
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By Paranoia UK



    Tayari is a small competitive map constructed over the Alaska area of Forgeworld. The map is primarily aimed a 1 v 1 gametypes but has been optimized to support 2 v 2 as well. It has a slightly different set up for FFA and Team gametypes to ensure that it plays well on either of the two. Tayari is the smallest map I have created on Forgeworld and has gameplay similarities to many of my Halo 3 maps.



    Designing and Building

    As always I have tried to make the map unique and different to many maps being created right now. I have used a combination of vertical coliseum walls and 2 x 2 inclines to create a unique looking floor. To enhance this I have used only one type of block to create the various walls and structures seen in the map. I think the colors and textures of these three objects compliment each other well and give the map more depth in terms of aesthetics.

    Tayari has been built without prior designing or even much thought. When I started making the map my only aim was to create a nice floor plan using the blocks mentioned above and then to build up a map using similar colors and shapes. In many ways I wish I had thought it out more prior to construction as it would have saved me a lot of time. The first draft of the map was built over the water by Paradiso. I had completed all of the floor, the walls and buildings and was starting to put the rails around the sides. At this point I was not happy with the map. There was something missing, the main courtyard was too open and there was not enough LOS blockers separating each side.

    To remedy these issues I decided to start building the map again, this time over some land so that I could have a tree in the main courtyard. Doing this not only improved gameplay with the LOS Blocker but it also improved Aesthetics and injected some much needed color into the map.




    Tayari has a feature new to one of my maps, a Teleporter. Normally I hate them, in fact I can only think of one map which I have ever used one in before. However I decided to put one in as I had recently come up with an idea which will give the teleporter, and the map, a nice little twist. It is basically a telepit. At both sides of the map there is a grey square, although it looks solid you actually pass through it. Hidden away under the square is a Sender Node, Receiver Node and Shield door set up so that when you fall in one square you pop up from the other one, Mario style...



    Other than the points mentioned above the map is pretty standard. It has my standard weapon set up, minus the rockets, and is setup for most gametypes (more information on this below). If I were to make the map again I would probably put less focus on aesthetics and use the extra budget to expand the map into Team Slayer territory.




    Testing and Feedback

    Tayari has had about two hours of testing on a few different gametypes. For 1 v 1 I found regular slayer to be the best fit. 2 v 2 is a blast on a few different gametypes, Team Slayer, Headhunter and Oddball are all very enjoyable. I tried the map out on Forgehubs 'Throwdown' gametype just to see how it was. It played fairly well but not well enough in my opinion. Having already submitted a map in the contest, which was better than this, I decided it would be pointless including Tayari also.

    From information gathered from the testing a forge through's with various friends there were some minor changes made but nothing too drastic. The Concussion rifle was removed, two health packs removed, waiting on the snipers reduced and them some minor layout adjustments.

    Thank you to everyone who helped me test the map and anyone who offered advice and suggestions.




    Weapons and Gametypes

    Tayari is set up for the following gametypes.

    Team Slayer
    King of the Hill
    Capture The Flag

    As mentioned above Tayari has different weapons for both FFA and Team based games. In short the Team Based games have more firepower. Although the changes between the two are rather small I felt it necessary in order to promote good gameplay. An interesting bi-product of this comes when playing 1 v 1. Playing it on regular slayer gives you the watered down setup but if you are the type of player who likes the added fire power simply set it to team based 1 v 1 and you have access to more weapons and ammo.




    Overall im very happy with Tayari. After I have finished my other projects I will probably forge Tayari's big brother. A similar map but built for 8+ players.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Please feel free to download, comment, rate and enjoy. Any and all feedback / criticism is always welcome. Thanks


    #1 Paranoia UK, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  2. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Sick, this map is awesome. the teleporter holes are awesome. the floors aswell, are awesome, ive never seen anyone use the ramp banks as floors or the window coliseums. this was a lot of fun, but more than 4 people gets a bit crowded.
    #2 Marcass2021, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  3. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Freakin beatiful you know. You used the right pieces for the floor, making it special but oh so beatiful (combined with the Brace benchs and i am in love).
  4. Nachus

    Nachus Forerunner

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    The roof on the building of the lower area shouldn’t have a hard kill zone in my opinion, it’s nice to have areas of the map that you can use strategically, things like trick jumps and soft kill areas for moving around, the supremely cool teleporter and trick jumping up the benches in the plaza help this immensely; and while being able to go the roof for ten seconds may not change gameplay very much, it kinda punishes players for trying to be creative right know, the only way to know that there is a hard kill zone is to die in it, and generally speaking players don’t like finding things out by respawning.

    The gameplay is solid; you’ve said that you’ve done several hours of testing so I won’t comment on this. The thing I like about your map is that it takes a, honestly, very simple layout and makes is feel awesome I felt cool walking around the map even when I was just in forge, a map that can do that to a player with its aesthetic, and have a good solid gameplay, is a map that people will keep coming back to.

    On a personal note, I really like it when people make good maps for small amount s of people, due to the fact that my xbox live friend list relatively short; thank you for contributing; and I am looking forward to this maps big brother. Keep up the good work.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Superb. Truly superb. That poppy-uppy teleporter thing is very original, but what really makes this map stand out is the beautifull design on the floor. You've gone to a lot of extra effort on making this look pretty. I'm sure you could have made this map in half the time and had the exact same shape, but the extra time you've clearly invested in making it look so pretty has really paid off.
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Oh the shenanigans that we had. I didn't get an "official" test on this, but we definitely had fun doing whatever it was that we were doing. The floor on this is absolutely gorgeous and the tin cup color is to die for. Funny how it worked out that way. A nice little map you've got here. Very small, but very good. Creative new idea with the teleporters. It's nice to see new stuff like this.

    Great job man

    Best regards,

  7. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    those benches are awesome, are they braces? because i def want to use them sometime, they give your map some great detail and make it look very urban
  8. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    NIBS's Pick o' the Week from blahblah to blurp.

    I wasn't planning on trying this today, but it came up towards the end of the custom party I was in (when players were dwindling) and I have come with feedback (and general compliments and stuff):

    -The teleporter system was being a bit funky. Everytime a player went through it they wouldn't always land on the platform coming out of the receiver. And vice versa.

    -There was some minor flickering in various places throughout the map. Easy fix, nuff' said.

    -I didn't manage to find the shotgun the entire game until I got blown (giggidy) away by it. I'm not sure if that's a lack of understanding of the layout, or if it's just hard to spot.

    -The sniper worked well along side the mysterious shotgun, plasma pistols and plasmas. (aka I liked the weapon layout)

    -Time to call out the elephant in the room. This map looks incredible. You've used stunning creative to put some life back into Forge Worlds otherwise gray canvas.

    My two cents.

    Peace *****.
    #8 NlBBS, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I love when maps adhere to a theme. Few maps do that nowadays. Your map sticks to an aesthetic theme and does not stray from it at any times. The small aesthetics of benches and little stands next to them were great touches. I will definitely dl and play this game.
  10. Maztor

    Maztor Forerunner

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    holy crap, this is the most simple but awe-inspiring map i have ever seen.
    I cant wait to see the big brother version of this.
    I may have steal some ideas from this to create a new map of my own. (with credit of course). but I sincerely wish i could get into some custom game lobbies to give this map a whirl with others.
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Very original aesthetics. It almost makes it seem like it's not set in Forge World. 9/10.
  12. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Great job Paranoia! I thought this map was good from the begining, it just feels natural, like this is a real plaza out somewhere. The teleports were sweet but they became spam zones at times for stickie nades, and I died one in one because too many people were in it at once. Your map looks awesome, flows well, and provides interesting lines of sight. It is never dull; there is always someone shooting at you!
  13. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah another nicely forged map, you always see to come up with some different ways to make maps unoriginal and unique. The overall design of this map looks literally flawless. The way you used inclines as floors is sooo creative and the tree in the middle makes for great aesthetic appeal. Overall I think this map would be great for competitive gameplay. Keep it up.
  14. SlyDog210

    SlyDog210 Forerunner

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    I definatly like the flooring, I can tell you went through a lot to make it. Although its a little glitchy, its a great 1x1 map.

    #14 SlyDog210, Mar 3, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2011
  15. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
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    Played a 2v2 on here last night. Great map for that kinda gameplay and the teleporters make sure one team dont hold the high ground. (not mentioning looks because thats established.) Also, The best thing seems to be when both teams are "searching" for the other on the opposing ramps they can fight but not totally dominate due to LOS. Great map. PS I would suggest grenade launcher as power weapon.
  16. Pikapi 360

    Pikapi 360 Forerunner

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    Nice aesthetics. Is this based on Tayari Plaza from ODST by any chance?
  17. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    Thanks for the pick dude, means alot to me :) In terms of the teletporter it works everytime if you hold forward whilst going through. The shotgun is hiding on the rock next to the tree.

    Thanks man, im a firm believer that aesthetics are equally as important as gameplay. I always try to get a feeling from the map aswell as just a play space.

    Thanks guys :)

  18. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Looks to be a great doubles map. So clean and refreshing, but I did a quick walkthrough and while the teleporters are cool, I feel that they dont really belong. Much of the time they would just keep teleporting me back and forth. If you Find a way to resolve this issue, keep them. If not, I think they should go. Great map nonetheless.
  19. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just hold forward until you are out the otherside, they work everytime that way. A few people have mention the issue, I should have put the solution in the OP really. Thanks for the feedback dude.
  20. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is another exquisitely forged map! You forge to a very heigh standard, and it is good to see another fellow brit that is a good forger, there are a few that I know, but there aren't many that are well known, but the ones i do know have made some cool maps to a very high standard, but you have to be up there in the best british forgers (u are british?) either way another great looking map! Nice work. I like how you have incorporated the trees into the stucture, also I like the open feel and the buildings and structure looks pretty solid. another map to my collection. Keep up the good work :)

    edited: also the pit is awesome and an interesting concept, look forward to seeing how you made it!
    #20 timmypanic, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011

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