Author: Zow Jr Map Name: Contamination: First Blood, Part 2, the Slums Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Medium Player Count: 7-16 Supported Gametypes: Infection, Contamination: First Blood __________________________________________________ Description: Contamination: First Blood Part 2: The Slums Yo, Wassup! Name's Drake, and this apocalypse is one mean *****. We just came in from surviving all the way from the subway, and unfortunately, zombies don't exactly know how tah hook a brutha up. I think I blasted more zombie ass in one day of this damn apocalypse than ah did humans my entire gangsta Career, G! But enough sentimentality bro, onto business. In case you didn't read the memo the First time, this is us. We are the survivors, and we whoop some zombie ASS! We are armed to the teeth with weapons and we got an appetite for some blood, brotha! You best not **** with us G! We can take around 4 hits each to die! Just be careful to watch your bullets brah. We can hurt each other. And dese are de ugly ass bastards we gat ta deal with! One ugly motherfucker! These zombies are numerous as hell and can dish out as much pain as they can take. One bad move and your dead meat, gangsta! These are the types of zombies, as if one kind wasn't bad enough! Normal zombies: These bastards, seems like there's a ton of em! they can run fast and split your skull open faster than you can say "I'ma B" G! Cloaked bastards: Invisible zombie bastards, nuff said brutha. And of course, The Berserker. This mothafucker be big man, and mean to boot. This one will tear you apart in two hits man, but thankfully, you can run away to regroup to some effect. Thats how mah brutha from anotha mutha Miguel survived those bastards. SO now our plan to survive these streets, G! Meh. I don't need a plan, these are MAH Streets! I RUN THESE STREETS *****! SO first we exit the subway, We lit this sucka on fiya so the zombies wouldn't tail us. That door is a noisy muthafucker! Once it opens, be ready to fight a horde! Then you hafta survive the streets, you best be ready brah! Once you go inside dah building and exit, all hell can break loose, brutha! Then you have to hold out for the rest of the time here at the front of the hospital. Good hunting. Hers's some shots of us and our brutha Miguel beasting it. YouTube - Contamination first blood part 2 Good luck G! *CRASH BANG* *gunfire* Later G! Drake out! ALright, Who wan some of DEERAKE! COME ON ***** ass Nigg-*transmission cut*
Yay its posted! This was a fun game to play and test, I don't think the video does it justice though :/ Anyway I enjoy this one better than part 1 and I can't wait for the third, or my part 1.5, which ever is finished first And I can't beleive you assasinated meh at 51. How could you my freind!? *sniffel sniffel* EDIT: after taking a closer, THAT IS AN IMPOSTER SPARTEN!!! He looks alot like me though so ya that was someone else......... heheh damn he's sexy though.
Hello! I really like this map, tests were great fun, although I am not the best at infection and usually infected straight away lol! The screen shots you have taken are expertly done! Really really good! Everything is cleanly forged and well placed! Nicely forged and a great gametype that plays out well! Nicely done
Glad you enjoy it so much. I have not been very active on here lately so expect me to make a HUGE comeback with part 3 the Clinic and more. Especially with the new action sack gametypes, it will be a sight to see.