YouTube - Hawken Trailer (work in progress) Hawken is an independant game being developed by Adhesive Games and is described by them as being a "Mech Combat FPS". They have promised a full First Person Shooter trailer in the future, but the current trailer shows all the action through a spectator camera. If you want to see how the hud looks, skip to the last 10 seconds or so. The games website can be found here: The art style reminds me a little of Borderlands, but im not sure why. Obviously its handled in a more realistic way though, and has a lot more detail. I like the way the mechs zip around, almost like they have wheels or something, but I kind of dislike the hover system. I feel like it would be a pain shooting a bunch of hovering enemies all the time and I wish they would put more focus on the "wheel" mechanic as I can see that being very interesting if implemented right. Im talking grinding on railings and building edges, and cool things like that. As it is right now though, I think its a breath of fresh air seeing as there has not been many mech games for awhile, and its also uncommon for them to be in first person. So tell me, what do you guys think of Hawken?
Oh god, this looks absolutely amazing. I really am gonna keep my eye on this one, ive been looking for a good new FPS and a good new indie game... this looks like both.
2 ones that they have stated are unique to Hawken and the standard deathmatch/team deathmatch. The game seems to be multiplayer only from the little digging around I have done on it, but the fact that 9 people could do this in about 9 months shows that they are very commited to it, so hopefully those 2 unique games are not just spin offs of CTF or Territories.
They are looking to get it on the 360, PS3, and PC, so you should be good! The game is also gonna be a digital download and will go for alot less than a boxed game.
Just saw this on Geeks Are Sexy on Facebook. This is the type of stuff I'm more into. I'm hoping that they have an exponential number of upgrades to make your mech customized. That would be so sweet.
They did build this using unreal engine 3, so they cut out about half their development time. It's looking like a nice fast-paced shooter and a focus on certain types of combat through weapon mods. I doubt this will have the customization that chromehounds does, but this is more combat focused, which I'm liking a bit more.
I saw this vid before, an I still cant shake the feeling that the mechs aren't as powerful as they look. If you notice, there isn't much environmental damage, which sorta kills the awe-inducing effect of big mechs in combat, for me anyway. They don't seem as powerful without whole buildings collapsing and stuff. Still, for a company of nine to make this is impressive. Of course, there's no campaign, no bells and whistles (theatre or customs sort of functions), but that only gives the team more time to focus on what's important - gameplay. Oh, and the sweet aesthetic.
*Is ignoring kitty-hitler's post* Looks great, I'll definitely keep an eye out for this on Xbox Live. I am, however, an ancient Armored Core fan (played every game since the first) and a number of the later games allowed you to play in the first-person, FYI. Nemihara...AC 4 was way too short, but still kick-ass. Going a million miles an hour with my custom mech was all I'd ever hoped for with the AC series...and the fact that the mechs you played in previous games made their appearances in-game very much like the slow, lumbering muscles-tracers of PS-one and PS2 games. Gave a great sense of power. (Even if I sucked badly at actual competitive play V_V)
Yeah, but did you see the BATTLESHIP!!!!!! I would take overhead fire support from a FRIGGIN BATTLESHIP over destructible terrain any day of the week including Christmas. If you haven't seen the new first person video, it's up now on their site but here's the video: Hawken FPS video
From a competitive standpoint, I quickly get over the lack of buildings being demolished. Also, the levels would be pretty lackluster if they could be. Who wants to put the effort into making something look good if it can just be destroyed. I really do like the geometry even if the colors are a little bland.
I was noticing that too and I'm hoping that it's just the level they demonstrated. The bleak grey randomly mixed up with some colors from buildings and advertisements etc. is hopefully just unique to the map. I would assume this will launch with more than just one playable level and, again hopefully, it isn't the same palette with a a different layout.
I'm watching the game play video again and I think it would be pretty helpful if they put more color into the player models to put a little more contrast between them and the backgrounds.