Music festivals are lame. I'd much prefer to see bands I like in a small "club" like environment with a smaller crowd and smaller lineup.
Small club-like environments with a smaller crowd and smaller lineup are lame. I'd much prefer to listen to music that I like through an electronic medium.
You're correct. However, I've probably been to more concerts than most of the people active in this thread combined.
I stay and watch the entire show... so yes. But even as is, that is only a handful. I haven't played nearly as many shows as I would like to have.
I need to go to more concerts, but a lot of my friends don't like going and the ones they do want to go to I can't stand.
I play, yes. THEN AFTERWARDS, I stand in a crowd and watch 4-5 bands play music on a stage with lights and ****. What would you classify that as?
I thought when he said that he'd been to more concerts "Than all of you guys combined" that was the more obnoxious comment.
Have you guys tried to get signed or anything? I mean, it'd be cool to do it (even if you didn't get full expression) just to get your name out there. You might think it's "selling out" but I think of it as "breaking the ice." I mean, you guys are definitely talented...
Bands don't "Sell out". They earn money for their talents and what they do. They wanna be on the radio and **** so more people know about them? Please do. I would. And you don't just go "sign me". They say "we like you, wanna contract?". Additionally, you guys are taking the "more concerts than all of you" thing too seriously. It was an obvious exaggeration.
So what is a concert? Only constitutes a concert if there are pyrotechnics and 25,000 people? You're an idiot. Additionally, these "local bars" are the same places I see the majority of bands that people like. I've shared the stage with my share.
I wasn't sure if you were just holding out on it or not because a lot of bands don't want to sign because they don't get complete musical freedom a lot of the time. A lot of labels say, make something like X. They'd need to know about you before they can say "we like you, wanna contract?" The internet is great publicity, in terms of gaining a massive following, but it's kind of hard for a representative to spot you. It's almost like applying for job imo.
ok, but music festivals arent lame at all. weve put this to shuman about live music (but he cant go out cos of his rapist face w/e) music festivals are half about the shenanigans that you get up to between the music. getting baked, crying about heartburn and enjoying yourself in a way and environment that just doesnt present itself in any other form. you dont get a huge roar of fans behind you like music festivals provide anywhere else. nor do you get speakers that big.
We probably wouldn't take a full contract with a major label even if we could, because the truth is, the label gets you mass attention, and then takes every benefit that comes from it. They are a business and they use you to make money. Your money. Most band I love, even the popular ones, are near broke or break even. Unless you're into another style (rap, pop, etc), you have a smaller following. There are bands that make big bucks, such as Slipknot, Metallica, Korn, etc, but unless you get THAT big, you're probably coming home off the road and getting a normal job to pay the bills between tours. Not everyone likes rap. Some hate it. I don't make the title things about metal.