Nah, we only spent a month of playtesting an hour or two a day and then forging for an hour or two a day on top of that... And yeah, we know Steve, you made the bomb plant points. Today marked the second time a team has ever been skunked in Invasion! Sorry guys, we didn't mean to poop on you that bad! By the way, everyone who likes this map will be happy to know that Matt and I are doing something similar with Javelin-Base. He's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. Oh yeah, keep it coming with the awesome tags guys.
I was gonna make something like that D: lol. Pshh, that's just cuz I quit at the start. I was clearly backpacking the team if they got skunked when I left Anyways, the game we played yesterday (?) went fairly well, funny how you and me always rush the falcon together, mics or no mics. Again, you did an amazing job on this map. Can't wait for Javelin Base.
K, how did you do the wave over things with the pics. I really want to know for when I post my map. Any way. AWSESOME map. I've had tons of fun on it in customs (especially in INVASION), and I hope you make somemore campaign maps.
[.MouseOverImage="second image"]"first image"[/.MouseOverImage] Where image one is th starting image and image 2 is the one shown when you mouseover. There should be no periods in the brackets, but I put them there so you could actually see the code. And we are working on another campaign map, Javelin Base.
that map is sick. you know what would be a great place in the reach campaign to remake, that begining building structure in nightfall for one bomb where one team spawns in the little shed with the forklift exept with more cover and distance and the defence in the big building all of the elites are gaurding. maybe in the canyon. happy forging!
That would be a good area, but since all of the buildings are curved and have thin walls an exact remake is likely impossible.
This is a really good remake of the campaign mission. Plays great with 2 teams but the spawns breakdown in individual slayer games. You should add more multicolor or neutral spawns to spread out opponents. Plays awesome this one is a keeper. MRX *REMOVED*
All spawns are neutral, they are simply influenced by respawn zones in team games. Or at least I think that's what Psychoduck did.
Initial spawns have been spread as much as possible throughout the map. Also, the map has been tested countless times with all numbers of teams/players. I'm not trying to discredit your feedback, but I think that if you are actually correct, you experienced a fluke in the spawn system. Also, nothing more can be added, as we have used up the object quota. I'm glad you like the map though!
My pro as feck pan cams made that happen... ducky, matt, i'll take payment in the form of multiple blow jobs (Y)
did anyone else see that no-scope across the map in the video? That was me plus all the other clips, I think... idk about a few of them. Lol. Great job crypto.
What are you talking about? That was my awesome snipe across map. They don't call me Longhot for nothing joking Really nice video by the way, Crypto. Shows the map's awesomeness even more. I'm sure i was in there somewhere.
Congrats on the FHF victory. Bit of a land slide it seems. Well done guys, this map totally deserves it.
Congrats Pyscho! Sorry I never commented before, becaus the map look great and it won FHF by, what Schnitzel said, a landslide!
Hmm... it seems like some posts were deleted from this thread, but I'm confused as to why...? Anyways, the video is frickin awesome, and thanks to everyone who helped the map become an FHF winner!
Psycho, as you can probably see, I am a brand spanking new member. I came to Forge Hub to ***** out my map and nothing more. But since joining (only 3 weeks ago) I have found a haven of absolutely amazing maps. Until now I have not posted on any one else's thread, both you and Matt have left great posts on my map thread. I downloaded this map about a week ago. ever since then my Game room has been a cornucopia of Cargo Port and Mammoth. The house has actually turned against me, they like your map more and I'm being asked to move. (This is MY HOUSE I OWN IT!) but anyway the hombres here love the work everyone put into this map. How do you guys set up any playtests? can I get in on one? Last but not least congrats on winning the FHF.
Okay, I got the chance to give the map a real walk through (although I would love to test it here soon) and my synopsis - Very good job. The sight lines on the map are extremely nice and the forge object placement was obviously carefully considered. You did a good job of recreating the feel of Exodus and I'm highly anticipating bringing this map up at a customs - good job.