FLAT TOP is an old style type carrier, just a flat top. Saw a carrier on here a while back of the newer angle deck type, real nice job, and just wanted to build one of the old style for fun. The only upgrade was the propulsion system. HA! It's for looks only. Had to re-align those frigging coliseum walls for the deck every time I went in, sucks. Anyone know the trick, if there is one, to keeping them in place? I'd appreciate a tip, thanks.
This looks awesome, I can't wait to check it out in game. The small details, Like the anchor and the tower in general, are really nice additions that really add to the ship. I've been thinking of designing a ship that uses some of the same ideas you've used here, and I gotta say, I hope that I can manage to make my ship look this nice (not that I'm gonna copy you or anything, don't worry haha). Keep up the good work!
Thanks Dead. Probably not much for games, it's pretty plain Jane. This is actually the second one I built, the first I used Coliseum Windows for sides and built an inside floor in it. After I built it I thought it looked kind of funny with windows for sides and started over. Originally I wanted to built it with the sides slanting in a bit but making it fit with the angles at the front was either impossible to do or above my talent level. A friend of mine is going to take the deck and conning tower off and use the rest to build a Battle Ship. - ROCK -
This aircraft carrier look great. Despite what you said about it being plain Jane I think the detail is pretty good especially the cool anchor, simple propulsion, and conning tower. Good Work. DL and Liked
Thanks Delta. Was my first boat but turned out not to be my last. Now I almost feel like a boat specialist after River Boat, Bird of Prey and now Safe Harbor. Got to find something else I guess.
Nah man no need to find something else. Stick with what you like. If it ain't broke don't fix it and your ship making skills ain't broke. Btw I checked out Safe Harbor really cool concept I'll probably have to DL tomorrow though cause my que is full.
i dont like how no one creates an inside to an aircraft carrier... that would be something that i would download
I am working on an frigate that also works as an aircraft carrier WITH an inside. I am also planning to make another base on land and make the map BTB abled. Also, this map looks spectacular. I hope I can take some ideas from this on my ship, and mabye some spaceships in the future, similar to the trebuchet. Finally, does anyone here know how to make vehicle drop pods?
This looks amazing i have been thinking about adding on to the map so there is a land area for one team and the ship for another. Unless you use all of the cash. Great map tho.
Thanks dacookie. Sure, go ahead and add on, it might make a good map for playing on. If ya don't have enough budget, delete some of those craft sitting on the deck. Let me know if you do I'd like to take a look. ROCK