Fuel v2 Fuel is my newest symmetrical competitive map. It is optimized for 2v2 however it supports 2-8 players in most ffa or team gametypes. Its about as sexy as any map ive seen without crazy lag, and on top of that its symmetrical which makes it doubly sexy. It features lots of curving architecture meant to be reminiscent of the inside of a fuel line. Its got a nice balance between long sight lines and room to room combat. The curving architecture also provides for some interesting line of sight blockers and increase the dominance and power of the player fortunate enough to have the evade. Weapons: 2x Focus Rifles 2x Needler 1x Shotgun 1x Evade 1x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Grrrrrenades and something like 8 DMRs This map has gone through several stages of development starting initially as a mini game map, which i scrapped in favor of this more competitive layout. I've personally tested it thoroughly and it has gone through two testing sessions in the testers guild (thank you to those who helped test this sucker by the way) before it reached the stage it as at today. And now on to the rest of the pictures: base and focus rifle spawn shotgun spawn evade spawn tunnel between evade and shotgun back tunnel remember most of these features are reflected on both sides of the map =) And the action shots:
I took a walkthrough on this map. This is one of the most aesthetical maps i've seen in a while, considering but the frame rate is ridiculous. It's almost entirely because of the 5x5 block flats formed to make a circle. I walked down the side of the map without looking at those 5x5's and the lag was little to none. If you can find a cheaper alternate it would benefit the map pretty well. Aside from that, the circular ramps look awesome
JIZZ IN MY PANTS. i think nothing else needs to be said. got an FFA in on this map and the one complaint i have is that the tunnel in the 5th picture ****s your grenade bounces. i would suggest putting a glass cover there so to not ruin the aesthetics but keep the bounces clean
Were you looking at it in forge but ever since i removed the light s from version 1 ive had no complaints about lag in any of my matches Is the problem that it gets stuck down in the sides cus of the steep angle? because while i was forging it i worried about it, but it never came up in my tests so i just sorta forgot about it.
Yea i just downloaded it and walked through in forge. If the lag isn't noticeable in games then i'll take your word for it.
Good to hear, i was kind of worried with the concessions (the lights and a couple more aesthetics near the center) i already had to make to prevent the lag from influencing gameplay
I play tested this map with the tester's guild and loved it! Not because i raped, but because it has nice flow and the aesthetic's are great! Good job!
xoxoxo In a word... scrumptious! We tried this as slayerpro and swat, and it played great. Wow on the aesthetics, and the spawns are tight. The only thing that I heard negative was that they wished it was bigger. Definite feature worthy. Great job. ManRayX WHERE EAGLES DARE PEARL HARBOR
Thanks i believe this has one of the better if not best layouts ive come up with for any of my maps, which in addition to its symmetricality and weapon placement, really helps out the flow
Great use of the incline circles to give the map a circular look. Not only does it look good but works well with the gameplay also. The weapons placed on the map and gives players a different way to play the game since not many maps have 2 focus rifles. Great work with the design and layout of Fuel v2.
his issue is clearly frame rate and screen lag and you suggest putting a cover glass there. the glass is only going to make it worse because then the game has to render all pieces through the glass making it more laggy. if you plan on innovation and cutting down on screen lag i would find something in place of your bridge larges and xl's. and not to ruin the aesthetics of the map but you could easily remove the brace larges and cut down on budget and reduce screen lag. and by saying this i dont mean the brace larges cause screen lag. but from the picture he has quite a bit of pieces on the map (brace larges/inclines/etc) the less pieces the less the game has to render which equals less screen lag. another big contribution to the lag is probably the circular doorways with all the merging of glass. these are only my opinons and suggestions to help your map and improve the screen lag. but for it to be done the aesthetics would more than likely have to be gone to a minimum. maybe you could make a clean version and a pretty version.
Good, but one thing that has always bugged me with custom maps are abilities. For people who aim to make bungie like maps, it should be noted that bungie never includes these into their maps.
Nice map! Very impressive use of forge. I can tell a lot of time went into this. A lot of Forge maps look redundant because the pieces are so asthetically similar. This map makes nice use of the pieces to change things up a bit. Great job, forge needs an original thinker like you. Keep the maps coming!
Just a thought... simply delete every other 5x5 in the circular hallways. Once you have done that you will notice that you no longer require 5 large braces underneath, and that 3 will do the trick (you can't miss it once you remove the 5x5's because the 2 that need deleted stick out a little bit) All in all it would save you a few hundred dollars in budget, free up frame rate, and maintain the original integrity of the hallways. I hope you find this constructive.
This is different, in a good way. The use of small circular ramps is like nothing I've seen before. This looks really creative and neatly forged. An overview of the map wouldn't hurt. One thing I think might be a problem is all of the circualr ramps on the floor, it might get annoying to try to shoot someone who is constantly moving up and down because they're going up and down all of the ramps in the floor. But, that's just my opinion. Overall, this looks great.
Im glad yall like the achestetchics, but, has there been any noticable lag in your games? Because while i havent seen any evidence of it in my games yall keep bringing up the framerate