Are there any Moderators on Minecraft Camo? I need to play now or it will kill me. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I hate games like BulletStorm at a fundamental level. Getting "points" as a main game mechanic stopped being fun after Tetris.
...well then you must fundamentally hate most games...basically all puzzle games, sports games, platformers/top down shooters, rhythm games...basically any game where the winner is decided by who had more points...and if you consider number of kills as "points" than any fps as well. I think that just about leaves...MMORPGs, RPGs, RTS, horror games...and that's about it, and those games have a point system in them at some level. And yes there are moderators on minecraft right now.
I don't know what that means, all the games genres I mentioned have points as their main game mechanic.
I weigh 160 and my max was only 135, lol. I'm about 6' 2" but I look toned/gaunt. It's primarily my technique, or lack there of, while benching. I can squat around 250-300 though. I'm all legs basically. lol
Oh well, I never really liked Gears of War either. Too "macho power trip" In single player games with no story, points are just a way of measuring how well you performed. Tetris counts rows and time survived because without it, you wouldn't know how well you did, and that would make the game less fulfilling. It was a method of driving the gameplay when nothing else existed. There was no story and no way of competing with other people directly, so ranking how well you played became the only way to give the game context. Leaderboard oriented gameplay becomes boring in comparison to campaign gameplay, or competitive multiplayer. There's still some people who like it though, but it's quickly becoming an old prospect.
I just don't like game modes like Firefight, Horde and **** Zombies. Personal preference I guess. They're not horrible, but when you've had a lot of a good thing, the things you used to think were o.k seem much, much worse.
I'm not attracted to the opposite sex. (BORN THIS WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY) Your point is invalid.
It's like in Ocarina of Time, where Link has to clear out Dodongo's cavern because the Goron started eating the rocks from inside and the rocks are so delicious that now the Goron would rather starve than eat anything else.