The Circle

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by FailedDarkCorn, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. FailedDarkCorn

    FailedDarkCorn Forerunner

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    This is my first map on forge hub, telling me what i got right and wrong would help.

    The Circle is a large almost symmetrical map. There are two differences, the first is the sniper rifle spawn, on the red side it is in a tower at the end of the bridge. Its on the the bridge that goes into the rock on blue. The other difference is the ascetics, blue is an open parkland area, red moden base area. After 3 minuetes somthing special happens (if you want to delete it its next to the grass area above the Coliseum).

    The weapons are:
    2x Spikers
    2x Plasma Repeaters
    8x Plasma and Frag grenades (16 in total)
    2x Concussion Rifle
    2x Neddler
    2x Plasma Pistol
    2x Shotgun
    1x Energy Sword
    1x Rocket Launcer
    4x DMR
    2x Magum
    1x Active Camo (power up)
    1x Oversheild (power up)
    2x Warthogs (gauss)
    2x Banshees
    There are also two teleporters

    How to get up the levels in the base:
    Ground floor to Second Floor: Ramp
    Second Floor to Roof: Elevator (works like the one in sword base)

    Now for some pictures to show you what it looks like.
    The Circle
    Red Side
    Blue Side
    Warthog (same on Red side)
    Stairs to second floor of base (both sides)
    Sniper post (red only)

    View from sniper post
    Blue sniper spawn
    Banshee Spawn (on top of both bases)
    Outside of The circle (red)
    Outside of The circle (blue)
    Road to Red area
    Some Frag grenades (same on (both sides)
    Overview of Blue area

    I have not tested it because I don't have enough people to test it properly, I would like to see how the map goes before i make another one.
    I would like to know how to make them bigger. Help for that would be greatly appreciated.
    #1 FailedDarkCorn, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  2. TheSnakePit

    TheSnakePit Forerunner

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    Im new to this forum to, check out my map The Deep. anyway let me download your map and see what its like also I had trouble with pictures to, its hard to explain but try right clicking going to propities and it will tell you the URL and you copy and paste, sometimes it worked for me other times it didnt
  3. FailedDarkCorn

    FailedDarkCorn Forerunner

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    That didn't work and neither did photobucket (unless i did that wrong)
    I'll try again

    Edited by merge:

    is that better?

    Edited by merge:

    How do you make them bigger on imageshack?
    #3 FailedDarkCorn, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011

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