Bungie Is Changing The Playlists Way Too Much

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jameslieb1, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Bungie is changing the playlists way too much. They change something at least every month. First they added Firefight Arcade, Grifball and FFA Arena, then they took away Firefight Arcade, deleted Firefight, re-added Firefight Arcade along with a new playlist called Firefight Limited, then took out ALL the Arena playlists, then added a playlist called The Arena. What gives? Why are they changing the playlists so much. Not to mention that Arena FFA was only there for less than a month. They really need to just make up their minds IMO. It seems like they're focusing more on the playlists than actually improving gameplay by patching glitches and gameplay flaws. Who agrees?
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I agree in some respects. There have been plenty of play-list issues, unbalances and such, which really need to be dealt with immediately. Firefight is now more awesome, but the new 2v2 playlist is AR starts. Which is lame. But the Arena is a bit better now with the additions. I really don't mind most of the updates, so long as they fix issues.

    Hopefully they come through with that title update though. Otherwise I'll be saaaaaaaaad.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I disagree! AR starts is fine. DMR starts just had to go. Especially because of the map choices.

    I think the playlists need to stop being updated so much and start being looked at. I mean, certain playlists need a total makeover, if not removed. Living Dead, for example. Living dead is fun and all, but only if you feel like tea bagging a good squeaker or two. But they don't do infection like they used to. THey dont customize maps to optimize the infection experience and they aren't taking player suggestions. Either Bungie changes it or removes it.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Why am I not surprised? :p

    As I said in the other thread, even those who love the AR should appreciate that slimming DMR start playlists of a reasonable size (the DMR starts in BTB are offset by its inherently more casual nature and larger maps making them a necessity) to one, just one, is a little harsh. People would complain no end if all playlists were DMR start focused except for one or two, but the other way round and all DMR fans get is comments like 'go play MLG.'

    I disagree on your reasoning too, I think map choices matched with the nature of 2v2 only makes the solely AR/Pistol starts worse. However, this is more a discussion for the other thread, I'm sure we'll both have plenty to say in there.

    OT: I kinda like this attitude they're taking, even though I agree that it leaves you feeling like there's little to no consistency. Just think about H3, they generally took a bit too long to make changes and switch/remove/add playlists, which in cases like Team Throwback left things way too late to have the desired effect. I'd rather have a flurry of playlist activity now and have things refined as quickly as possible rather than see the overly cautious attitude to change that we had in H3. Plus Bungie are, if I understand correctly, giving over playlist management to 343 eventually as well, at least they're working to do as much good work in the remaining time as possible rather than simply treating it like a wind-down with Halo. Overall I agree it's annoying, and on the subject of the actual changes they've made I do have some real issues, but in terms of the general attitude to speedy change, trying lots of things and generally taking the plunge I approve.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    In all scenarios, I prefer DMR starts with AR secondary.

    DMR lone starts are irritating.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Honestly I agree. In terms of one exception, I see MLG's reasoning in not having a starting secondary, both so your focus is on one weapon without a backup unless you deliberately pick one up, and so that you don't have to switch to your secondary to pick up power weapons etc. However, I'd much rather have a pistol secondary just to add some more variation to the battles that a freshly respawned player will engage in, personal preference if nothing else.

    I really love the DMR/AR dynamic in general, much more so than H3, first time I tried it was in FFA Arena and after the first game I was questioning why it wasn't used more widely. Pistol secondaries are great, but the balance between AR and DMR just feels so usable and distinct as a starting pair. I'm so glad that The Arena uses it, works great for 4v4, though I'd like to see more Pistols around the map to enable use of that as a secondary if the player prefers.
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    My god, do we agree on something?
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
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    I always think I have only DMR with DMR starts, so I walk up yo a power weapon and pick it up without switching to my AR, leaving me with a, say, shotgun and AR in a flurry of DMR shots. That, I have to say, sucks. Lol
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I agree. This is why, among other reasons, I semi-quit Reach to play Mass Effect. The playlist changes are just ridiculous. The problem is not with the playlists, but with the game itself. I might play every 2-3 weeks or so, but other than that, I'll probably go for some other game. These changes are just useless and I hope 343 doesn't keep up this repetition. The problem does not lie in the playlist, but the game as a whole.
  10. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I think they are gathering a lot of information about what people like, hate, and the way people play. they're trying to make places for everyone, thats what things like splitting 4 player firefight into two different playlists are all about. Or getting rid of "the" arena... 4 player arena was almost about 8-10 times the population of doubles/FFA. This is the last influence they (bungie) will have on a halo online experience, I can't imagine why they'd want to make it diverse, multifaceted, adaptive AND fun enough for everyone to get what they want somewhere in the plethora of playlists.

    The thing is, if they waited twice as long to be SURE about every change they made (as Pegasi stated above when talking about h3) you'd all be complaining that they do too little, too late. So what are they supposed to do here? :)

    They finally added grifball, brought doubles away from 100% slayer, took multi back to 4 teams... these are all things I was hoping for. Maybe that's why I'm satisfied hehe
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Ha, when Bungie does nothing people complain, when Bungie does a lot people complain. Honestly, them moving stuff around at least shows that they are still somewhat committed to halo and haven't forgotten about it completely to work on their new IP.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The population will never be completely satisfied.

    Just look at Forge World: it is a godsend and everyone was unbelievably grateful when it first came out, but people complain that it is too grey nowadays... as if they never noticed that sandbox was all tan and foundry was only green and grey.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    LOL i've said the same thing. was talking with someone in matchmaking about it, they were complaining about all the forgeworld variants are just one map, they wanted different "scenery". I brought up that no one complained about the 10 different sandbox variants in big team, or the other 20-30 sandbox variants in other h3 playlists. its all rock and sand

    forgeworld is literally infinite possibilities, but a lot of people just feel like they were robbed cause a few of the retail maps are built on it. ugh
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I would prefer DMR lone starts to AR Pistol starts. :p
  15. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    I actually prefer DMR and Magnum starts, but I completely agree that just DMR starts are terrible. It just pisses me off to spawn and not be able to swap to a secondary weapon.

    Back on topic, I think Bungie needs to think a little more before they make changes to the playlists. For the most part I'm glad about the changes, but I agree that it tends to be bothersome when the playlists keep changing. One of the reasons I stick with big team and firefight is that they don't change much.
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I completely disagree. I think each and every change was perfect up until now, and this is the only time I've even slightly doubted the change. The whole The Arena change is great, but taking away doubles arena was a mistake. I love how a less competitive doubles playlist is there now, with an emphasis on winning rather than rating, however I think it should have been added while keeping the original doubles arena.

    Doubles Arena was a great place to train for doubles gamebattles matches, simply because everyone in Arena was playing competitively to their best, something I'm not seeing an awful lot in the new doubles playlist.
  17. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    I only agree with this purely because I love swapping to the magnum (I named it Lucy, it's the Only single shot headshot weapon I actually like and enjoy using) and pistol whipping DMR whores asses. Why? Idk... maybe it goes back to my horrific past and my utter hatred of the BR in Halo 3. Or maybe It was because of my traumatic experiences with being hit in the head as a small child........

    But if they would quit changing the playlists, they could take the time to implement matchmaking only games into customs (such as Bro slayer and invasion skirmish) without the need for the DL... but then again...
  18. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i agree with thia and that bungie changes too much. mabey they want to work with it as much as possible before they loose the rights

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