Remake Kin0 der t0ten

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by timmypanic, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Kino der toten (black ops)

    Kino Der Toten (black ops)


    Hello & welcome to my latest map.
    This new improved verion is now compatible with slayer gametypes and ctf gametypes & infection aswell as my zombies custom gametype.

    Big thanks to Anime Halo & Dieabolical D & XBG Sick in help with suggestions and testing and tweeking map and gametype and xbg sick for helping me get further in zombies to replIcate more of the map :D

    I recently got black ops, and have been playing zombies, and I wanted to reproduce the zombie level Kino der Toten, so I did.

    This is not the complete map. for a few reasons, 1 its to big for the infection map to be competitive, also budget and the fact that I can't complete yet lol
    Never the less this is 95 % of the map atleast. only room not included is dressing room and 1 set of steps, also the alley is now just a room.


    The map includes the doors you have to pay to get through. To pay you have to use your grenade. There are 4 grenades spread over the map so keep them safe as u need to open doors and also for the mystery box :p
    There are 3 doors that u must "pay" to get through
    also 2 mystery boxes. These are tamper proof and working ....very well.
    Today I looked and found another kino map. This is the 3rd most downloaded file of the week and most recomended on bungie...and let me tell u that in comparison... well there is no comparison. My map totally outclasses.
    I am proud of the layout and the aesthetics and the seporate rooms,
    also the teleporter that u must turn power on first for it to work.
    I have gone in depth to not only create a map that looks simmilar but also has the gametype of the actual game.

    The weapons are standing with camp stools in proper locations on walls, just like the black ops zombie game. Also you can't enter the zombie spawn locations...

    2 mystery boxes containing an alsortment of good and fun weapons, all with no extra clips. u have 10 seconds to grab before the box resets. I have tested time and time again, each box has 5 weapons, 1 maybe 2 occasionally come out at a time. Also you can only re use mystery box every 30 seconds as u need to wait for it to reset to use. U will be amazed how much I have done in such little time

    zombies move at 75% and have evade 300% damage although 1 head shot will kill. This is well zombies die if you head shot, has always been this way on most games ...films books etc, etc.
    There is 1 custom power up every 30 seconds making 1 zombie into a zombie wolf, super fast and jumps further, head shot needed to kill, also this super zombie needs 5 headshots to kill. Just making it fun for both sides and also replecating the zombie wolfs.


    There is a lot more in game including re-sealing doors & windows to keep zombies at bay.

    note don't try to break out into zombie spawns as u may get stuck, or death, have made safe havens with negetive properties and soft and hard killzones. Including the mystery box!!! You have been warned, lol!










    Opening mystery box!!!


    also I openend up room to theatre and stage



    opening box on stage in theatre




    opening door



    kino der toten dl
    #1 timmypanic, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow timmy, this looks amazing. The attention to detail and the aesthetics are outstanding. This is definetly the best re-make of any zombie map out of all the zombie maps in COD. The overview is very descriptive and neat and everything looks flawless. Good work.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you! I am really please with how this has turned out and how true to the game it is. I am glad u like it. Hope u get some games on it soon.
    Also... Hope your move has gone smooth. Thanks
  4. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Just from the pictures, it look like a solid stike for Black Ops zombies, which has been looking for a decent Halo re-imagining for a while now.
    However, I recommend you post Infection maps in the casual maps section.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you, the lay out is very competitive. I will update with slayer also working as the layout is good. Thanks for your feedback. Will update asap.

    Updated, map now improved, more spawn locations added, changes to the zombie spawns, portable cover has been used instead of crates. Also added more gametypes, new download has slayers gametypes and capture flag gameytypes.
    #5 timmypanic, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011

    LETHAL BLOW Forerunner

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    This map looks great! The forging looks so clean and consistent.
    And as far as i can tell the map is extremly accurate to the original.
    The part that stands out to me is the Main starting area. Those forged balls on the staircases are so cool. Also the random weapon boxes, and the deployable cover for windows was a great idea.
    Apparently grenades are being used as money ( and are used to open doors / boxes ) : and if that's true, then this is truly one amazing map!
    Congratz on this creation!!! 5/5 Keep Forging!!!!
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, great feedback. Am glad u like it . I started making map a few days ago, and was an exciting map for me to forge. I enjoyed making the mystery boxes to see them work is awesome. After many trying and failing , this worked practically first time. The doors were anime halos idea , and a great addition to the theme. The portable shields were updated in this newer version as the crates were too heavy.
    But also there is a lot that u dont really notice. The mystery boxes and walls are light up with hidden platforms and blocks. Making dark areas light enough to see, and still being able to keep the dark surroundings of the map. I have been searching for a decent kino file to compare, all had problems, mainly with fixed weapons. And some were totally inaccurate.
    Thank you for the awesome feedback :)
    #7 timmypanic, Mar 8, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  8. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    looks a lot like the original map from Black-ops. The only thing that worries me is the mystery boxes as there is a chance that more then one item may come out (or none at all). :(
  9. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello! Thanks for checking out my map. This is the first working mystery box. It is not fool proof, there is a chance that more than 1 weapon comes out, they are set to respawn in 10s resetting box. It does work well and to my knowledge is as close as we can get to a mystery box. Weapons vary in each use, and angle of grenade throw can mean different weapons. It also has insta kill for anyone who tries to tamper with box. Its as good as possible and i doubt anyone will think of a better way of making a random weapon generator. Thanks for your feedback
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ... I have no idea what to say, clearly all the people above that posted have either never played this map on black ops, or are under the influence of some memory altering drug, and my main reasons for saying this are:

    • Lobby is WAY too open.
    • Stage does not look like that.
    • Everything is just too big, rails are too high, rooms are too big, doors are too big.
    • More inspired by Kino, not a remake of it, too much is altered to be a remake.

    My suggestion? don't go so over the top with aesthetic parts that are clearly only aesthetics, like the the weird balls made of capture plates, and don't force a gimmicky thing like the random box, that should come AFTER the main structuring is done, don't sacrifice rooms to make random weapon boxes.

    One last thing, dealing with
    • Don't be a cocky asshole.
  11. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    I wont lower myself to your level with your foul language for no reason. Ane the map i refer to that i said mine outclasses is or should i say was in the most downloaded maps, called kino on reach. Anyway i posted facts and the opinion of me and a few other friends i showed the different versions. What i put into map is my business and if you dont like it, i dont care... Your comment is your opinion and to be honest it isnt even constructive, but a load of hot headed aggression. Get a life
  12. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    This is Reach's forge. It is not perfect. There is no possible way to completly remake something as that something is made for the game it's in, not some other company's game and or map editor system. You can only get so close, and this map is just that. Congrats!
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, it is nice to have positive feedback. It is funny thinking back to the post u refer to, the hater going on about size... The spartan is not a zombie or player off cod, so there is no way to judge size in a precise way that he seemed to want it made. I just wanted to make a repleca that could be played. Most have liked that i have added mystery boxes and doors and zombie wolfs. Of course i havent got the exact same thing. There are others commenting on bungie post and tagging cod has no place in halo. The beauty of halo and using the forge is with enough time effort and skills we can make a wide variety of gametypes and maps from any game we choose. Thanks for sticking up for me and my post and also robbiegray :)
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have no intention of stinking this thread up with off topic posts, but just to clarify;

    • FUN FACT •​

    Spartan III's (multiplayer spartan models) just so happen to to be average human height, and guess what? so are the characters on call of duty! Wow, who'd have thought of it? I guess being the same size character doesn't qualify as something too measure size by, but, whatever... its not like its my map or anything.


    Being exact is one thing, which I will be honest, is nearly impossible. However, getting the sizing at least relative is very plausible, and at least in the case of the lobby, is not in proportion at all. Did you ever think to measure the distances in the time it takes to travel point to point?


    Just because something is not positive in no way means that it isn't constructive, and just because something is positive doesn't make it constructive. Weather you choose to follow my advice and at least acknowledge the things I pointed out is another matter entirely.


    Last one, I swear. But not a lot, and just to point out, I only used one word that could be considered profane. And yes I am sorry, but I can't stand to see someone acting like a cocky asshole.
    #14 Aschur, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  15. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Let's keep it civil, folks.
  16. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Well, with the one member trying to spoil my post for me, there are many others who like, thanks for that. On bungie it is also popular and the likes and downloads tell me I've done something right. But you can't please all of the people all of the time. I would ask if there is any other constructive criticism, to be constructive and not bad for the wrong reason, e.g. not liking c.o.d. , or not liking me! And I will take it all on board for future developments. Remember when I make a remake I don't have a caliper to measure exact measurements. But I do my best to look simmilar and also be playable. Thanks
  17. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I think it looks really nice. From the what I have seen in the screenshots it looks pretty true to the original map. I just wonder how the hell-hound gameplay works in this. ;)
  18. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you for your feedback, and I am glad u like it. The file has been very popular , altogether the gametype and 2 versions had 13000 dls and got to the top of bungies download chart.
    In this new version the hell hounds work with the custom power up. There is 1 , it spawns every 45 seconds and is not placed at start. They move at 200% with the same damage multiplyer of 300% and can receive 500% damage. The ability lasts for 30 seconds . Thank you for your interest

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for your comment, I agree theatre doesnt look like the other versiobs made. It is slightly bigger as the cloak room wasnt added and the alternitive lobby staircase is now in same room as theatre. I did make from memory and from map so rooms and layout are very simmilar, but asthetics of rooms I didnt see were only made from map.
    #18 timmypanic, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  19. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    What armor ablilites would you recommend using on this map? :)
  20. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    I have to say, this is the reason I still play Reach. Because of genius works of art like these. Seriously, bro, this is legit. I've never seen a better adaptation within Forge than this map. It plays well, too, but I've never been able to get that many people together to play a few rounds. It feels very similar to playing Black Ops zombies, though. Didn't get a chance to try out the zombie wolfs, but from your description, it sounds like they might be too overpowered. Five times damage resistance? That seems a little much in my opinion, compared to what you see in Black Ops. But clever idea, none the less.

    The random weapon boxes work very well too. No problems there. The one thing I didn't find in this map was any resemblance in the first unlocking room up the staircase in the lobby to the Black Ops version. In Black Ops, you entered onto a sort of balcony, with the theater to your left, and the balcony in the shape of a square, leading around to further rooms. Maybe that was just me, but either way it's not too big of a gripe.

    All in all, I would rate this map a 9/10

    AMAZING job.

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