I do articles because I choose to. The journos got bothered by that though as there "isn't enough material to go around" Anywho, I just spent several hours cleaning up the race maps section. Added soooo many pictures to threads. bleh.
It's probably not the lack of material. There is a **** ton of maps that can be featured. It's the lack of willingness and the abundance of journalists probably...
LOL too bad adding pictures to threads doesnt count toward you're action count of the month ...even though it took hours.... /thatmakessense
which I brought back, and wanted to write, but understandably they needed the material. lol Like I'm falling for that. You just want me to whip out my ***** and take a picture as proof to the contrary so you can whip out your own to do some nasty crap to the image. I see right through your ploys.
I will for sure get that Camo, I loved Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers, I have no doubt Battleblock will be fun as hell. When are they supposed to be releasing it? It seems like forever.