didn't seriously make this're going to sooooo get spammed! anyways, i am first on the massive-to-come-spammers!!! i would like you to make a surprise sign for my buddy shadow ;-) he'll never know til i show! name - Shad0w Viper Head -Rogue ls -security rs -haya chest-sword Color - Dark Blue Sec. Color-Light Blue Detail - White Left side Emblem - General Grade 3 symbol Right Side Emblem - The snake emblem (prefer him to be in center) font - Slogan - Like a viper in the shadows... I hope that is enough, and i hope you can manage the time, with all that is about to flood this page
name on sig- "Teh Mastar" could you also do one for "Tasco NZ" (im gonna be switching to that account sometime. lol Slogan- none Main colour- Blue Weapon holding (you should add this in ): Sniper Rifle Secondary colour- white? you can choose better colours if you want main style? uhmm threatening stance.. Spartan model- my player snapshot and emblem detail-white Medals: maybe medals that show when you get a tripple kill with snipes (all headshots) kinda like this, but better quality for the font- i really dont mind. something awesome. i like Vicuous Vice's font. something futuristic, maybe this let your imagination run wild!! or something like that. i don't mind. Your obviously more artistically gifted than me lulz. my signature really is lacking.. to give you an idea.. my favourite of all your so far sigs is Vice's one .....plz EDIT: this, lightly in the background somewhere would be sweeeeet :] you truly are my hero ;]
dammit reynbow! i said make vice's WORSE thana mine, lol. and i was just thinking, wouldn't it make more sense to have a splaser kill medal on mine? don't bother trying it if you don't want to, i'm fine with it as it is.
Lol I can if you want xD I'm sorry, I do like his a lot also. But for different reasons =P Anyway, here it is with a SPLaser medal =] [noparse][/noparse]
Name- mxdd13 Slogan- The Fire Just Keeps Burning Head - Mark V Body - E.V.A. LS - Hayabusa RS - Mark VI Primary Colour - Cobalt Secondary Colour - Orchid and White Detail Colour - red Font - Emblem Icon - Subnova Emblem background - Face Mask Emblem Primary - Blue Emblem Secondary - White Emblem Background - White -or- Name on Sig - mxdd13 Slogan - The Fire Just Keeps Burning Main colour - Colbalt Secondary colours - Orchid Main Style - what is this? I prefer the gold mastercheif
Wow, your works are amazing, I'd be honoured to have one in my sig! Here's hoping you don't have to be a recognised name around here to get a sig done... Name on Sig - Werem1dget Slogan - / Main colour - White Secondary colours - Silver/Blue Main Style - I trust you to make it cool. If wanting a Spartan Model Head - ODST Body - Mark VI LS - EOD RS - EVA Primary Colour - Silver Secondary Colour - Blue Detail Colour - Blue Medal: Snipe For the font, I dunno really, something like this? If the sketchy look doesn't work then I dunno. Like I said, I trust you to make it look good. If you get around to doing this for me, thanks so much.
I love it. No changes, perfect as is =] EDIT: wait, what's the difference? EDIT: OOH okay borders.. I like #2
One has a black border, the other has a white border inside the black border. You said you wanted red and white, and as I was finishing I really didn't add too much white =P
omg, matty, i hate you!!! i accidentally told shadow about the "secret" and now i can't wait to show him what i have been talking about!!! >.<
It's getting harder to come up with new ideas so I went for a more grunge style with this one =] I want try a kid styled one for someone =P Like with colours and vector art etc... =] Anyway, I'll get onto Matty's eventually =]