The Better Highlands

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by M0aHerder, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    After reading some critisism for Highlands, I decided to make it better. I have changed up some weapon spawns and locations, and added some new vehicles. I also plan on moving the location of the receiving teleporters just a little.


    Weapon changes include:
    -Grenade Launcher has been replace by a Rocket Launcher with a 100 respawn time.
    -RL at both bases has been deleted. I added a GL in the back of both bases w/ a spawn time of 50. (See pics below)
    -Replaced both Shotguns with DMRs.
    -Snipers now have 2 spare clips instead of 4.
    -I added a DMR on the small passage near the cliffs on the blue side. (See pic below)


    I didn't do much with vehicles, the only thing I did was add Falcons. (See pics below)


    Falcon Spawns:


    GL Spawns:

    DMR Spawn:

    Hope you like it! If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Two falcons might be a little too much in my opinion. Snipers have 2 spare clips instead of 4? Didn't they already just have 2 spares?
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Removing the shotguns was dumb in my opinion. They weren't really a problem. Maybe just upping the spawn times. The weapon complaining is the 2 rockets, fast spawning snipers which dominate, spartan laser, grenade launcher, AND plasma launcher. They just needed to remove a few and tone it down just a little. I think the neutral rockets was a great idea, and the laser was fine as it was, just found the plasma launcher unnecessary.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Agreed on all counts. Shotties were fine, CQB is rare enough as is and encouraging it with the current number of shotties is fine imo. Just up the spawn timers and re-jig weapons as tsb said and you'd be golden imo.

    I'd personally like to see the Sniper moved from top tower on Attacker base as well. I don't like how you can literally stand right where it spawns and have insane line of sight on much of the map. If there are neutral rockets then moving it down to the level where they currently spawn could work, or possibly even further down in to the back of the base somewhere. It should be easily accessible off spawn but but in a place which encourages players who have just picked it up to venture other places than just top tower. Obviously it can and will be taken there quite often, but with neutral rockets then leaving the middle of the map open from the massive Sniper LoS from top tower will help even this initial rush on rockets up, and in general it just seems too easy to just sit where it spawns, control it and have a dominant position with it. Tell me, when you're sniped from Attacker base, roughly what percentage of the time is it from top tower? Now ask the same question of Defender base. Sure it's still high, but not nearly as high if you ask me. That big rock pillar next to Defender base tower really cuts LoS available to a Sniper up there.

    Also, I assume you mean 1 spare clip instead of 2 on Snipers, rather than 2 instead of 4. I personally think 2 spare is fine, just up the spawn timers a bit to stop them constantly being in play. Long range sniping tends to eat up ammo a little more, and I think 3 clips is fair as long as they're on a 150-180 second respawn.

    Not sure I like the idea of Falcons, especially two as Cart0graph said. Though I do see your immediate problem in that adding one is inherently unbalanced, I just don't personally feel they're that necessary at all tbh. Iirc airspace on this map is quite limited by soft kills as it is, and I like the ground-focused vehicle combat a lot. Hogs and Ghosts are my favourite vehicles by far, and they shine best when un-heeded by the presence of other vehicles. Plus, and this the biggest issue, cross map flag runs in a Falcon seem like they'd be waaaaay too easy. Those things are tough and even concentrated DMR fire from a whole team likely wouldn't kill it before it got back to base, or far enough to make the cap a foregone conclusion.
    #4 Pegasi, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I hate to burst your bubble, but it's kind of absurd so say that after the map's been out for three days, you've made a better version than certain affinity could put together in a few months. There's no problem with making a new version of the map, but it's a big jump to come out here saying you've made a better map than people who make maps for a living.
    #5 pyro, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  6. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    Certain Affinity did a great job on the map. The only thing that needed fixing was the weapons. Beleive it or not there were other that had already done this before I even started.

    I've put the Shotguns back and upped their spawn time. I put the SL in the downed Pelican and replaced the SL and PL with RLs. I decided to keep the Falcons and see how ell the do in testing, if they do poorly in the map then I'll remove them.

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