ANybody else getting drunk right now due to stress from having to design and build a BBQ trailer with a bunch of fresh from school 18 year old ****tards?
yyeaahh bro tomorrow is gunna b supa fun i had sum idea for the trailer that i wnatd to tlk to u bout
Like that but 10 of the ****ers. They have ideas like putting running hot and cold water on it. Why the **** would you need that? It's a BBQ trailer to cook meat and **** on it. Also, where are you going to get the water if you are parked in the middle of a big campground field?
They didn't go that far, but probably because I didn't give them enough time. I **** you not one of the cunts asked if it would be possible to mount a toilet on the back. WHAT THE **** WOULD YOU WANT A TOILET THAT CLOSE TO YOUR FOOD FOR!!! If their grades didn't rely on them putting any input into it I'd design the thing myself and just use them as labor force to build it. As it is I'll probably have everyone design their own to submit but then just overrule all their designs with a much simpler one that still meets the course requirements.
Make it a Bar-bee-cuq movie thee-atur. [br][/br]Edited by merge: German Simpsons sounds so funny to me, and the parts when I know what would be saying in english makes if funnier to me for some reason.
one kid kept asking why there had to be a gap in between the two cooking suraces. The rough design has two hot plates over the wheel arches on opposite sides of the trailor with about a 200mm gap. I said you need somewhere for the heat to go. He says, into the cooking plate. I say, you need somewhere for the EXCESS heat to go. He says, into the cooking plate. Excess heat means heat that does not make it into the area you want it to go. means it does not go into the cooking plate. IE: The air that gets hot underneath the plate. That stuff needs somewhere to go else you end up melting all the rubber components of your fuel lines. If you do not understand that WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING IN AN ENGINEERING COURSE!