Hey guys, I just did a cover for Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over by The Devil Wears Prada, tell me what you think! Note: Can we try to keep this thread flaming free, I want constructive criticism, not "you suck." If you think it sucks, tell me what sucks about it, and how I can improve. It doesnt matter what anyone says, I wont stop doing this, so your better to help me out so you dont have to deal with me "sucking" anymore lol. YouTube - The Devil Wears Prada - Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over Vocal Cover
You still sound like your gargling mustard, but I don't know if that's you, your mic, or your camera.
Honstly, I have never gargled mustard, so I couldnt tell ya. If it is the camera, it shouldnt sound like that in the next one though, as a friend is letting me use his which is a more recent model.
It just sounds like you're ripping your throat apart. There is no balls behind it. I'm not a singer, but I am in a band that has some screaming in it, and I've been doing it for like a decade. I just don't think you're properly screaming, and thats nothing that can be learned from people on a forum. You need lessons. You aren't unsalvageable, but in this current state, I wouldn't put yourself out there.
Well it doesnt hurt, so I dont think I am ripping my throat, but I know for a fact I am not doing it right. I have not yet properly learned to breathe through my diaphragm, and once I do there will be even less chance of me hurting myself, and it will give me better breath control. There really isnt anywhere I can get lessons for screaming though (with the exception of Malissa Cross or whatever her name is) but I am going for singing lessons sometime in the near future, which will teach me the diaphragm stuff. The highs screams sound like they have enough "balls" to me, but the mids and lows need alot of work, and I have been trying to get them better for awhile now. Do you agree about the highs though?
The highs are that type of scream I can't stand. If you're going for TDWP type highs, his still have like 30x the balls yours have. You may just be young, but I still think you're screaming with your throat and not gut. My advice is go to your vocal coaching and on top of that, pick up Melissa's video. It's a fantastic video and helped a lot of people I know.
I wasnt really trying to sound like Mike at all, I would say my main influences for screaming are Austin Carlile (ex Attack Attack!, Of Mice & Men) and Danny Worsnop (Asking Alexandria) so thats probably why its the type of screams you hate lol. Like I said though, I am screaming from my throat, since I have not learned how to scream with my diaphragm (gut) but I dont think I am doing it 100% throat because I never feel any pain or discomfort, and most people that are doing it 100% throat tend to cough up blood and **** (I had to listen to the after math of one of my friends ****ing up really badly over the xbox mic as well as reading various youtube comments on how to scream videos.) So I think im doing like 30% gut, 70% throat or something haha. I have actually watched parts of Melissa's video, but I have not seen it in its entirety. Thanks for suggesting it, I will be sure to watch, even if it means buying. Also I checked out your band, you guys are actually really good, what instrument do you play in it?
-Sound Quality -Stance: Better.... -Music Quality: .... -Background -Lighting -Lighting Effects -Different Places -No Microphone: once again, mic stand... -Less Red Face: lol -Good job looking at camera......
I was going to tell you that your lows aren't that good but it seems that you already know that. You're highs aren't great either but they're definitely the best thing you have. Listen to silence cause I agree with him. Just keep practicing and don't give up, I can tell you really want to do this.