Research, Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DeStarfighter, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is my first Invasion map and I’m not really sure what to call it yet but something with stolen data or something else that also is totally unoriginal.

    Well anyway, the concept of this map is that the covenant are attacking a research facility where the Spartans try to unravel the mysteries of some of the covenant weapons.

    The Covenants don’t like that. . . .

    So their objective is to infiltrate the Spartan base witch is located in the hangar and retrieve the data they have gathered.


    This is a drop pod from a covenant mother ship, and holds the initial spawns for the attacking team.


    This is the outside of the Spartan base.

    The first phase:
    The drop pod have been opened up and the Spartans have been alerted to the threat. What comes next is an air battle with an assault objective. Every single one of the covenants will have access to a Banshee thru the entire phase.
    To the Spartans aid, two falcons as well as a bunch of power weapons as rocket launchers, one Spartan laser and one sniper rifle. (none of these items will be respawned, so use them well).


    The attacking team needs to fight their way to the base, pick up the bomb that have been dropped of there and blow up one of two generators to deactivate the defensive shield.



    The second phase:
    The covenants have gained some ground and are now “spawning” on the outer platforms of the Spartan base.


    The first view while entering the facility is the core room. Still the room is shut of by a couple of one way shields.

    The covenants soon realise that there is once again two generators that needs to be blown up to get rid of the shields, which seems to be located on the top floor.


    They have already used their bomb to get inside the base, so what they have to do now is to keep fighting their way deeper into the base to where the lab is located. There they will find a bomb that they can steal and use to blow up the power source for the core room shields.



    To get to the second floor you can use one of four gravity lifts which is located in every corner of the room.


    Blowing up!


    The third phase:
    Now the core is vulnerable, and all that is left is for the covenants is to grab the core and bring it outside to be picked up by the mother ship



    After that the covenants have retrieved the data gathered of their weapons and the Spartans have lost.

    I will not post a link to the map itself due to lack of space in my fileshare for the moment but anyone who wants to test it to help me perfect the map or just for fun is welome to add me on their xbl friendslist.
    #1 DeStarfighter, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  2. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    I helped test this the other day, it's an good invasion map. The first phase was different from anything I've played before. I was a little confused at were to get the bomb in the 2nd phase though, or where to put it until I looked up. The third phase the core didn't show up, I see you've fixed that issue though. I don't really have any comments on the third phase because of the problem witth the core.

    The asthetics were nice. The drop pod looks cool, and the generator room is very realistic.

    Overall a fun experience.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I thought it was ok and fairly fun, but the Elite base in my opinion is way too small. You should add more cover to the base and make it somewhat larger, and also add a way to get to the base on foot. This would improve the map greatly. Although there were no problems with spawn killing in the 4-5 games I played on this, you don't have to risk taking that chance.
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    You might want to think of giving respawn timers to the first phase weapons just so people don't end up helpless against the banshees. You want a sustainable balance of gameplay that will be fun for both sides. I think this will transition quickly from spartans immediately destroying any banshee that comes near to banshees just spawn killing humans until someone finally feels like ending the slaughter and plants the bomb.
  5. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
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    during playtests it have proven that giving the weapons on the defensive side respawn timers made the team way to powerfull. Im trying alot of different ways to make it as even as possible and I think I will stick with that they never respawn. the power weapons actually seem to last all thru the first round anyway.

    and I have put alot of thought in the placing of respawn zones to prevent spawnkilling and the last time I played it it worked pretty well. all fire teams have at least two different spawns to choose from one of them is under the main platform and seems to be a pretty safe area. + I've given the spartans armorlocks in the first loadout to defend themself from the banshees attacks. :)

    Edited by merge:

    I dont really think I need to add anything to the elite "base".
    first off because its not designed as a "base". its kind of just a starting position for the elites to jump in their banshees and attack the hangar.
    and adding a walkway to the hangar would really be pointless and weird. that bridge would be tooo looong and it would take like 2 minutes to get to your destination. also it just doesnt fit in the storyline :)

    Edited by merge:

    hopefully the objectives wont conduse all players to much. if they do I think they will get it after a round or two.
    and yeah I fixed the last phase so the core appears ^^ I labeled it inv objective instead of inv flag.
    #5 DeStarfighter, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  6. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool so far. I hope I get to play this soon. Feel free to ask if you need any help with Invasion forge. I like how theres banshees right from the start so theres no boring first phase where no one gets any decent weapons.
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is looking better, but I still wonder about having to steal the bomb in P2 and then bring it somewhere as well. I don't know how this plays, but just something to think about. A walkway in p1 would look stupid and you would never get up it, but a teleport would give elites a way up if the banshees ran out (can they still run out?) and offer a good side way to attack without having to jump out of the banshie. P3 I still feel that the 1 way out the door with the core is too restricted, but until I get a game on the map I won't know for sure. Great job man!
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    All I'm saying you should probably expand it or at the very least add cover to prevent any spawn killing that may happen. It's more likely than you might think. I'm not talking about just a bridge, but more of anything. I think a more tactical approach would be pretty cool, anyways.

    Also, what do you mean "doesn't fit the storyline"? What happens when all the Falcons get blown up? The UNSC in this so-called storyline should have a ground approach as a last resort, because what's going to happen when they don't have a flying vehicle? Not that the storyline matters to the gameplay anyways. I don't know about you, but I like having a way to stealthily assault the enemy base. It's always fun.
    #8 4shot, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  9. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    well. . . the reason why I'm not going to change the starting area for the elites is because its not designed as a "base" its more like a drop pod with one purpose, to launch alot of banshees (It does not need to be bigger). And I don’t think I will add cover over there, if someone gets spawn killed its too bad but I actually don’t think that it will happen frequently. The Spartans will have other things to focus on. . . like the gang of banshees flying around their base.

    About the story line: its just that the elites starting point is designed to be a drop pod that just crashed into the ocean, and building it as a big base wont be realistic considering that. Also it is only going to be used in the first phase to there’s no need to use up the entire budget on that structure.

    What if the falcons blow up? The Spartans are supposed to be defending their base anyway. If the falcons blow up they just need to use something else and a different strategy to fight of the banshees.

    As for a way to stealthily assault the base. . . the first phase is simply just not made that way. It’s an airstrike with a full power attack.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks man. And I’m sure you will get a chance to try it out.

    I think its kind of better to use the banshees and power weapons in the first phase, It just makes more sense that you will need more firepower to break into the base rather than running around with rocket launchers and drive scorpions inside ^^

    Edited by merge:

    Im actually not sure about the second phase yet, but I will keep it this way to try it out some more, still I think it might work if I make the phase more even by giving the elites slightly more powerful weapons or something :)

    hmm. . . Im not sure if theres any need to have a teleporter in the elites drop pod, because I've made it so the banshees wont run out, only the falcons.

    well there havent been any problems with the third phase yet but you should join me for a game sometime and so you can try it out yourself.
    #9 DeStarfighter, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  10. Crummy

    Crummy Forerunner

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    I haven’t tested this map yet but I have to say that this looks extremely promising!

    You just keep building great maps, you should build an epic infection map soon ^^

    And by the way I don’t think you should add a bridge from the elite base, that bridge would be huuuuuuuge and extremely unnecessary. And as you said it is supposed to be a drop pod or something that came from a bigger ship, would be weird if it was a big base :p

    Anyway, this looks awesome. Hope I can test this with you soon!
  11. lofse

    lofse Forerunner
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    Mabye make the second phase a territoriers phase, mabye some hacking a console or something.
  12. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    yeah, I've been considiring that. not sure yet tough. might do two different versions of it and then see wich one plays the best

    still I want a reason for it to include a big explosion ^^
    #12 DeStarfighter, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  13. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Id like to play on this map, so if you need another guy for testing and Im on just send me an invite. From what Ive seen your maps are great and this seems to be no exception.
  14. Security

    Security Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I absolutely love the idea of the Elites spawning with Banshees and attacking the Spartans. This map looks great! Keep it up.
  15. desmondb

    desmondb Forerunner

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    i am intrigued. If possible I'd like to play it but just from the screen-shots, the map looks impressive.

    -Keep me posted on this please
  16. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome. Also, congrats on having the biggest drop pod EVER.

    I'll have to check this out
  17. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    lol thanks :p
    well If you want to try it out sometime you can add me on xbl. GT: DeStarfighter

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