You just need to sign up on the forums really. You don't even need to be active, accepted or anything. You get more "rights" as a Ghost though. A ghost is an active member of the community.
Me, Sarge, BT, Rocket Moose, Devinish, Muller, Drago, Roland, Stickmanmayhem(?), DunkinMy Cookies(?) and others I think. It's a 10 person max server but there's usually no more than 5 on at a time. There are two moderators; Moose and Drago. The admin is Devinish. No TNT (perhaps other restrictions too), no griefing, no warping (working on faster travel) and I think that's about it.
The real pub hub, is in there. We can work together and fight Sarge threw there. BTW thats Sarge looking at the pub hub
sometimes I wonder why idiots are obsessed with me, then I realize that they feel the intense need to be accepted and act on said need. unfortunately for them, it is always in an idiotic fashion as that is their nature.
I am staff here. Along with the rest of the GoO Gang. (This was sarcasm btw) If you actually payed attention, you would realize that a lot of the staff members that are members of the Ghosts of Onyx, were originally staff at Forge Hub. In fact, Furious D made Ghosts of Onyx in association with Tender Bisquit. Tender Bisquit has never posted here while Furious D was staff (Obviously not anymore) before GoO. Sarge was staff beforehand. Along with Orangeremi, rusty eagle, LIGHTSOUT, Creeping Death(?), and many others. The same goes for previous loyals, Iron Tusk was a part of FH before GoO if I recall correctly. The same goes for Chuck, or at least before he "quit." (He didn't really quit though, it was an old faulty process) BTW, I'm only a standard member at GoO. I have never been staff there or in position of power. There's a long list of greys that I can call off as well. The longer list of "colored" people is merely a coincidence. Sorry for the many edits: I'm... adhaiodaoih
BTW, Security, I wasn't entirely sure if you were being serious or sarcastic but it wasn't aimed directly towards you. It was for anybody who actually thought like that. Hopefully, I didn't come off as a **** either. I was being playfully sarcastic. :3