Crysis 2? Ummm, the demo was ok, but im just going to buy it to support the devlopment of Timesplitters 4. Ahh, yes TIMESPLITTERS!With it's map creator, it makes Halo's Forge look simple! =P
I got the PC demo today and I am experiencing some lag. What's the best settings to make it run fastest. Also, it's pretty fun. Aside from the lag burst every time I go around a corner I've been able to do a pretty rad job.
So... Is this demo a re-release of the same demo, with updated game mechanics to suit feedback? Also, I sure hope they didn't take most of the feedback to heart. Glancing at the forums showed me that everyone there wanted call of duty in a nano suit. Which is a very bad thing. Nevertheless, Ill probably download it again. I just deleted the old one, and Im getting pretty bored. Hopefully there won't be as many MM problems as there was last time.
I've noticed a notable improvement with matchmaking speed. The first demo took me 5-20 minutes to get matched; now it takes less than 10 seconds. I must have a good connection to the servers. A couple of things different from the first demo. Feel free to elaborate. -Pier 17 has joined Skyline as a demo map. Players vote between the two during post-game. -Melee has been nerfed. Standard melee is now two hits to kill. Power melee is still a one hit kill.
Power melee? Standard melee? I was under the impression melee just involved clicking the left stick...
noticed it like the third day I played. Apparently by holding down the melee button you 'charge' up your melee. Getting an instant kill almost always. That helped me understand why people never seemed to die when i meele'd them. Think it's stupid tbh.
Strange, Ive always got one hit kills just by tapping the stick.... Theres a definite change in MM times this time around, which Im happy about.
Got the game and it's ****ing awesome. The multiplayer is really addictive, and there's a good mix of a slower strategy than CoD, but still having to react quickly and use your powers intelligently.
The singleplayer campaign for this game was great. It was epic the whole way through and it was definitely not short. There were a few glitches in this mode, though... Sometimes my weapons wouldn't come up after a cutscene and I'd have to fight ceph or cell by simply running for my life with max armor on. Overall it was great, though, and I think FRD (Crytek) did a great job. However, the multiplayer for this game feels unpolished at best. I played two games of it and had so many glitches happen to me--good or bad--that I just stopped playing. I had a couple glitches happen where I had infinite energy, a couple where my energy wouldn't recharge, and I've glitched through the maps multiple times and was able to just keep killing people through walls.
Really? I've played multiplayer plenty and haven't had any glitches occur. There are killstreaks which give you unlimited suit power and disable the powers of enemy suits, though.
the multiplayer is way too connection reliant. i get ****ed over so often. and the shotgun is so underpowered now.
Anyone get the game for PC? Add apache_mongoose on steam if you did, I want some people to play MP with.
I like it. Got it on release day, beat the campaign, thought it was amazing, and I am currently rank 16 in MP. Favorite maps anyone? I'd say...either Town Hall or Statue. But I haven't had too much time on any maps really so far.
Bought the game on Friday, and I'm loving the campaign. I haven't finished it, but I only have a little bit left to do. The multiplayers fresh and unique.
i really shouldnt have started the campaign on supersoldier. every time i die about to approach a checkpoint i go naw ****it multiplayer.
I love completely circumventing a huge area and not having to fight a single person. The areas to fight in this game are pretty large.