This is a castle map i made that has a working gate, supports one flag, one bomb, and slayer. The main piont for the attacking team is to obviously siege the castle. There are many ways for the attackers to get into the castle. The weapons are pretty much ballanced out along with each side getting a few power weapons. The gate provides a getaway for the attacking team with the flag, or a fast way to plant the bomb, much like the last resort gate, so protect the gate switch from the attacking team. I enjoy playing this with a teams of 6 or more. The attacking team also gets a catapult which is an immovable wraith, they can use this to put pressure on the deffending team and give the attacking team cover fire while they siege the castle. map download Click here front use ramps to scale walls moat and gate gate room, bomb plant, flag spawn first floor shoot fusion coils to open gate vvv enjoy! -Paulie
Cool i love switches but for the ramps in the back i no this is stupid but maybe flip them over because they just look cooler lol but i like the corner wall roof and now i see alot of those symbol reciever node thingys.
thanks, i put the ramps that way cause for a quick second the yellow lines on them loos like ladder handles lol
I played this wit some one like 2 days ago. it was pretty fun but it was a little too stacked up with power weapons
This looks really well made, the scaling ramps in the back are a great idea, being a great alternate way to get into the castle. Despite the fact that there are already millions of castle/house maps on Foundry already, this one looks like it will play pretty well. I will download this and see how it plays with my friends. You should add a list of weapons in your post, write a more detailed description, and make the post looks a bit more proffesional, as this may gain you more downloads.
Wow, what you did with the grav lifts is pretty clever. I've actually been thinking about how to use switches with grave lifts. Mostly been imagining these complicate devices where grav lifts push other grav lifts to areas where I need something lifted. The kind of contraption that occupies half of the space Foundry so that a pallet can be lifted two feet into the air. But just having them spawn where you need them is slightly better. It's likely that I'll use that concept in one of the next maps I make.
oooooohhhh, me gusta (how do you say the roof in spanish?) the roof! nice job, ill dl and get back to ya
Thismay be the best "castle" I've seen. It looks like it would flow well with the gametypes. And your interlocking looks fantastic. a DL from me fo sho.
This looks pretty decent, it has a look that reminds me of 2 things, one being the everyday-build of a house/mansion/etc...the other helm's deep, but if i may, there are quite a few house/mansion/etc's out there, i think maybe if you were to implement your skills in something a little more unique, you could have something magnificent on your hands
I wish that there werent so many weapons in the castle, and btw i saw this map on forgeguide, its pretty good one .