Voting And the Nominations are... Concave Arcane Tayari Reflect Compass Voting ends Friday, March 18th at 12:14EST!
Going with Tayari. I love the way the map feels, and the gameplay. The sink holes are cool too. Love it. I indeed love it.
That was the most off-topic post I've ever seen. Got anything to say about the maps? Mine would definitely have to go to Reflect. That map is amazing. Too amazing to leave out of FHF.
Lol, it was a spam bot dude, don't worry. Anyways, this is a toooough choice. Concave is awesome, Tayari is awesome, Arcane is awesome. Hmm......
LOL at all the spambot posts... I be voting for the awesome Reflect, even though I still disaprove of the sig that Steve uses. (Its not right!!)
Having only played once or twice on all of these... Imma going to have to vote for Tayari. Its small, fast paced, and those teleporters are epic.