
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Blaze, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    -Thanks chung wii for the fantastic picture. :)

    Valkyrie was probably the 3rd map that I had created in reach, Built from another design that I've had for quite sometime. Maybe not as far back as my previous release Insomnia but still long before reach. Though I have taken so long to post this map, I can assure you that this can compare with a good bit of the maps posted now. ^-^

    YouTube - Reach Forge Map: Valkyrie

    Heavily inspired by construct this map is an asymmetrical map that has an oddly symmetric feel to it. Great for medium sized parties of teams and free for all with or without armor abilities.

    Gametypes recommended are Slayer and King of the Hill.

    Power weapons include Rockets, 2 Snipers, Concession rifle and Shutgun/


    Addition pictures:










    Ask for any additional information, I will update this thread regularly. Also, I'm willing to make changes to improve my map so any suggestions are very appreciated.
    #1 Blaze, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  2. Pope Rex

    Pope Rex Forerunner

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    Looks like a fun asym!

    I'm worried it might feel cramped with 2 snipers plus rockets, but I'll save judgement for a playtest later today.
  3. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played a 2v2 on this a while back..
    I believe I had just stole it from your file share when you came online once, and I've got to say it was pretty awesome. The action was a bit slow but I'm quite sure that was due to the amount of people I had to play it..
    I liked that one lift for some reason.. I just always expected to come out the other way and the when I didn't I was like ':D'

    Anyway, cool map. I'll give it a download to replace the older version I have.
    #3 HopefulRUIN, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  4. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Oh no, the map's definitely big enough for 2 snipers and rockets. Take a walk around it and you'll see. It may seem cramped from pictures but the map is pretty big.

    Yeah, it will be slow with 2v2. 4v4 is the recommended amount. I'm glad you still enjoyed it anyway. Let me know any details and complaints if you get a good game on it. :)

    Thanks guys.
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks awesome, the aesthetics are nice and the use of grass and structure is perfectly forged together. Although, there are a few thing that I would change. First, using the 1x4 blocks for tactical jumps might be a little difficult and frustrating for some people if they keep falling off, try making a well-forged grav-lift of some kind so you can't get picked-off trying to jump up to upper floor. Also, the grassy hill is VERY creative and looks great, but maybe try using somme flat rocks to fill in the gaps so it doesn't look like you used circular tin cups. It will give it a more grassy-rock type feel. These are just my opinions, but other than those minor things this maps looks great. Keep it up. (Sorry for the bad typing, I'm using my sisters shitty laptop ;)
    #5 Eightball, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    That's not supposed to be a tactical jump, that's supposed to be cover and random aesthetics. It just so happens that a player with the skill and common sense to use his resources wisely will have that slight advantage. Thank you for your opinion on that though. :) I'm out of money, or I'd fix up unimportant aesthetics. I would like to but it was on the last of my list. :/ Again, thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

    Edited by merge:

    Update 1: Additional information and photos.








    #6 Blaze, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  7. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really enjoyed playing on this map. You and I tested it A LOT, and each time it played VERY well.

    I love all the tactical jumps io the map, makes you feel like you have an edge over everyone else.

    Spawns are spread out a lot as well and make for some good gameplay.

    All in all, amazing map. I can't find ANYTHING wrong with it at all. Great job Blaze =)
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I'm starting to get the feeling that you don't even play any of the maps you review. If all you're going to say is basically "Nothing is wrong with this map. I think it's perfect", then you aren't helping with the map at all. Giving criticism is a lot more helpful than giving an only-positive review with not a single spot of critique in it.

    On-Topic: The map looks alright, to be honest, but it's nothing I haven't seen before. I didn't see much originality in the map when I played it, anything unique or just odd that you've put in the map, perhaps to set it apart from other maps? I've seen this exact design a few times before, but it's no big deal since the design is still nice. Since I've got a 250 GB, I don't see any reason not to keep it in my HDD, though.
    #8 4shot, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  9. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excuse me sir. But shut the **** up. I was with Blaze when he made the damn map. Who are you to come in out of nowhere and judge ALL of my comments. Jesus, I'm SO in the wrong for saying the map is flawless from my own perspective. I COULDN'T find anything wrong with this map. And most of the maps/racetracks are flawless. I comment on this map due to the fact that he is my friend and also the act that I've tested on it for 4+ hours combined time. I know the map WAY better than you do good sir, and I have it on my local files. Not to mention I made the header for this post, and also edited the pictures for the post. I also have game play footage of me and Blaze testing the map. I also have 4+ saved videos of me and friend playing on it. You can come at me saying I don't test ****ing maps, but do your homework first before you make false assumptions. At LEAST take 2 seconds to look at first instead of being a lazy douche bag.

    I think the map doesn't have any flaws from my perspective. All good ideas, and good placement. Game play is even and fair, massive games play well, small games play better. Weapon placement is spot on. Had he changed weapon placement and spawns, I feel it would have not played as smooth. Or had he added line of sight blocks or taken some away, or taken out lifts, or stairs, I feel it wouldn't have helped. It's fine where it's at.
  10. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Quite an ignorant reply you have there, sir. A map cannot be flawless, perspective or not. Exactly as you say, you "couldn't" find anything wrong with the map, but that does not mean there's nothing there. How exactly is a racetrack flawless? There's always something wrong in the littlest places with racetracks, but you're not a very good tester or critic so you probably wouldn't find much wrong with it anyways. Also, if he's your friend, you would do best to criticize his map for the greater good. If you could not find any way to criticize his map, find something that will help his map improve. If all you have to say is "no flaws here!", then you'd do much better just to not give feedback in the first place. I also don't see how you could be testing a map for 4 hours and then have nothing to say about the map. How would you know that his maps are better than mine? Seems you'd know a thing or two about false assumptions, considering that is one. Lastly, what of the lazy douchebag comment? You're the one who can't take a couple minutes to give a map criticism. That's what I would define as a lazy douchebag.

    God, are you race forgers all this rude? All I was saying is you should have taken the time to criticize the map instead of giving meaningless, unhelpful feedback, and then you choose to respond by making personal attacks. Quite ignorant, if I say so myself.
  11. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Guys c'mon. Keep the fighting out of the thread please.

    OP: I remember stealing this map off your file share late last year (sneaky is what I am) I've always been interested in maps that include the natural geometry of Forge World so I was impressed with it immediately (aesthetic-wise ofcourse). Looks like it would be a fun map. We should definitely play this (and all those other maps of yours) sometime.
  12. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    It was less of fighting and more of me advising that he criticize the map rather than post about it being flawless. The natural maps always seem to impress me too. This map is not perfect, but I do like it. The fact that people believe maps, or anything for that matter, to be perfect is beyond me.
  13. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I don't apriciate you coming on my thread calling people out, out of ignorance, but it's no big deal. Anyway...

    He has tested my maps quite a bit, as we play the map I get feedback (from him as well as everyone else testing my maps) and change what I need to make my map as close to flawless as possible. So I wouldn't be so quick to assume.

    I'm glad you felt the map was decent, besides you feeling it was somewhat unoriginal and that no map is perfect, what did you fins wrong with it? I planned roughly over a year and tested over several months, so I did my best to make it flawless. The only thing that I have come across in the later versions of the maps was an occupational bad spawn and maybe somewhat bland weapons, though it's what fits the map best and I even tested fiesta slayer to see which weapons worked best for the map.

    So, please share the things you feel I should change so I can make my map better.

    Edit: By the way, since I've been forging in reach I've been focusing almost all on map design for better gameplay and not really trying to be out of the ordinary. In halo 3 I started a lot of aesthetic trends and I do have the creativity, though, I end up using all of my rescorses to get exactly how I want the map to play, when in halo 3 the maps were very small, therefor being a lot of extra objects to experiment with. :/ I know people want to see original stuff but I think besides making the aesthetics more original I'd rather make the map clean and keep the gameplay better.
    #13 Blaze, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2011
  14. XBG SICK

    XBG SICK Forerunner

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    This map looks cool i like the glass ceiling and the way you have used the tin cups and rocks for that arch.When i have downloaded and played i will give some constructive feedback.
  15. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Thanks man. Can't wait to hear the feedback. I hope you enjoy it. Parties of 4v4 play near best. :)
  16. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I finally managed to get a game on this during the testing sessions you were holding yesterday. Valkyrie was easily one of my favourites to play on. The map looks beautiful and it flows exceptionally well. If I remember correctly, I think there was some minor framerate lag. Aside from that though the map's great and it won't be leaving my HDD anytime soon.

    <3 the jump ups.
  17. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Glad you liked it. You were one of the lucky people that got to see the begining phases of v2. :D I'm trying to find a way to reduce the frame rate lag, it's only in one part as fay as I've noticed. So I'll see what I can do. :) I'm aware.
  18. Therenownedpuppy

    Therenownedpuppy Promethean

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    I checked your fileshare and its not on there
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Should I attempt to remake this in halo 4? Message me or post or something if you want and tell me what changes I should make if I choose to. :)
  20. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Idk, is 4shot still around?

    Haha! Jk. I say go for it. It seems possible though those open spaces might be troublesome due to the extreme long range weapon focus. Open areas symbolize death more in H4 than in any other halo ever. Good luck with the rock arch.

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