No, despite how I behave on this site I am actually a nice guy that people are genuinely cool with. LOL
By small school, I should mention that theres this... bubble... for the lack of a better word, surrounding the school. I piss off this girl, she can (and will) whimper to her mother, and word of mouth travels, my mother hears, I soon have no xbox or phone. The concept of "snorlax" initially revolved around a nickname that we could use to warn our friends of her approach (kind of like a red alert) without explicitly saying her name. She still is unaware of this. Grif, should I post a picture?
I'd say blur her face, but it's kind of important that you see it. I mean I guess you can, but I myself would not.
How immature is she that she would cry to her mother about losing a friend on facebook? What is it like South Park?
CHUCK+, Epic Tusk+, Furry x Furry+, Grif+, NorthernLights+, PacMonster1, Vorpal Saint+ One of these things is not like the other...
I went over to her house for a party and I was the first one. She was arguing with her mother publicly about crap. God it was awful, I nearly said "Hey you have company over, you can't do this kind of crap!"
Because Grif doesn't accept friend requests from people he doesn't like. Where have you been the past 5 pages? TheorEDIT: I lol'd.
Grif, you didn't go to her 16th birthday party. I'll tell that story when I have time. (Its a long one). Quick off topic thing: The last American WWI veteran died this week.