Thanks to both my parents being geologists, they knew in about five minutes so I found out as soon as I checked my email. If the 8.9 starting it out wasn't bad enough, they've been getting aftershocks almost continuously since it started. Those wouldn't be devastating on their own, but it doesn't exactly help recovery. Look here to see what's happening from the geologic standpoint.
hahahahahaha one of their nuclear plants blew up [br][/br]Edited by merge: its not a disaster like Chernobyl though don't get too excited
Thanks for that link. My mother is from Japan, so I have a whole side of my family living there. Fortunately, they're west of Tokyo... so were away from the quakes and waves. [br][/br]Edited by merge: What's up with being a total **** about this? Imagine a nuclear plant going off in New York. That's how densely populated most of Japan is.
Actually the situation with the nuclear plants isn't as bad as people are making it out to seem. Sure the dose of radiation being let off per hour is equal to the amount a human absorbs per year, but its only that high in the immediate area. The evacuations is a precaution in the case of a large scale explosion... But the radiation from even that isn't enough to make the place unsettle-able.... Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki for example. The earthquake itself wasn't as catastrophic either... Unfortunately the tidal waves that followed were. Already estimates are soaring above 10,000 dead and/or missing... This is not something to laugh or joke about. On the bright side of things, all American military and diplomatic personnel in Japan are accounted for.
As well as the creators of Hello Kitty and Pokémon. I saw some videos on this and its amazing the survival stories of some people. This one guy was adrift on a roof and a navy ship caught him. He lost his wife and all his posessions.
Aside from these children being retarded dickheads, I for one hope the country settles back down and people can reclaim their lives. Many people lost friends, family and their lives. It's not a damn joke.
I've been monitoring that site all the time, and I'm amazed at how active it's been since the 8.9. Japan is just getting pummelled by earthquake activity. It's no wonder all the reactors are having problems. Looks like California had a couple tremors above 5.0 in the last day, as well.
Everything is a joke. Sure, HPM is an openly racist moron, but there's no reason to get sensitive, sentimental and superstitious just because a few thousand people died somewhere in the world. If you care that much, stop being a ****ing hypocrite and donate money, because all your concern (possibly even pseudo-concern) is going to waste.
There is no humour without Tragedy... Anywho, this is insane. Some of the footage Ive seen is ridiculous...
I'd love to see how you'd react if your home shook apart, then all of your worldly possessions and family were washed into the ocean... then we'd see what a joke that is to you. It's not about being sensitive, sentimental, or superstitious... it's about being human. It's one thing to make a joke of people for their stupidity when they have control over the outcome... and something completely different when it comes to natural disasters that we have no control over. Stuff like this could have just as easily happened to any one of us or people we do care about.
People on this thread make me sick. This is one of the worst things I ever seen happen, and I highly doubt anything as catastrophic will occur in my lifetime. So seriously, there's a time and a place. If you're one to joke about this stuff, **** off to sickipedia. There are plenty of people who share your sense of humour. I, for one, will be donating wherever I can. Once I have money.
Actually until now my parents have been laughing their asses off about all the 2012 stuff people are afraid of, but with the fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field and increase in earthquakes recently being a strong sign of changing flow in the mantle, there may actually be some bad stuff happening soon. Of course "soon" in geologic time is anywhere in the next thousand years. Of course it's more likely that some nut case will think it's the end of the world and go set off nukes to make that a self fulfilling prophesy.
I am a bit blown away by the immaturity of some people's responses to the situation. It really freaks me out that people are so desensitized to this kind of thing. A LOT of people died and even more are struggling because of this situation and some people crack jokes or get on people's cases for showing some concern for other people. If you really have nothing good or helpful to say about the situation just keep it to yourself...or just grow up, whichever is easier.
Welcome to the internet were the laws of social interaction do not apply. When dealing with the veil of anonymity, all social norms are thrown out the window.