
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by ShortKidPena, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    By, ShortkidPena

    Overview: Run is basically the combination of a map and gametype. It is reminiscent of original zombies on sandtrap if anyone remembers those games. The map is simply a mish-mash of scenery and useful cover in the Canyon for zombies and certain paths for the humans. It is all unique and will take about one game to get used to all of the terrain. Its a mix of natural and synthetic terrain. Basically, the humans start on one end of the map, where they are crashed onto the shore with warthogs, mongooses, and random equipment. The zombies start on the opposite end of the map in the rock area and have respawn points randomly throughout the map. The zombies are incredibly fast, yet slightly slower than the warthogs. The map can be played as a free for all, or as a team convoy effort, and trust me, when there are 10+ zombies, it is necessary. The last man standing has 2x overshields and is a extra fast, but not as fast as the zombies. Don't go trying to camp in a corner on foot with your shotgun, you run out of ammo fast. Also, all the obvious camping spots and breaks are set up with soft kill zones, even the back area of the synthetic cliff has one SO NO CAMPING!!! The only semi-honor rule is not to be gay with the guass warthogs and shoot other drivers(for me, it equals an automatic boot) beccause it just ruins the game for everyone else, so just choose your friends wisely. Other than that, you really can't ruin this game :D

    The part of my map is from :56 to 1:46 and is just a slightly earlier version of the one I'm posting, so the gameplay is the same, but a few aesthetics are changed.
    YouTube - Tuesday Night Tests at (Video #3)

    Humans starting point & cake(inside joke)

    Zombies starting point at far side of map

    Overview of map

    Artificial cliff and scenery by human spawn

    Center cliff and scenery

    Tunnel area

    Waterfall with man cannon at base

    More area



    Thanks to everyone who helped me test this out and to Emma's Cakes!!(inside joke)
    #1 ShortKidPena, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011
  2. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    Playing this was always a pleasure, and an extremely enjoyable one at that. Although, the cake is new to me, I find the Emma reference hilarious. The game is packed with intense action all across the board, with the delicate balance of colluseum walls in a new way, an astonishing way. Congratulations on the outstanding map, I hope it takes you far!
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    The cake is still the Emma reference, but it just doesn't look so obnoxious as a giant happy face and words on the side of the cliff :)
  4. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello! This is a cool map, and I enjoyed testing this out, the gametype was fun man, really enjoyed, I didn't get to go on the towers and will have to have another few runs to see how the gameplay is up there. But from what I remember running around fast smashing vehicals I had a blast. Great work

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