Seriously? Has anyone else noticed that there's an abundance of maps with names that have little or no meaning or relation to the map, and are often hard to pronounce? Do people really think that giving a map a long and complicated name will make the map itself more complex? The whole situation seems weird, especially when it gets to the point that we're testing a map and can't remember the name without a reference point. >_> Giving a map a simple and indicative name will only do you favors. People will remember the name instantly, and will often have a clue as to how the map plays based on the title. Whereas something like Sousaffruga gives you no clue or inclination to try and pronounce it. Hmmm.
Lol, as long as it has something to do with the map, I'm ok with it. Like if you name it Submersed it should be in the water. Whether it's a complex name or not shouldn't matter; it may be a complex map. Just as long as the word has something to do with the map.
Finally, someone said it. I don't want to play on maps called "banana" or "the wrath of david and goliathon".
There's a running joke amongst many of my forge friends that I like to name maps with something akin to a cheesy action movie. 'Grindstone' 'Torque' Bulletpoint' 'Black Jack' (This was for a conquest map with seven territories, winning team captured best of 27.) 'Snake Eyes' (To be used with a pair of dice as an aesthetic touch.) Love the graph, eloquent in it's brevity.
I'm kind of a fan of death metal song titles as map names myself... Raining Blood Deathamphetamine Exoskeletal Endless War Broken Peace Cut-Throat Necessary Bloodshed Thou Shall Kill In A Vacant Grave None Will Escape Feasting On The Blood Of The Insane Crossroads to Armageddon Murder Addiction Ghosts of War Sadistic ...just to name a few I like
That is a good point. In my opinion as long as the name matches the background of the map it may be alright to give it a longer name. otherwise just give it a short name.
Well, at least there isnt a map called Justin Bieber.... And whats wrong with kakpeepypookypeppaisland?
dude, I agree with this thread. I agree but I guess I'm more bugged by unimaginative titles than by absurd ones. edit: lol @ Titmar
I saw a CSI(?) episode of him being shot like 50 times. i laughed. But yes, i agree with the bad naming. What bugs me is when they don't stand out that much and it's just common words basicly. "Eye in the Sky" "Sewer" "Fort Awesomnessssss"
PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE SHOOTING OF JUSTIN BIEBER!! (gotta see precious on come fly with me say that!)
People should try to name maps like how Bungie names their maps. Powerhouse is called Powerhouse as it is a Powerhouse, Narrows is called Narrows because it is Narrow. I find it odd how many maps just use a random unrelated adjective for a name..
I love obscure map names, at least we don't have another aqueduct, amplified or any other boring name. As long as the map name is an actual word I have no problem with it.
A lot obscure map names could potentially be just synonyms of a word we all know. Thats how I get some names. My map Progenitor may sound retarded but its actually just a synonym for precursor.
Yeah, I don't object to long or obscure words themselves, I just object to mismatched words and words that are just clumsy in general.
All the cool map names have been used, so now people have decided to revert to stupid and silly ones.