ATLAS Hello all welcome to another of my maps This is a map I have been woking on for a while now, playing around with ideas. This map has changed greatly,but the idea has remained the same. I wanted to create a rock man (atlas) carrying a base. This 'base' has changed greatly in the 3 different versions of the map I have created. After a great amount of time & patients I present Atlas The map is small - medium sized, contained in the globe. I have it set up for 6 v 6 although I would say it probably best suits 4 v 4. weapons are rocket 180s + 1 clip central diamond pyramid. sword 120s central 1 floor lower. 4x dmr 60's 2 x needler 60's 2 x needler rifle 60's 1 x plasma repeater 60's 6x plasma granade 4 x frag 2 x magnum 60's 2 x assault rifle 60's 2 x spiker 60's 2 x plasma charger 60's also I have made a room for you to visit in forge on the island nearby. I was thinking of using this as the beging part for an invasion map. Opinions would be good. Any feedback suggetions or advice would be great help. The interior is 4 small levels symmetrical, spawning is on the top for both teams on either side of the top spread into 2 teams of 3 (for 6 v 6) it will support 8 v 8 although it will be hectic. This is working on most gametypes I have added reacting lighting to the feet to light up lower legs This could be used as beging loadout for invasion mission, and is also for forge as gives good view of the structure I have created, there is around 1000 extra for the budget if I deleate the unneccessary structures around Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated Thanks for looking
that is one smokin hot map although on my first look it looked like rock man holding death star not atlas himself. that said the fact that you made the giant rock man and the dome with enough money to make 4vs4 map in it is amazing but the fact that you still have 1000 left is totaly insane!! youve got my dl for sure!
I love the concept! But two things... no one likes killballs because they are ugly and whats the point of the rock man when you cant see it from inside the ball?
Pure Aesthetics my friend. Also Atlas was the Titan responsible for supporting the heavens. So it isn't really a simple rock man there is much more mythology behind this forge piece. One thing I have to say tho Tim, what's going on with those eyes.. The globe itself is beautiful on the inside, and a good forge on the outside considering the objects. Either way I enjoyed this aesthetic piece non the less. I like what you did with the feet. That's how my Spartans look before they get their fancy metal shoes.
Hello, I understand what you mean. In this map I set out building a base and thought it would be cool to have it being held by a rock man. What he held changed to become the atlas ball. I know the kill balls arent needed to be in atlas theame but i wanted to show the capibility of the ball. The fact it is playable on a load of gametypes is why it is contained in the ball. Thanks for your feedback [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you for your feedback. I know it is more of a death star, its like a combination, brainstorming the structure and as i used all 100 blocks creating the ball. They also had to be forged by hand and was a slow and difficult procedure. Trying to make the map playable was a challenge. The inside works and is competitively layed out. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you, this isn't my greatest work, although i do like the idea. I need to lower the statue to a more crouched position and then lower the ball onto his shoulders. I just posted this in the hope of me forgetting and moving on to other projects. I found a few interesting things while trying to make statue. I do like using rocks and seeing the different patterns from them, but just looking at the spire rock i could make out a couple of faces in the rocks. Was thinking of using for some spooky caves. Like the caverns you forged in h3 . The face is kind of funny, the eyes are commical, I did concider attempting to forge the face out of spawns for aesthetic or just making a face out of rock. As i was down to 3 rocks it was difficult. My friend calls him the kracken which is quite funny and given me idea! Thank you for your support.
I have played this, it's crazy- the design inside is quite unique. Timmy is one of the forging community's most creative larkers that's for sure.
Hi Tim, I've been watching the evolution of Atlas from the start, even before it was Atlas. You proved your top rated forging skills again by, to me, tackling two of the hardest things to make right and look good, Sculptures and block made Globes and pulled them both off. Atlas holding the globe looks way cool and one of the most creative ideas I've seen so far. Great work. ROCK
Thanks buddy, you are two kind. Had some down time so please excuse slow reply. Thanks for your support. Appreciated! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you ROCK!!! Awesome feedback. Yeah this was a challenge to make, i did enjoy forging but it was a lot of work. Moving and changing. Honestly I still feel there is room for improvement although I will avoid making a ball like this again for a while lol. Very slow work by free hand. Thanks for your feedback and support! ....also appoligies for not getting back to u on the remake of narrows. I will get it to u if u still want it.