Stealin Your Flags

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by RPAL, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    OK I've got one more good fix you can implement. I know you may be tired of hearing these by now, lol. But the biggest problem that has been bugging me is the lack of Mongeese and I didn't want to just rag on the map unless I had a solution to offer, and I may have just found one.

    The first 2 times I played this, it came up in a party of 16. I know that large parties can be bad news for lots of otherwise fine maps. But each time I died for the first time on offense, I spent the entire rest of the round waiting for and even competing for additional Mongoose spawns. It seems intuitive that 8 Mongeese on a 1 second respawn timer should be enough for a team of 8, but the problem is that the timer doesn't start until the busted wreckage despawns from the gameplay field. So, given that people die alot, especially if there is a full team of 8 shooting rockets (that's a lot of rockets), there will always be more people waiting for vehicles than are available, and if you're not lucky enough to have one spawn closer to you than your teammate, you may never get another one.

    The solution: there is an option in the game variant to change out the vehicles placed on the map. So, you can put other unused vehicles in the map and they will be transformed into what the game option tells it to, even beyond the forge item limit of 8. Now you can't just set the option to "Mongeese only" because this will also transform the Warthogs that you need for defense. BUT! there is an option for "All Human" that will turn Ghosts into Mongeese and not affect the Warthogs at all.

    Looking at your budget in the latest version I downloaded, it seems you have enough to place 5 ghosts, and 6 if you're willing to delete a single fusion coil somewhere. Set your game options, under "vehicle set" to "All Human", and you now have 14 Mongeese. This is enough I believe to completely alleviate the problem. Just set the respawn timer of the Ghosts to 1 second and that property will transfer over.
    #41 Indie Anthias, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Have you tested that? Cause I think all that option does is tell the game not to spawn any of the other vehicles on the map, not turn them into something else.
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Yes I tested it, it works. : Halo Reach : File Details

    Most of the options work the way you said. For example, "Aircraft" simply deletes anything that's not an aircraft. But there are a few options that actually replace vehicles on the map.
    #43 Indie Anthias, Feb 14, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2011
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Wow. That might be useful for cat and mouse.
  5. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I remember making that suggestion while playing it with you awhile back, but you shot it down, or someone else did, and I talked about playing Hemorrhage on elite slayer and the mongoose being replaced by mongoose. But, I got ignored.

    Also, I love this game. Its one of the few mini-games/casual maps that I have saved on my Xbox.
  6. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    Yeah and here's an example of what you can really do
  7. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    If that works, I will seriously give you a hug through the computer. I knew I couldn't set it to mongoose only so I never checked that section, but this may be a life saver. I will now finish the rest of my post with a cookie for you.


    After I test it out and make some changes, I will definitely give you some credit for that useful information and your time looking it over.

    I really wish reuploading the map to my fileshare wouldn't delete the download count and likes though, it makes me feel bad having to restart all over because less people will end up downloading it.
    #47 RPAL, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2011
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I don't think I need credit but I'll take that cookie!! and I know how you feel about having to reset your downloads.

    sadly it doesn't look like there's an option that works the same way with Wraiths involved. I made a list of what all these do but I'll post it later somewhere else so we can don't take this thread further off topic.
  9. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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  10. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    So, I was thinking, couldn't you have the defenders all spawn in a room with custom power-ups in there on the potal to the main room? Then you could set it up for invincible vehicles, so that people would only be able to blow up the hogs when the time of the power-up went out? That wouldn't fix the problem entirely, but it would make it harder to mess things up.
  11. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    There really isn't enough objects/money to do that and it wastes time before people will get to the rocket hogs. I never liked the idea of custom powerups doing it even when I thought of it. I would rather not patch something partly if I can't completely fix it.
  12. PantalaimonpanX

    PantalaimonpanX Forerunner

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    I love the map but the only thing is that I can't get enough people to play with me. Most of my friends are on Black Ops now >.< Does anyone have recommendations to how to get enough people to play with you?
  13. Mexicanleprican

    Mexicanleprican Forerunner

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    Honestly, this is one of the most original/fun gametypes i've ever played. It should be in matchmaking. 4v4 on this game is the way to go. The natural landscape provides cover and the race to the man cannon starting in the second wave is pure fun. 10/10 IMO
  14. The Last 0rphan

    The Last 0rphan Forerunner

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    How did you make a warthog turret go to first person mode, and btw, i love the map, its very original
  15. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    You block where the 3rd person camera wants to go. The roof of the base area is low enough that the camera has to be pushed down into the vehicle so it becomes 1st person. It worked in Halo 3 and it ended up working in Reach. Hope that is a good explanation, its a bit tricky to do the first time but not hard.

    In short, it won't work unless the vehicle/turret is stationary and being blocked on top by some object.
    #55 RPAL, Feb 27, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  16. Nickwalker12

    Nickwalker12 Ancient
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    Great map! Seriously awesome! I've used the fixed warthog idea in a few maps (They make decent AA guns), but never on this scale! Looks extremely fun!

    Or just spawn custom power ups on the player respawn? Or make the player have invincible mongooses for 10 seconds?
  17. PTandJD11

    PTandJD11 Forerunner
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    ***** amazing map!

    I played this map with a 16 player lobby and it was AMAZING! Great work! I see no flaws in this map whatsoever. :)
  18. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    Players do 0% damage for like 10 seconds after respawning. I added that to stop people from accidentally clicking the wrong button and blowing up the vehicle they are standing in front of. Thats the most I could do to solve that problem, and since it doesn't work on initial spawns, the defending team is unaffected.
  19. xX Zoidberg20

    xX Zoidberg20 Forerunner

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    Even though I have only played this with a maximum of 2 people we both had alot of fun so that says alot. Bottomline great map with a great gametype and should be better with more players once we get them on. Keep up the good work. :D
  20. ShammySham

    ShammySham Forerunner

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    hey man, i have had this idea for ages too, but never got the time to implement it, i like it, The ideas i had were actually for a Map i was working on called NightFall Rush, where the attackers get 2 "Bombardment Wraiths", which are supposed to do as i call them, bombard the defenders defensive turrets and such, I ALSO used Rocket Hogs as defense, and thought of a general idea, but this does have alot of nice tweaks, Nice work! :D
    #60 ShammySham, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011

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