Flood LockFlood Lock is a symmetrical map that utilizes low and high spots along with water to alter the game play in a way not seen by many maps. On top of being out in the open you have the option to quickly traverse to either side of the map by means of "flooded" tunnels. Through these tunnels you can re-emerge in the center of the map or in one of its 4 corners, this allows for fun and surprising objective type game play. Why did you use a grid on the top, why not just put a killzone? Spoiler That is a question that everyone asks lol. The grid was used so that you could ricochet grenades/launchers into hard to reach places. Many times I have used the spikers in conjunction with it to finish off a shield-less enemy that has fled behind cover from across the map. The grid also puts a negative impact on jet packs while not rendering them useless but keeping them balanced with everything else, which is hard to accomplish. I also believe that is increases the visuals and the "fun" to the map. Best if you watch in 720p or 1080pGame-Play Trailer Weapons on Map Spoiler Version 1 Concussion Rifle x1 DMR x11 Grenade Launcher x1 Magnum x2 Needle Rifle x4 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Repeater x2 Rockets x1 Spiker x2 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Version 2 Spoiler Rockets removed, 3 dmr's removed, concussion rifle placed where rockets used to sit. Concussion Rifle x1 DMR x9 Grenade Launcher x1 Magnum x2 Needle Rifle x4 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Repeater x2 Spiker x2 Shotgun x2 Sniper Rifle x2 Screen Shots Spoiler Wide View Wide View #2 Red Spawn Rocket Spawn Shotgun Spawn Sniper Tower Sniper Tunnel Flooded Tunnels Show Stopper! Feedback would be much appreciated, Thanks!
Downloaded. And that is a complement considering it's coming from an infection fanatic like myself. (I have like no competative maps on my hardrive.) At first I thought this was a casual map for infection. The title is alittle misleading but I love how you used the water with the regular geometry of the map. I also like the grid at the top but thats just me. Congrats on your map and welcome to forgehub! =D EDIT: Whats with the V2?
Thanks, yea I didnt even realize that it would stand out as infection, since I dont play infection all that much =\ The version 2 just has a couple weapon changes. Again thanks for the Download. I hope you like it =)
I cant believe that I never thought of that. I will actually try to work with that, but, I cant promise anything, since I have run the cash down to almost zip. But I will see what I can do. [br][/br]Edited by merge: It turns out your idea would be impossible for me to implement.. 1) I dont have enough money left over for the 12 Coliseum windows I would need 2) I have used all doors/windows/walls 3) I have used all building blocks So I deleted some walls and covered it just to see how it would look, and I must say it look horrifying, those are way to big and bulky and does not fit with the idea of the map. They are an eyesore for smaller maps, and it made the map seem more "dark" which is not what I want. So all in all, even if I had a way to implement them I wouldn't because of the above statement. Now, I dont see why people have this general idea that grid look bad and need to be removed from maps, I think if you use them correctly then they do not look but instead look nice. I believe that to be the case with my map.