condemned plays fantastically, IMO its like a much better version of orbital. wherever i spawn i know where i am instantly. Of all the maps with low grav, i think this one does it in the best way- instead of the top area, or one side, its just a small room in the center- you don't have to go there at all unless you NEED to. of course once again the rockets are there, but oh well. others can rush for that highlands seems like the new valhalla/standoff. Even when i was being beaten last night, it was fun. I had a lot of moments where you get DMRed by two people from across the map and BARELY get to cover.... than you're peaking out looking... where are they? already behind cover as well. It was a blast my only minor gripe with the map is the power weapons- there are only two warthogs, and two ghosts, yet there's a spartan laser, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, AND plasma launcher. Seems excessive, admittedly it bugged me more when the other team had ALL of them, but still. Most big team maps have one power weapon, maybe two, right? Hemmorrage has a plasma launcher and thats it, and WAY more vehicles.
Actually, while we were playing the map (excessively) last night we realized that at its core Condemned is very much like a combination of Guardian and Lockout instead of Orbital like I thought Agree 100% Overall, I like Defiant maps a lot.
So is it true that Condemned has some significant screen lag while looking through the doors to the middle room?
I think unearthed is what Firefight maps SHOULD'VE been like. The default maps promote camping in one general area, and it's boring. If we had a **** ton of maps like THIS for firefight, i think it'd be a lot more popular. My only complaint is that we don't need the Rocket Hog on every damn vehicle map. I'd like to see the normal hog again, or maybe even the Gauss hog.
Hemorrhage also has two snipers which are deadly vs. vehicles, and I think maybe more importantly, a lot more vehicles. If the other team is running wild with any vehicle, you'll have ghosts and hogs and a revenant spawning before too long, and a wraith probably not long after that. There's a natural balancing out effect (unless the other team is absolutely spawn-raping you and destroying your vehicles as they pop up). I haven't played enough of Highlands to know, but my experience in other maps is that if you only have a few vehicles, power weapons become very important to make it possible to take them out. Think of the hog domination that occurred regularly on Standoff, and how even simple things like the power drain and plasma nades inside each base became critical tools for getting out from under the continual spawn rape cycle. They may have been thinking the same way about this map.
hmm i guess i could see that. though i wonder how many people really know that the plasma pistol and two grenades can do the job just the same. i'd bet the percentage is pretty small.
just had another 2 terrible games on Highlands... power weapon domination is ridiculous on this map, as we've all been saying. its pretty much key to rush laser, have your sniper and rockets camp your base, and stalemate/camp for the entire round. =( also, is it just me, or does the Blue base seem easier to defend than red? /raging after 2 annoying matches
The two competitive maps are pretty fun. I've gotten two games on Condemned and one Highlands. Condemned's low-grav area is kind of awkward and Highlands is kind of easy to dominate on with a sniper, but they're both pretty good. Plus, they're absolutely ****ing beautiful. First impressions of Unearthed aren't too great, but that's only from playing Score Attack on it. I'm sure it'd be a lot more fun with 4 people and some vehicles.
also whats up with the ****ing weapon spawn timers?!?!?! Highlands... game start. im on blue side. i run thru the base teleporter, which brings you to the left side building shotgun spawn. i grab the shotty, but im slightly disoriented and run back to blue base. then im like, "wait, what? oh yea im blue." so i run back thru the teleporter and VOILA the shotgun is back. Literally that quickly. I started the game with 30 rounds in a shotty. thats just not right.
I was playing the Defiant playlist for hooooouuuursss last night with Titmar, Meta, Organite, and a few others, and I have some similar complaints. Highlands needs a power weapon rework; there simply aren't enough vehicles for them to be effective, and the snipers/rockets/laser/Plasma launcher/shotgun thing is just overkill. However, I love condemned, and the Unearthed is pretty sweet too. Overall, I think it was a good buy.
I have bought the map pack, but can't dl it until my internet gets uncapped, still haven't got the noble map pack either. is the defiant mp good?