I just modified my post so the urls are there so you don't have to upload them to a host if you don't want. And no worries mate, glad you like it. I wasn't sure with this one. Some people don't like the grunge/gore style I used in this one. Tex, I don't think about what I'm going to do untill I do them xD.
Could you make one, like your doing for Tex, for my friend? Name: Astronaut31 Slogan: none Here is a link to his profile with his pic... I wasn't sure what color he is soo.... also, could you use either his symbol or the death from the grave emblem? i think the DFTG emblem is better though... not much else I'd say that there is... although alternately, you (if possible) could do... Name:Astronaut31 and instead of him use this pic: Slogan: The Gangsta Grunt... not sure what else, you decide what you think would look best... otherwise thanks, and unlike Tex I'm gonna try to keep it a surprise... thanks again!
Seconding the new rule that Reynbow gets a good rep if he makes u a sign, would do it when he makes mine, but already repped him ^-^
Name on Sig - See second image Slogan - "The Sweeper" Main colour - Bloody red like Ivory Snak3's Secondary colours - flame blue (the kind you get with an LPG burner if you know what I mean. Main Style - something evil looking. If wanting a Spartan Model Head - ODST Body -Katana LS - Scout RS - scout Primary Colour - blue Secondary Colour - light blue Detail Colour - red Emblem: Font for my username (big and centralized) and my Gamertag (The Texan83, written under my user name) is this one and use this somewhere in the background, with a very dark red as the main pic colour.
Waylander if you tried to add some images I can't see them =\ If not, I don't understand what you're trying to say.
You'll have to find the font or something similar if you want it, you can imagine how busy I am just with the sigs themselves let alone having to find fonts aswell =\
Off I go, Though I've changed my mind about that design. Looks good on my shoulder but I don't think it would look all that great with the rest of the stuff in there, so I'll grab a font for my username and GT.
Here we go Matty Anything you would like changed? Colours, Font? [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse]
Name on Sig - Nicko Slogan - ... A Pyromaniac Main colour - Red Secondary colours - Orange,(fiery colors) Main Style - Whatever looks cool - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Rogue Body - Haybusa LS - EVA RS - EVA Primary Colour - Red Secondary Colour - White Detail Colour - White Medal - Inceneration(please cut out the middle if you can so its just the flaming skull) Style - Complex Font - http://www.dafont.com/docteur-atomic.font
Woot! As I said before, forever in your debt! Ok, here goes... Name on Sig - Creep1ng De4th Slogan - Ghosts of Onyx Main colour - Red Secondary colours - Silver,black Main Style - I trust your judgement. - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Rogue Body - Default LS - Scout RS - Scout Primary Colour - Red Secondary Colour - Silver Detail Colour - Silver Medal - Incineration(just the flaming skull if possible) Font - http://www.dafont.com/bleeding-cowboys.font - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon - none - Signature size - Size - Default or if you have to go bigger since my name is long that is fine. Style - Complex
it would be cool if i could get a super fancy version of the shitty sig i already have. I really like your style and you can put your own twist on any of the following. Name on Sig - CHUCK Slogan - "The Second Wave" (i'm moderator of this group) Main colour - Brown and or Black Secondary colours - reds, other browns, whites. These are just colors i like, it doesnt need all of them, just whatever looks good. - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - CQB Body - EVA LS - EVA RS - MARK VI Primary Colour - Steel Secondary Colour - White Detail Colour - Red Link > Return to Service Record Main < Link Emblem Image - Use this generator to make your Emblem, then post the image it provides here - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Shotgun Secondary Weapon - Battle Rifle - Font Used - Font - Something Classy - Signature size - Size - Default Style - Somewhere between simple and complex, but it needs to have a corduroy-like pattern somewhere in it really, just hardcore update the one i have. actually, make it pretty much completely different. lol. thanks, CHUCK also if you could, i'd like a standalone very simple and small "The Second Wave" sig for my group to have in their sigs.
No worries guys. Now remember people you are on a list. The list is at the bottom of the OP so you know where you are. Expect maybe 1 to 2 sigs to be made per day. If I'm in the mood and have nothing on that day. Each sig takes somewhere between 1-3 hours. So for new people adding to the list you could be waiting a while. Anyway, I'll try to pillage through the list as fast as possible. I'm really happy to see so many people interested =]
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - xXmooregamesXx Slogan - An Instrument of Destruction Main colour - Light Blue (this color) Secondary colours - Silver/ Darker Shades of Blue - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Rouge LS - CQB RS - Scout Body - CQB Primary Colour - White Secondary Colour - Green (the Darkest one) Detail Colour - Yellow Emblem Image - Medal- Splatter (do not use the emblem, just this, but could you modify it so the colors match the sig) - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - (Driving a Ghost, but if you need it) Sniper Secondary Weapon - None - Font Used - Font - Nada - Signature size - Size - Default Style - Techy I want my character in a ghost, splattering an elite (dark gray primary/ red secondary/ detail red). It would be cool if the body was hitting against the text. And if you could exaggerate the ghost boost lines and change the color of them to dark blue. Also, you should add more that swirl around the sig and the text and the medal. So, a ghost with me in it, splattering an elite and the boost lines exaggerated and swirling around the whole sig. I am not going to be more specific, but you may use your judgment to make it awesome. Thanks forever. Oh yeah, techy style. [EDIT: Umm, just wanted to clarify, I want the glowing streaks to be different shades of blue (sky blue to navy, but not bright blue, ie THIS) and shades from light gray to dark gray for the secondary colors of the lines (if you notice in the game, there are two diffderent colors in the boost, purple and white.) And make them glowing.] Thanks in advance. It will be well worth the wait. I hope you have fun! And just because "techy" isnt very clear, something like this: Ironman Website I don't want it like ironman, but if you look at the background of that site, that is "techy." Actually, I would like the style to look more like a blueprint, if you kind of get where I am going with this...
What can I say man? Your a dam good sig maker lol. If I didn't love the sig Reaper of Bunny made me so much, I'd ask you...
This sounds like fun, I am going to like making this one I think =D Haha not much can top the pigs from Zim =D And thanks for the props mate =]