What do you want to see in the next Pokemon game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Yeah, yeah, I know Pokemon Black and White haven't even come out here yet, but I thought it might be fun to share thoughts about what you want Gamefreak to make next.

    So, what do you want in the next Pokemon game? What do you expect of it? New Pokemon, different region, changed plot?

    What I want (2 ideas):

    1. A remake of Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. IMO, the best Pokemon generation.

    2. Gamefreak really needs to mix it up. Let's face it, the only major differences between Pokemon games have been different regions, new Pokemon, and updated graphics. In every game, you start off in a small town, encounter a small team of bad guys, battle eight gym leaders. The encounters with the team increase, then climax with a Legendary Pokemon battle. Then you beat the Pokemon league, the end. IMO, they need to change it up.

    My vision of a new region is different. Not a peaceful island. This place is rugged, hostile, unforgiveable, surrounded by raging seas filled with vicious water Pokemon, but liveable. Barely. I'm talking maze-like forests, sheer cliffs, rough surrounding seas, with a volcano/seamount at the region's heart, depending on which version of the game you get. You start off in a large city, and the island is wracked by a deadly castalysm, that is ended when you defeat the legendary Pokemon causing it. The large castalysm could happen after the defeat of the league. Features cliffside paths, large forests, mountains, craters (like Meteor Falls in R/S/E), caverns, dangerous terrain such as that.

    Okay, that's my ideas. Let's hear what you guys got.
    #1 Plasma Rifle Elite, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    A re-re-release of The originals, on The 3DS.
  3. Em0srawk

    Em0srawk Forerunner

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    -Real time battling, I want the games to be more like the Anime series. I've played every series of the game and I just feel like that's what's missing. You could be more tactical and I think it'd make the game more fun.
    -I'd also like a game that includes all of the regions, you could perhaps choose where you start and then can continue onto the other places.
    -No more legendaries, seriously it makes training and raising Pokemon pointless
    I'm also looking forward to Pokemon Black and White having a more mature story, if that works out I'd hope that the other games have them too
  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Your two ideas are very contradictory ahah.

    i'd want to see them totally wipe the slate and throw out the most original pokemon game they can. Kinda like your number 2, i'd also like to see some better character development and for them to really improve on the RPG elements. I havent felt attachment since the originals, being young and easily entertained, and from what ive read theyre working on targeting an older audience, which is those who grew up with it so we'll see where that goes.
  5. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Hmm, that does sound interesting. Yeah, I know my ideas sound contradictory, but if you think about it, Hoenn is the region that has the closest relationship to the one I'm brainstorming. A wide diversity of terrain, rough hazardous landscapes... Still workiong on the idea. Might put some concept drawings up later.
  6. V

    V Ancient
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    1) I want an essential console release; I'm talking you play as oldschool Red starting out in Yellow version with his beloved Pikachu. From there, you progress through Kanto, to the Sevii/Orange Islands, back to Kanto for the pokemon league, through Johto's league challenge, and finish your reign in Hoenn, where you become regarded as an elite Pokemon Champion of sorts. All the while, you have plenty of side quests to complete either during or after the main quest (meeting legendaries, knocking out gangs like the Rockets, etc.) and you can even travel to areas off the main continent to attempt these (cameo appearances in Spear Pilllar, Lost Island [where Mewtwo created his castle for the challenge in Pokemon: the First Movie], etc.) As you progress, you see more and more of the later pokemon; you start off with just generation 1 pokemon and like once you beat the main quest, you start seeing even the 4th and 5th generation pokemon popping up in areas. They could go back and rework the party system, leveling up, moves, yadda yadda and turn this into a whole new RPG. Just a thought I've had since R/S/E.

    2) A Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald remake would be pretty cool.

    3) Hell, an updated Yellow would be nice.
  7. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Blood + Profanity + Team rocket poaches pokemon instead of steal them + Pokemon actually die = win
  8. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i would like a street fighter but with pokemon in it. or when you fight the pokemon will run up and hit not just lean forward and more 3d fighting visuals
  9. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    Yes, this would be nice. It's lame just going to get the 8 badges, beat the League, do some side stuff like getting legendary pokemon (if you want) and nothing to do, but capture some pokemon for shits and gigs and play with some friends. It be nice to travel around the world sorta speak, and have time pass and see yourself and others get older. (some how) I truly don't know the limits they can put into a DS game, since i only play it for pokemon, but a huge revolution would be cool.
  10. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    It would be cool, but I doubt that this would even be possible on a DS game. Personally, I would prefer that they expand the regions in remakes. If you've ever seen the TV show, the regions are actually far larger than they are in the games. So I would like them to remake the regions in greater detail.

    Also, I want a new battle item, a one-use dveice that you can buy from pokemarts, that allows you to see what the enemy pokemon's nature is. Could be very helpful for catching the pokemon with the nature you want?

    Also, I want the Pinka berry to make an appearance. Cookie for you if you know what this berry does when eaten by a Pokemon.
  11. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    Is that the one that turns them pink? I remember that being an episode.
  12. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    You can has :):)
  13. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I want to see Dawn naked. Oh, wait, we have Rule 34 for that. Never mind.

    I'd like no more legendaries. They are pretty cheap.
    #13 Mongoose, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  14. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Or a limited amount
  15. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Aw man, but i liek legendaries...

    Wait, how about this? In Wifi or Link battles, Battle Frontier rules apply. In other words, you can't use legendaries in Link or Wifi battles.

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