Hello all, welcome to my newest project ATLAS This is a map I have been woking on the past week or so, playing around with ideas. This map has changed greatly,but the idea has remained the same. I wanted to create a rock man (atlas) carrying a base. This 'base' has changed greatly in the 3 different versions of the map I have created. After a great amount of time & patients I present This is a mixture of aesthetics and competitive though I will use the term competitive loosly. The reason I have posted this as a preview is I could use some input from the community on my recent project. It is difficult creating the interior as pritty as the rest of the map, as my resorces are depleated although I do have around 2000 left and have placed weapons. I have it set up for slayer. Other gametypes will be added once I am happy with feedback and testing. The map is small - medium sized, contained in the globe. I have it set up for 6 v 6 although I would say it probably best suits 4 v 4. weapons are rocket 180s + 1 clip central diamond pyramid. sword 120s central 1 floor lower. 4x dmr 60's 2 x needler 60's 2 x needler rifle 60's 1 x plasma repeater 60's 6x plasma granade 4 x frag 2 x magnum 60's 2 x assault rifle 60's 2 x spiker 60's 2 x plasma charger 60's also I have made a room for you to visit in forge on the island nearby. I was thinking of using this as the beging part for an invasion map. Opinions would be good as I don't want to create types if they seem to complicated and will not be played. Any feedback suggetions or advice would be great help. The interior is 4 small levels symmetrical, spawning is on the top for both teams on either side of the top spread into 2 teams of 3 (for 6 v 6) This is the first time I have made a preview post, if it is incorrect or in wrong place I appolagise. Thanks for your time I have put more work in and now have it working on ctf, assault, headhunter, koth, jug & slayers. I have added reacting lighting to the feet to light up lower legs This could be used as beging loadout for invasion mission, and is also for forge as gives good view of the structure I have created, there is around 1000 extra for the budget if I deleate the unneccessary structures around
Well that is an epic idea, I suggest creating a simple arena style interior. Something like a bowl with geometric cover arranged around instead of the typical bridge/platform look you are going for which isn't really right for this style map. Try finding a way to make the exterior of the map evident even when inside with windows or something too.
In the beginning, I was all like "This is a pretty neat looking map" And then, I was all like "Shocked face you can play it. ZOMG" ------------- In all seriousness it looks really good. It totally caught me off guard that you could actually play inside it. I hope you test it and make sure it works well because it's a pretty sweet looking piece of work. Can't wait to see it released for good. Best regards
Thank you, some nice ideas, last night I put a good bit of work in improving flow. The good thing about this map is it is quite versatile, as in I can deleate all inside and change, I was thinking of having a couple of different downloads in a set, 1 with invasion and 1 with other games. And also making an invasion map with the ball becoming a death star maybe. The problem with the interior is the angle of the globe. you can only walk up the sides say 2 - 3 blocks heigh, this would render the map to be very small and probably only accomidate 4 players. I am not sure if I am happy with interior. I do like the open idea, emphesising the aesthetics around is definitly a good idea and will benefit the looks of the map, although I am unsure of game play. Also glass is good idea, there is a glass bottom, I hoped you could see the atlas man but the white light from his eyes blinds this, at the moment. Thanks for the ideas [br][/br]Edited by merge: Cool! Thank you. I am trying the impossible, competitive and aesthetics ..again lol..usually gameplay fails, and I don't want this to be the result with this map as I have put 1 hell of a lot of work, time & patients into this. Last night I made it ready ...I hope tests go well over the next few days. I have this working now for ctf, assault, headhunter , slayers, jug, koth so far. Seemed to go well, all is working and now I just need to get some heads together to test this version Thanks for your comment
Everything looks amazing, but I think the head could use some work. Make it a bit more thick around, it has like a peanut shape head lol
Yeah the head doesn't look perfect but I got the features there. Unfortunitly I am out of rocks and every one is needed to make up the body. I don't feel the face would look right using other structures when the whole of the man is made of rock. But yeah the head is kind of comical. I do feel I need to improve the man and tweek his appearance. Will keep working on it. Thanks for your input
You could substitute some out of his thigs and make them from other items that make it look like he's wearing shorts or something? Also... I really don't think you should make this playable. Maps are either aesthetic, or competitive... not both because it ends up a casual map and something no one really considers. I urge you to strongly consider making this an artistic masterpiece rather than introduce gameplay into it. If you're stuck for ideas, i'm sure SoG Grim will help you out...
Lol... i'm guessing u noticed the rock man is naked... This is done for art reasons, the statue i was making (atlas) is naked. So that is why no shorts. But it is a good idea to maybe make some shorts out of the half rounds. I know what you mean with keeping to one catagory, it is near impossible to have a balance of both great gameplay and awesome aesthetics. I have made this map playable, i got every gametype now working except race, invasion and infection. I'm hoping to get some tests on tonight. It will decide the fate of this map. I would like to get man looking better. I do need to spend time improving, was just making ball and strucures , then improving ball again. The ball was the hardest thing i have ever forged. I agree this is aesthetic. And not competitive. Also xsog Grim friends list is full and i have tried to get his opinion in the past, i may ask, but i dont like bothering people. Thanks for your input Stevo
This definetly has postential. It's really creative and different from all of the other maps I've seen. The head of Atlas looks a bit small, but it's not that big of a deal. I really like that you can play inside the globe, that, in my opinion, is really creative and also interesting. Can't wait to DL and check it out for myself, it looks sick. Nice work.
Cool thank you. File is working and tested and in my fileshare. Will be posting shortly. Thank for your feedback and support friend