Here is an infection map that you will enjoy on Anchor 9. YouTube - DS9-F4.wmv Not a lot to say about it. It was long in coming. Hope you enjoy the video...
Ah yes. I've been waiting for an infection map on anchor 9. I must say that the effects work very well and hopefully this map plays as well as cold storage in h3 did for example
first thing, I love the backstory and how it was mixed in with the video. Second. the map looks amazing and I am a great fan of anchor 9 and forge maps not on forge hub, you have my download. and finaly, the Deepscream9 sounds like a horror movie
It was meant to sound like a horror flick... But some have told me it sounds like another kind of scream...
I have one SMALL problem with this and it goes with your video's story line if Anchor 9 lost power than why do they still have their shield doors working? But anyways good map you have my DL.
really good video and back story, ill be downloading it but did you get the FED virus as a spin off of fallout's FEV (force evolution virus) that made super mutants?
I like this map so much,the black and white effects gives the map a scary style, perfect for zombies, so bad its in anchor 9 , since not everyone has noble map pack , ive just been able to play this map with 5 ppl , if any of you like playing in this kind of maps please add my gamertag : HatchedHarp Nice Map !
I dont know about you, rise, but if i were designing a space station i might end up working in, I'd want a dedicated backup power supply to any sort of barriers keeping out a death inducing vaccum