Anyone else out there got both consoles too? im looking for people to play [killzone 3] with, atm my console is pretty darn singleplayer. and puh-lease no flaming.
If you buy Portal 2 on PS3, you get a free PC copy. Keep it in mind when you're thinking about buying it.
u play ps3, you such a n00b. Anyway, I don't own a ps3 but one of my roommates do, sadly they don't have killzone 3. God of War was fun though.
im gonna pick them up along with DA2 when it comes out. atm i have: KZ3 FIFA11 LBP2 MGS4 and i had TFUII but it was so **** i returned it. what's the consensus on infamous?
my friend gave me infamous but I havent played it. he said it was **** (he's been in line with my own opinion when it comes to games, so i trust it)
oh i should've added to the OP, my PSNID is QKT100 the infamous demo i played was a bit meh tbh, i guess the full game is too then.
Oh yeah. I should add mine as well. PSN: HomerSPC Mostly play Black Ops on PS3. Have MGS4, Army of Two and 40th Day, Haze.. and I think a few more. It's not my PS3 though, it's my dads and I play it when Im there.
heh good man with LBP2. i'm a heavy Little Big Planet enthusiast, i'm loving LBP2. And like sarge said, the Uncharted games are ****ing fantastic. Uncharted 2 basically changed what i think of video games. it's the first game that was a cinematic experience legitimately comparable to a movie imo. and my PSN is the same as my GT, i cant say i play too much online on PS3 (considering i have no friends on it) but i'll add peeps
ive got one laying around somewhere.. and my trittons are hooked up to it, but i never go online so it's kinda pointless. but the cool thing about the ps3 blue tooth headsets is they'll work with pretty much everything including your phone which made it worth it for me
My PSN ID is just Shatakai and I've got a mic. Been playing a lot of Killzone 3. I love all the unlockable stuff and still have yet to try a lot of the classes special abilities. As others have said, Uncharted games are a must. And holy **** DO NOT DISCOUNT INFAMOUS. That game was really great imo and Infamous 2 looks like the transition from Uncharted to Uncharted 2. In other words, Infamous is a great but slightly flawed game and Infamous 2 looks to improve on the original in every way.
Yay! LBP ftw! I went absolutely crazy when I got it 1 day before release because of postal mishaps and whatnot. I STILL haven't ordered/bought LBP2 though... Is it much better than the first?
dude, i'm wayyy more into the insane story, and the characters and themes of it all blow the first one out of the water. My favorite so far is easily this crazy communist russian factory where you're hording sackbots like pikmin. it's nuts. you do all this crazy ****, and then you realize it's almost entirely possible to make every single level you see throughout. on top of there's so much more you can do with the level editor, the possibilities feel endless. The craziest addition is definitely the sackbots which you can program to do pretty much whatever. LBP2 >> LBP
You know what, I completely forgot I own LBP2. I played it for the first week or so and it was really good but I got wrapped up in school. I'll have to go back to that game sometime when a shitload of other games aren't coming out.
Not really. Currently I'm playing Bulletstorm and Killzone. Fight Night Champion is hopefully arriving today or tomorrow. Next week is Dragon Age 2, the week after that Homefront, and the week after that is Crysis 2. Then there is a steady stream of games up until June. I'll probably go back to LBP2 and a few other games during the downtime in summer.
i cant stand fight night anymore. homefront will be a COD clone (it is, dont argue) and ive kinda gone off crysis, the new MP has been rebalanced so it just sucks.
Lovef FNR4, and the story mode for Champion is very intriguing to me. Never played Crysis before but it looks like a lot of fun to me. Also, I don't really try to judge games based off others. I just look at it, read up on it, and if it looks good then I try to play it. I'm not too picky when it comes to games and I've thoroughly enjoyed almost every game I've played in the past 2-3 years.
fight night's new controls just dont make any rhyme or reason anymore, so ill definitely give it a pass. does anyone have their DA2 code from DS2 on the PS3 and wants to swap it for the 360 one?