map seems too open. Maybe try adding a few more cover points, from pics 1 and 2 it seems those areas could use some cover. I'm not a fan of widely open maps. You didn't use many aesthetics, but that may be from the pics. A few minor things that could be fixed, but that's just my opinion. This looks neatly forged and very solid. The gameplay has to be smooth as ice. I will have to check it out for myself when I get my xbox back.
I can see you put quite a bit of effort into this map. It is small and simple, yet looks like an amazing 1v1 map to play on. When my Halo Reach friend gets online I'll test it out with him.
@stevo I respect your opinion, but visually, I was going for pure simplicity. I didn't want any flashy visuals on Aqueduct. I respect that you just weren't a fan of the gameplay this map promotes, which is totally fine since the map does play different than most maps. Also, the spawns and a lot of other things have been updated since the first version that I put on my fileshare. Thanks for the comment, I'd love to hear any suggestions you have. @leegeorgeton I'd like to hear what you think of the map after playing a few games rather than you taking Stevo's word for it. Thanks for the comment. @dansq Thanks man, let me know what you think after you play a few games. @likemike788 I can see how you think it would be open from the pictures, but this map is definitely not. There is cover placed where cover is needed and that's it. The map is about out-thinking your opponent, so don't place yourself in a bad position if you know your opponent is going to get the drop on you. Also, yes, there aren't many aesthetic pieces, and that was done purposefully. As I told Stevo, I wanted to go for simplicity with the visuals. @squidlake Thanks bro, let me know your thoughts after a few games.
The gameplay on this map is absolutely amazing. It's a shame it only works well with about a 3v3 at most. 4v4 is way too hectic and spawn killing can be pretty frequent if the players actually move around a lot. But considering it wasn't set up for 4v4 specifically, I wouldn't expect it to play well with a 4v4. Overall, 8.8/10. You've nailed the gameplay on what it's meant to be played with, and that's what matters. Glad you fixed the spawn problems in the new version though. I'll give that one a download as well.
Thanks a lot bro. Unfortunately the map was designed for 1v1, so even 2v2 was an afterthought. Although, 4v4 Shotgun CTF (also in my fileshare) is a blast to play for a casual chill gametype with friends. Very reminiscent of shotgun CTF on Chill Out back in the Halo 1 days.
The design is really nice, especially the grenade launcher area, but it feels as though it doesn't work too well for Halo. I wish you had made the map a bit larger, with cover around the edges, because the elevation changes alone can't seem to make the spawn system function perfectly. 2v2 is way too big, as well. Overall, I love quite a few concepts, but its got a fair share of issues as well.
Thanks for the comment. As I stated earlier, the map is an experimental design, so I respect that a lot of people will find it weird and different, and in turn not like it as much. On a side note, I've handed the map over to TaK from the MLG forums, so maybe we'll see some slight, yet positive changes here in the soon to be future. Who knows what'll happen though.
Wow, I personally was just blown away by this. I rarely play 1v1 maps that tackle the issues 1v1s can bring, most notably the way power-weapons just get passed back and forth, but this really hits the nail on the head. The sadness I felt when I realised that I couldn't hold all three power weapons and had to drop one into the water was immense. Great job, this is staying on my hard drive forever.