Invasion: Topsoil

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Br4k3d0wN, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    *Edit 3*
    As it turns out, TG does not test posted maps. Henceforth, updates will be on hiatus until Topsoil has reached perfection. I encourage a moderator to lock/delete this thread, as I would like to post a new thread about Topsoil once it is, indeed, tested rigorously and finished.

    Thank you all for your feedback thus far. You will be hearing from me soon.

    *Edit 2*

    Spawns are fixed. You should now respawn on your respective fireteam's marker.

    *Edit 1*
    Topsoil 1.5 is now released after a few major changes in response to feedback and playtesting. If you have already downloaded Topsoil, please download this newer version and provide feedback, if you can. My goal is perfection, and I greatly appreciate any criticisms you have to offer.

    -Phase one access points have reduced hill size and slightly tweaked placement.
    -Phase two bomb plant/detonation time lowered to 15 seconds.
    -Phase two now features a gated safe zone feature that kills remaining Elites in the watchtower upon detonation of the bomb.
    -Phase two sniper removed.
    -Phase two Plasma Launcher replaced with Focus Rifle.
    -Grenade Launcher added next to the bomb spawn location.
    -Falcon replaced with Rocket Hog.
    -Wraith replaced with Revenant.
    -Spawn locations moved to balance push and pull on both sides.

    File Set

    Map Flythrough
    *Not up to date with current version, but represents the general consensus*

    Required Files
    Download the Map
    Download the Gametype

    Phase One

    Phase Two

    Phase Three

    Welcome back to Halo.

    In production since January, this Invasion experience was built with the idea of a mini-campaign in mind. Topsoil takes much inspiration from Covenant occupied Delta Halo (Halo 2) Forerunner architecture, wherein, structures are not merely placed upon Halo's surface, but within the lush landscape and mountainous terrain.


    You and your fireteam of Spartans are on the offensive to infiltrate a Covenant sanctuary and capture the enemy intel hidden within.

    Phase One:
    Move up the beach, clear a landing zone, and capture the access points to lower the barriers leading off the island.

    Phase Two:
    UNSC Ordinance drop-offs include a Turret-Mounted Warthog, a Rocket Hog, three Mongooses, a Spartan Lazer, Grenade Launcher, and a Type 14 Magnetic/Anti-Tank Mine. This mine is to be delivered to the watchtower, guarding access to the Covenant sanctuary. Scans indicate a structural weakness at the base of the mountain under the watchtower, so that will be your designated target in your assault.

    Anti-air is preventing our Pelicans from advancing any farther, so you're delivering this bomb on foot. Make good use of the vehicles provided.

    Phase Three:
    Through the caves, under the watchtower, rests a relic used to project sermons from high ranking clergy of the Covenant. More intel is required on these Prophets, and the Data Core hidden in this Sanctuary will provide just that. Secure the enemy intel and head for the extraction point - a platform outside the caves.

    With that, I'd like to ask you to download and provide your feedback on the map and how it works, both in aesthetics and gameplay.

    If you like the premice and would like to help me playtest this map for future updates, please respond here or PM me with your gamertag. I'm ALWAYS happy to receive constructive criticism, no matter how harsh, and I would love to see everyone's take on this map from numerous perspectives.

    And did I mention it hosts no framerate drops, in either fullscreen or splitscreen?

    I am shooting for perfection with this, so any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you and Happy Forging!
    #1 Br4k3d0wN, Mar 15, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks really sick! I have little time now, but I will Dl and try to get some games. You seem to know what you are doing, and it is nice to see some organized, non-slang filed text on FH. I love Invasion, and it looks like you have done it well.
  3. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thank you :)

    I hope I have. After your games, give me a shout and let me know what you like/dislike about it, if you have time.
  4. Blaskapelle

    Blaskapelle Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice work! Invasion is my favourite gamemode to forge.
    So i'm adept in the invasion gamemode and i tell you, that i like your aesthetics.
    They are original and show the typical forerunner style.
    Sooo, i'm downloading now your map and i will check your spawnsystem.
    Do you have tested your map with more people?

  5. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I'm always looking for people to playtest with. I've only done small scale tests with 2-3 people to make sure the spawns were balanced, but no, I have not done a full 6v6 Invasion game.

    Would you be willing to help me test the map sometime?
  6. Blaskapelle

    Blaskapelle Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I will check your map today. At weekend i will try to test your map with 12 people, but i cant promise. You can also demand the testers guild too.
  7. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I understand entirely. Thank you for considering it, at least :).

    If you do end up testing it, I will likely be online if you'd like me to be present for the match. Just let me know.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I gave the map about an hour fly through/ custom game check and there are a lot of things I like, but like all invasion maps do, you have some problems to fix. I will show you what I mean in forge, I sent you a friend request already, and I will explain Invasion spawning to you, as your spawns had some problems you wouldn't have seen only testing with a few people. This is a great map, and I would be happy to help make it as good as possible. I know how it feels to want an invasion map to be perfect. :) I will invite you later.
  9. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Breakdown, please send me a FR, I love to make Invasion maps in a grand scale, working on one right now.

    Flyingshoe, please send me one from you too, AZ gamers/Forgers need to stick together!
  10. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    I would just like to formally thank FlyingshoeILR for his personal feedback on Topsoil. Not only did he write down a number of criticisms he noticed, but he invited me to a Forge session to show me just what he believed could be fixed or tweaked. With that and a small playtest session, version 1.5 of Topsoil has now been conceived and is ready for download.

    A list of changes to the original now occupy my original post.

    Thanks again, FlyingshoeIRL! I look forward to playing with you soon. You've been a great help :)
    #10 Br4k3d0wN, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  11. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Alright! Hopefully we can get a test on it in the next few days, I am gone Friday morning through sunday afternoon this week. I love your map's design, and I really want to see how some areas play out. I need to get a test on mine as well.

    Edited by merge:

    We tested the map and I will leave my feedback in the tester's guild. I liked the map a lot but it needs work, especially in the cave P3. That was impossible to attack as spartans. Hope we can test this more in the future!
    #11 Skyward Shoe, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
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