EDIT: MANY NEW PICTURE UPLOADED NOW !!!! Hello everybody out there!!! ________________________ Im working on this map for a long long time. And still: This model of the Pillar Of Autumn is not a final product, its a process. Oftenly i do some (minor) visual modifiations.One day i thought that this version is ready for being published. Im new to this forum, but i registred because i thought that everybody out there deserves to know about this map and im pretty shure you wont be disappointed. As i just mentioned im very new to this forum, so please dont kick my -blam- when i dont get it immediatly... Id like to here some constructive critics of you, just tell me what you think. _______________ :ESCRIPTION:: _______________ General: ________ Above the canyon of Blood Gulch is floating a fully equipped halcyon cruiser. It includes two hangarbays (for two Falcons), a vehicle storage (for Scorpion and two Warthogs), armory, battle station (with rocket batteries), bridge/commando deck, fusion reactor (control room), engine room, sickbay, bar and panorama deck. I created this map for invasion, as it is a new and fun gametype in the halo games but you can also play in Teamslayer or Slayer. At the moment im doing modifications on this map, so the next version (its gonna be called "DAWN UNDER HEAVEN") will be suitable for infection, assault ( 1 bomb) and maybe territories or 3-plots. But the main point of this map is still invasion: Invasion: _________ In invasion gametype, Elites spawn in a cave with 8 Banshees in it. Spartans spawn in the battle station and near the engine room. Elites try to enter the autumn with their 8 (immediatly respawning) Banshees and have to conquer the hangar control. In the second phase, Elites have to get control over the engines. They can now spawn in the cave, in the armory or outside the autumn (a bridge leads into starboard hangar). Spartans can now spawn in the bar or near the engines. With the 3rd phase the door to the bridge will be opened. Outside the Autumn will spawn the bomb (a bridge leads into starboard hangar) that has to be taken to the control room/bridge. When the bomb explodes, the whole commando deck will be gone too, you will see ;D ______________________________________________________________ This map is actual playable !!! Its working, but I dont feel satisfied yet, if you have some tips for me how to make the gameplay more intensive, I'd be really appreciative. Works for Invasion, Slayer, Teamslayer, BTB!!! So if you want to test it, do so!!! ______________________________________________________________ For me there is only left to say: Have much fun with this map variant !!! best regards... JD Horx PICTURES 8 Banshees should be enough... Banshees are attacking... Falcons are defending, rocket turret is firing at will... This is the view into the hangar from outside. The cargo bay leads into the hangar, a scorpions quits to take part in the battle. The cargo bay... The spartan is coming from the starboard hangar.. This the second level of the hangar. There is placed a machine gun to guard the hangar. A spartan enters the cargo bay. The powerful defense rocket batteries The Front observation window allows you to get an overview of the battle... Point defense turrets The bar, lets have a drink! the panorama deck PANORAMA !!!! Acces to the fusion core Fusion core direct acces to fusion chamber Commando deck Bridge inside with consoles and screens View from outside the bridge !!! CLICK ON BAR FOR FULLSCREEN !!! the BUG OBSERVATION will appear in version 3, actual downloadable version has none. Pictures show already the tweaked nose of the ship.
You need more pics so people know what they are downloading, try and make them descriptive rather than artistic also.
I believe its an hour or lock. Idk ask mods. I do think this map should be in aesthetic,it looks awesome, but i dont think its set up for a typical game.
competitive or not? My intention was to create a map with more focus on air combat, because the maps that are in playlists doesn't give you oftenly the chance to get your hands on a falcon or a banshee (yes... BTB-playlist, but each team gets only one of them at once). I love the falcon and I love to fly the banshee, so this map is a try to get some kind of furball in a nice scenery. With an überpower of 8 banshees against an überpower of 2 falcons, 2 rocket batteries (warthogs) 4 machine guns (kind of AA-tower), 2 Warthogs plus one tank in cargo bay (with 8 banshees, the tank should be the first target. the banshees will immediatly respawn, so when you get killed in a banshee and you respawn in the cave, you will always be able to get out there to the autumn) I have to admit, I never had the chance to test the map with like.. 12 players or even better 16 players. But at the moment, this test would be a waste of time, because I have to fix some issues, like the invasion plots (when and where to conquer a room or to capture the core or whatever..) This will take some time but version 3 should be ready for a little more testing. We will see if it will become balanced then and the most important point: if you can have much fun playing it !!! Greetings JD
Umm... what? Obviously this is you're first post here. I very much liked the look of the map from the thumbnail picture, but in your post you should try and include much more pictures. Probably 5 at the very minimum. People won't download you're map unless they know what they are downloading. Also I am confused how you expect this map to play. You mentioned you wanted gameplay more focused on air combat, but then you have added a Scorpion and two warthogs. You should revise this map heavily in forge and test it senseless for invasion with the right amount of players to make sure it's in top condition for people to play.
JFox, shut up. You haven't even downloaded the map yet, or played on it. How can you expect to offer any valid, or even applicable, feedback? As he said, it is a work in progress. As far as gameplay goes, It may need some adjustments. Also, I would have liked to see less focus on vehicle action and more action taking place on the interior of the 'ship' on-foot.
Hello everybody, as I said, I have uploaded some pictures now. I'm quite busy in moment because of my examinations, so I had not enough time to make all the screenshots that I wanted to. These picture are not enough to show the whole of the ship... They do not show the sweetest places on this map yet either, you'll see more when I have better pictures Yes, I want air combat. And as I think that your quite good in maths, you know that it takes 6 players for 2 falcons to be fully occupied. And 6 players from one team is the whole team (INVASION) or at least 3/4 of one team (BTB). I thought that this is more than on every map in every playlist from bungie. Warthogs and tank are optional/additional and maybe they will not stay there by balancing reasons. But thanks for reading this thread. Greetings JD Horx
This map looks very nice with the aethestics and I like how you center it on air combat...this definalty couyld be placed under aesthetic maps but the fact you didnt and the fact you mention that you havent finish the gameplay factor yet shows you ambition for a very nice map...I like the hangers and the outside of the map...although Im worried about the extra vehicals affecting gameplay and I would like to see some screen shots of the bridge and soem of the other rooms in the ship...once again a nice remake of the ship and from what Ive seen maybe one of the best...cant wait to download and test the final version of this map...keep up the good work and dont listen to the haters...
Thank you very much. I've created a little blueprint. Theres really much space and many rooms inside the ship ( there would be more if i didnt run out of money) and it could be a little help to see on a map where to find what. I dont want you to get lost in it As the ship is mostly symmetrical, its a side view: [br][/br]Edited by merge: Whoo ! Im proud to anounce you the sequel of the Pillar of Autumn by JD Horx v.2 i present you the UNSC Dawn Under Heaven by JD Horx the Dawn Under Heaven whas a halcyon cruiser and the sister ship of the pillar of autumn. expect fast paced air combat and intensive close quarter combat on this invasion map. the epic design will blow your mind while you fight as spartan or as elite in the battle for the Dawn Under Heaven the map is near completion and is already in a beta stadium !!! im looking for a group of interested players who will test this map with me for invasion and big team battle. pm me if your interested
hey, this is pretty cool, plays alright. i played with invasion with a party of 4, small but enough. 2 things i noticed: 1 the ship is a little bit confusing inside, its grand and awesome but i just found it a little disorienting, if you could find some way to highlight key areas thatd be awesome. 2nd, theres a random kill zone in the cargo bay directly infront of the scorpion, not sure why but whenever driving/walking though the right side of the cargo bay resulted in an instant guardian death. otherwise, very cool, playable, a complete exterior and extensive exterior, thats pretty rare. it could probably use a little more playtesting though.
This map pretty awesome so I was wondering when the final version of this map will be posted so I can download it...:/ [br][/br]Edited by merge: I vlooked at the map and this is definalty the best Pillar of Autum I have seen...the ship is huge and the rooms are numerour with the most important rooms in the ship...very impressive...however I didnt have a chance to test the map on invasion...
1st remark: color coding will be fixed soon 2nd remark: death zone is already fixed new version (3.0) is near completion and will be released as "UNSC Dawn Under Heaven" (sister ship of the pillar of autumn) thanks for your advices !!! PS: some sneak preview: }}} The FRONT ROOMS {{{ }}} The REAR ROOMS {{{
This is a cool map, I seen the first version that was cool, and it nice to see a gametypes on the map. The ship looks really good , instantly I see what you have remade. Cool interior and lay out. Nicely presented too. Great work. Looking forward to playing some customs on this .
sick, that diagram helps alot and im glad to hear the killzones fixed. is the 'Dawn Under Heaven' currently the most up-to-date version?
the DAWN UNDER HEAVEN could also be named "Pillar of Autumn v.3", so it is gonna be the most up to date version I will start a new threat for the DAWN, when it is gonna be released and it wont replace the PILLAR OF AUTUMN v.2. The DAWN UNDER HEAVEN is near completion, the aesthetical changes are complete and the Invasion gameplay is modified now. All I gonna do now is integrate 1-bomb-assault, 1-flag and Infection! Im looking for people or a team to test the weapon locations and settings now, so if anybody is interested to test this map please pm me or add me with my GT [br][/br]Edited by merge: The UNSC Dawn Under Heaven is released now. It is kind of "Pillar Of Autumn v.3". Have a look: CLICK