Half of my Collection

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Taurus480, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    Hey guys. I figured I would release half of my map collection to everyone instead of posting each map as an individual post. Anyway unfortunatly I do not have bungie pro so I couldnt post all my maps on my file share. Im not going to say anymore, time for the maps :p

    My link to my fileshare is Bungie.net : Reach : Service Record

    Washington D.C. Capitol Hill

    This map was the second city map ive ever maken. It plays pretty good with infection but even better for slayer.


    Washington D.C. Pentagon

    I made this map to be my first invasion map. Turns out nothing has worked as planned so now this sits in my list of unfinished maps. Looks real nice and could be used in a video :)


    Washington D.C. White House

    Another Infection map. The white house has two floors, the main floor and a basement. This was also one of my first maps (I dont like it lol).


    Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial

    This was made for infeciton, and it is also my favorite infection map to play on. Map includes the Lincoln Memorial, Reflecting Pool, and the Washington monument can be seen in the distance.


    Raccoon City

    This was my first city map ever made. Plays good for infection and team slayer. It really doesnt look anything close to Raccoon City but when I went to name it the only city I could think of that was attacked by zombies was Raccoon City :p


    Citadel City Outskirts

    I got alot of messages saying "can you make a ruined Raccoon City?". Soo i finally gave in and created this. This map was also my favorite infection map until I made the Lincoln memorial. Their is tons and tons of hiding spots on the map aswell :)


    LaPorte Downtown

    When I began making maps, many people did not beleive that I made any of them... so in order to prove them wrong I made the Downtown area of my hometown. Works great with infection and slayer game variants.


    Alliance Tower

    I made this because I wanted my own personal tower... Actually I lied, I made this because one of my friends was making a huge tower so i made this to have a better tower than he did ;) This map doesnt have any playability to it, it just looks nice.


    FALLOUT: New Vegas

    the map has been made for Infection.


    FALLOUT: Hoover Dam

    The map has been made for Invasion.


    Republic Star Destroyer

    The map was made due to massive ammounts of requests. I originally made it to be forge art. This map was also what led me to find this site because someone stole this from me and posted it here (you know who you are!) anyway ive taken this map and am currently turning it into an invasion map.


    Other maps I will be posting at a later date are; Oni Base Epsilon, Law Abiding Citizen Prison (Afro Kittens also helped), Citadel City Shopping Center, Omaha Beach, SAO City, Mass Effect: Horizon, FALLOUT: Camp McCarran, and Citadel City Bank.

    Hope you guys like the maps. If you needed a map that isnt posted on my fileshare message me "WHILE IM ONLINE". My gamertag is Taurus480.

    If you also have any questions, comments, or ideas for new maps feel free to post! :)

    My link to my fileshare is http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Default.aspx?player=Taurus480
    #1 Taurus480, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2011
  2. Dookie no Jutsu

    Dookie no Jutsu Forerunner

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    i am surprised that you haven't received any replys. the capitol building, the lincoln memorial, the pentagon, are all F$&@in incredible. but that wasn't good enough, no, you finished it off with a star destroyer!!!!! oh man, you do some incredible stuff.
  3. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think the reason why there is so few replys on this thread is because ppl dont know where to begin :O just sitting here. . . stunned
  4. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

    Likes Received:
    These maps are fantastic! This thread really deserves more posts.

    I especially like the fact that you've made these maps practical as well as including brilliant aesthetics. I look forward to playing Infection on your Citadel City!
  5. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was shocked at all of the pictures (mainly the first one) great job!
  6. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    On a more serious note, the maps all look amazing. I would've released them in sets of two or three, though, not all at once.
  7. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    These look awesome. i love the hoover dam map, and the racoon city map. they all look incredible. good job
  8. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    lol thanks guys. I did post a thread just like this on the bungie forums but the **** forum moderators locked the thread and gave me a warning because im not allowed to do that :/
  9. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow. This stuff is beyond impressive. Well done.

    Speaking of works of art... Any chance you'd be interested in forging the Art Museum in Philadelphia?
  10. smish34

    smish34 Forerunner

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    Half of these maps ive seen. The fallout ones i DL to my fileshare months ago
  11. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    yep my raccoon city map is very very old. Since I never posted most of them to this site i figured I would just post almost everything that ive made lol :)
  12. soupoo

    soupoo Forerunner

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    wow these all look great. cant wait to play the broken racoon city it looks so epic.
  13. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy mother of Jesus. I have never been a great aesthetic forger, but I have always wanted to see some quality Washington, D.C. or even other American memorials created. And you did them perfectly. If I hadn't picked my Staff Pick for this week already, this would've been it. I'll catcha next week.

    I just hope the real thing is as good as the pictures.

    Edit: Looking closer there's a few things wrong with the post:

    Links to fileshares are a no no. You must link directly to the posted map, so you'll need to fix that pronto, I don't want to lock this. If I were you, I would ask me to lock the this thread, and then post each one individually. So you can get a more wide variety of criticisms.

    Also, this map is in Casual when it really should be in Aesthetics, so I'll do that moving for you.

    Lastly, the thumbnail image must be unedited - meaning no filters. There is an infraction for that, but since I'm just compiling all this in this post, I'll leave it there, but if somebody complains about it I've got to infract it.
    #13 RedNeck, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  14. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    alrighty I dont want to post them sepparatly because I dont have direct links to some of the mpas because my fileshare is full, Also my picture is un edited I just went to forge added the pen and ink fx to the map and took a screenshot.
  15. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Im just wondering all these all of your maps. Correct me if im wrong but i've seen these mapson Forgehub before
  16. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    holy crap, this is amazing. or these, really, which makes it more amazing. the city ones look legit, definite download.

    edit: so i take it citadel city outskirts is currently off your fileshare?
    #16 Lazer X7, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  17. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    i have posted a couple of the maps on forgehub already, fallout new vegas and hoover damn along with lincoln memorial and mass effect horizon.

    Also i didnt have enough room on my fileshare for many of the maps. If thier is a map you want and its not on my fileshare message me when "I AM ONLINE" and I will be more than happy to give u the maps :)
  18. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    you should definitely get bungie pro and host all of your maps, the cities look simply fantastic and the venator is really good too.
    ill definite download it
  19. Taurus480

    Taurus480 Forerunner

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    Thanks guys for all of the responses! I really do enjoy maken the maps for myself and the community, but I spend all my effort making them and when it comes time to posting them online I dont wanna have to deal with "dont edit your pictures, you need direct links, dont post a link to your fileshare, ect.." I wanna just have fun post some pics and a little bit of info about the maps and just sit down and talk with people about them ;) Im done with this site. If anyone is interested in checking out maps that ive made in the near future "almost done with 2 more" feel free to message me on xbl. Before you message me tho, MAKE SURE I AM ONLINE! my gamertag is Taurus480
  20. JackalAnubis

    JackalAnubis Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hot damn these are amazing! fantastic job love the white house and the dam especially. Wish I had my halo so I could check them out but someone else is borrowing it =(

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