haha very nice! but did you run out of peices or $? it seems like front hood is missing. or maybe perhaps try the "grid" could fit as the windshield? but very awesome indeed!
Yah Thanks! When I finished I was down to about $70, and nothing I tried looked right as windshield so I just left it...
Although this is awesome, this warthog looks like a light version of the main warthog. Since you can't really do anything as you have said your out of budget. but if you did have anything try to buff it up a little, it might make it look more real. You have put in a lot of work for this and it looks great.
The gun looks really nice, the rest of it ehhhhhh not so much, but hey thats a helluva lot better than I could do, so great job!
Suggestion for the windshield: something that wouldnt cost any money would be a single spawn zone. It would look like a windshield, but would only show in forge, which is a drawback. But it would be better than nothing.
i like and dislike parts. its really good in general, but some of the proportions are pretty off which bugs me. otherwise really good job, like ociee said i like the gun and i like the seats.
Very good idea, making a spawn zone and make it stretch across the front of the warthog, would make it look like a windowshield. If you do end up doing this, a photo would be cool, to see what it looks like. Other than that, great job!
I haven't tried it yet, But I am thinking that won't look right. Seeing that the spawn zones are completely flat and I need something curved... -.- And yah some of the proportions are off but I used what I had...