Whats the point of the instant queue? I've been able to watch any movie I wanted without downloading it?
Large backlog of movies and tv shows to watch without having to download them or go anywhere. No, the problem is being overly cynical. I rarely watch movies I end up considering wasted time.
I agree, it's set up feels more like a traditional MMO rather than a FPS with RPG elements (A Fallout 3). I've never been a fan of quests that's prime objective is go here, kill this/kill this to collect this/kill this many/collect this many, then repeat the process over and over again. It's my personal opinion of course, obviously many people do like that system, so it works for others, but not for me. As well as the character trees seemed shallow, and they explain that there were literally thousands of different weapons, although the differences were very miniscule, and they would have done better with fewer weapons with more aesthetic and power based differences. I actually still liked Fable 2, but most things that I liked better from Fable 1 were not that important, such as general artistic style, nerfing armor (it's good to step out of the traditional RPG that has everyone wearing the same armor because it's the best in the game, although I barely ever do that anyway, even in traditional games, because I prefer making my character look how I built it). The biggest change, and perhaps the best was the inclusion of the Dog. The moral dilemmas were far too black and white (with the exception of saving your dog, which emotionally was draining, until the inclusion of DLC allowing you to resurrect the dog, which was utter bull ****). If you didn't like Fable 2, I'd highly suggest NEVER playing Fable 3, it feels even more watered down than Fable 2. Also Molyneux over-hypes EVERYTHING, it's getting to the point where when I think he's going to release a game, I'll ignore everything he says, because it's guaranteed that at least 60% of what he says, won't appear in the final game, and if it does, only for such a small insignificant part.
Fable 3 was a pretty big let down. Sure, it had some cool ideas such as running the kingdom, but overall it just felt like Fable 2 with even less traditional RPG elements. Also, I feel like the whole evolving weapon system was a huge failure.
The best thing about Fable 3 was the menu system, I liked how it was set up, but other than that, story, characters, gameplay, no change, or worse change in it. The evolving weapons were way to overhyped for what you got...
Yeah, that was the one thing that actually impressed me. It wasn't necessarily the fastest way of doing things, but it worked well within the context of the game.