i meant how do we share maps between people, but i now understand the seed system. Seeds generate map terrain, sharing the seedname means sharing the same terrain. I thought it was kinda how SMP worked, with someone having one map and share the map through setting up servers- Nevermind, point is, i get it now.
By that logic Minecraft must be shamelessly riding off StarCRAFT because it has "craft" in its name. You're right, I'm sure millions of xbox owners that play indie games will instant buy it thinking they are being duped that they are playing minecraft ¬.¬. Its going to be a dollar...relax. So? What if they do, people like it, why not? Let me restate my point in this clear concise bullet point format. Minecraft was not the first game with its concept, just what's popular right now Fortresscraft is for XBOX, it won't share the same market as Minecraft so it isn't in competition with it. It's a dollar, its not fleecing money out of anyone. Support Indie development. Notch doesn't care about clones of his game, why do you care for him? There are a billion clones of any popular game, seriously why does anyone care?
Anything you put into that box will influence the generated world. You can check out the posts over on the minecraft forums, some people got some really cool worlds. ___________edit_____________ so I heard you like getting answers late.
I understand that it won't take from the same consumer base, but I am still annoyed both by how they used the "craft" suffix for a game of the same type of game and how when people called them out on it they denied to say that it was minecraft who inspired them. It's all well and good to say they were inspired by the same thing, but when you make a game that is earily similar to one that has just become popular and yell at people who noticed you used the same name (when none of the other games have the same name) and you say you weren't inspired by that game you come off as a douche bag. I wouldn't have a problem if they had said "we were inspired by minecraft's success and innovation and wanted to bring it to the Xbox," I'd be totally supportive, but this guy just acted like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar by his mom by crying and telling her the dog said he could have some. He acted guilty and made up a stupid excuse to get himself out of trouble he wouldn't have even been in.
I'm a bit too excited about seeds. Yesterday a majority of the time I was on Minecraft was spent trying out different seeds, I found a nice little island in the middle of a frozen pond on the seed 'Cheese'
There were some really bad ass ones, I didn't try a whole bunch myself, but as I said the guys over on the mc forum have a topic filled with different seeds they generated. Loving this feature.
The guy who is making FortressCraft repeatedly says he plays minecraft and thinks its a good game. And people didn't simply "call him out" on it, they chastised him for it. I would be mad too if people hated me and my game simply because it was similar to another one.
It's not the same, and I'm not going to explain why, because you KNOW why. It doesn't matter if it's one dollar when thousands of people are going to buy this game because "It's like Minecraft but on the xbox". There's no doubt in my mind this game is going to make a few thousand dollars purely because it engineered some hype by calling comparing itself to Minecraft. -urp, Yes it is. It's not about the competition. Fortress craft won't just sour people towards games like Minecraft, but it's going to make a lot of money while doing it, while putting forth nothing new. We'll see. That sounds more like excuse rather than a justification Yep. Totally an excuse. Beyond similar and beyond "inspired". This game is about nothing more than making money off of someone else's work.
He never once denied being inspired by notch and his work. In fact he once even said something along the lines of notch opening the doors for new indie devs and he wanted to give his take on the genre. If that isn't about being inspired i don't know what is. And, if somebody plays fortress craft and is soured towards minecraft, surely better they pay 1 dollar and not like something than 15 and not like it? (from the customer point of view this is) Also, infiniminer came before minecraft. And fortress craft uses none of the same coding therefore is not somebody elses work. Minecraft is not copyrighted as an IP but the coding is. Therefore fortress craft breaks no rules and is simply one man giving his own take on a game genre.
I tried a bunch and ended with "abc". Generates some pretty cool mountains, although a bit tricky to avoid mobs with all the trees :/ But my treehouse built into the side of a mountain is pretty bamf if I do say so myself. I want to build a ginormous mob trap... mainly because I have nothing better to do lol And I was griefed horribly on the miningbros server (if nobody could tell by my picture >.>) Is there anyway we could restore that section? Because I literally lost 300 wood, 100 dyed cloth, 30 bookcases, and a bunch of glass. Sucks hard, I know but what the hell, am I the only person whose been griefed?
You didn't say that it was the same game, you said because it had "craft" in its name. I was just going by your own logic of a less popular title "riding" popularity off of another more popular game with a similar title. And both games are about resource management and surviving, maybe Minecraft was a ripoff of starcraft. /sarcasm If you're going to make a statement about the game's being the same than say what you mean and not some lame thing like they both have craft in the name. Again, so what? You act like its a personal afront to you that a similar game makes money. The money it makes has no relation to the money Minecraft makes. Here is the best selling Indie xbox games, if your average gamer can recognize more than 2 of those than they are not your average gamer, so it is no threat. If I buy "Nuclear Wasteland" which is a "shameless ripoff" of fallout 3, will I be dissuaded from buying Fallout 3. No, and they are, at least, in the same platform. You and the other haters are the people comparing it and bringing hype to it. What do you not understand by that. The more people saying, "It is just like minecraft", the better for it. A lot of people like minecraft, they hear all this talk about another game a lot like minecraft for a system they own than they'll want to buy it. You are helping the advertising of a game you are criticizing. -derp, No it isn't. Minecraft's inspiration It's not about the competition...so the money thing, though related to your beef, is not important...ok....If someone is soured from playing an indie game with the restrictions placed on them by Microsoft, on a larger concept that is beyond that game, than that person doesn't deserve to play video games. So I didn't like this mario clone I was playing on the internet....guess I hate mario now. Also, who said it wouldn't put forth something new. THE GAME ISN'T OUT YET. It's taking the concept of minecraft, it isn't porting it. The developer will put whatever new stuff in it that they want, all we have is a short trailer of it, relax. All the poor families that will go destitute because of the dollar they spent on that one downloadable game. IF ONLY THEY KNEW, THE HORROR! I don't even know what this means....its what Notch has said on numerous twitter and blog posts. He encourages modding of his own game and for people to take what he has done and expand on it. Don't be naive. Are you telling me every game you have ever played was unique and that no game has ever come from other games. Most browser games are clones of popular games. Why is it when someone can't formulate an actual counterpoint they expect the other person to form a list of stuff. Sure, let me start with all the clones of Mario and after a couple years I'll move onto Halo. Again, naive, no one is saying they are the same game, you are, and you have no evidence that backs it up. I'm fairly certain you have not even looked up the game and are just going off the scant facts you have picked up in this thread. Most if not all games are similar or inspired by other games. Pong has single player, multiplayer, an objective system, audio, and visual effects, I guess every game ever owes Pong money. (technically Tennis for Two, but that's beside the point) Truer words have never been spoken...oh wait are you referring to FortressCraft or every video game ever? I honestly just don't understand why some people need to argue...If you won't buy the game, fine don't buy it. Think it won't be fun, say that, whatever. As a fledgling indie game developer myself, I take offense to someone criticizing another indie developer. It is hard to make a successful product when you are severely limited in resources. What I won't stand for is people making bullshit statements they know nothing about and claiming some moral high ground because of it. Nonone in the gaming industry cares. FortressCraft is not breaking any copy right laws, Indie games will always make less money than full retail product games. It's only fanboys that seem to have some fanatical dedication to something they like, that ever hate on rival games. If you don't like the game, no one is forcing you to get it, and if there are legitimate problems with it than it is fine to voice those problems. Human, this ^ wasn't specifically directed to you just so you know, but to anyone. tl;dr....
The fact that they both end with "craft" is important. Of all the names they could have chosen, one with the word "craft" in the name is going to stir up controversy. It was a calculated move designed to make people talk about the game, instead of letting it stand on its own merit. Firstly, yes it does. It may be minute, but Fortress Craft is competing with Minecraft. Console oriented gamers who may have eventually been persuaded into buying Minecraft will instead buy Fortress Craft (and probably assume Minecraft is as bad). Secondly, this isn't about the money Minecraft makes. If Fortress Craft earns even a few thousand dollars, that's a few thousand dollars earned with a stolen idea. If anyone buys Fortress Craft because I talked about it, they obviously didn't read the words I typed. I'm not against the fact that people are stupid sheep, but the people trying to herd them. Look at any video. Fortress craft is a piece of crap. Minecraft was inspired by Infiniminer, but Notch decided on an entirely different aesthetic and gameplay direction, as well as adding new mechanics and gameplay ideas. If all you've seen is "a short trailer" I guess that would mean I'm more informed than you. I'm not going to post the videos, but you are so wrong. You obviously don't know the difference between idealism and opportunism, and it's pointless for me to try to explain.
Anyone think they could help me? Spoiler I just bough a new HP desktop computer, Not too good, but its pretty decent. Specs: AMD athlon II x4 640 CPU @ 3.0GHz Radeon HD 4200 8GB DDR3 RAM Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Okay, so here's the problem. Every time I run minecraft I experience lag, not your normal frame rate loss lag, lag within the keyboard and mouse. Where I will turn, and half a second later I turn on the screen. If I play Minecraft in a small window, it works perfectly fine. I tried putting the priority to High, try messing with the Fog, updated my Java, even downloaded game booster as a last ditch effort. This strikes as odd because I use to run Minecraft on a laptop, which had 4GB of RAM and a pretty crappy graphics card. It could run Minecraft perfectly, no FPS loss, absolutely no lag, ran PERFECT with no Fog on. Don't want to leave out it had a Intel Pention Dual core processor. I can run GarrysMod, Half-Life 2, TF2, and Portal perfectly on this computer. For Christs sake I can run Gmod with Photoshop and After Effects open. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I miss Minecraft :|
Oh, so now this is about semantics....So craft is now locked off as a name for games forever. Hey game developers, you aren't allowed to have craft in your name, sorry Minecraft has it now. Or is there a time limit to it, when is craft allowed to be used at the end of a video game name? You're probably right, it was a calculated move to make people talk about the game, it's called advertising. Not every product has a demo where one can judge something by its "merits". I didn't know the merits of Minecraft before I played it, from the looks of it, it looked like all the boring parts of games I liked. It was what people described of it and what I heard of minecraft that made me want to get it, that's advertising, it has nothing to do with letting it stand on its own merits. BTW, the Fortress part comes from Dwarf Fortress, the other inspiration for Minecraft. I guess the fanboys of Dwarf Fortress should be pretty mad aswell....oh wait, that game is older so its ok to take that part of the name. Oh so now it is about the competition? Make up your mind man. You are making some pretty heavy assumptions here. So.....you're assuming the consumer base, when deciding how to spend their one dollar vs 15 dollars, will only make one choice. One or the other? Most consumers if they have an xbox they will have a computer so I don't get your assumption. Now let me make an assumption. If a consumer buys Fortress Craft who had heard of minecraft and wanted to play it for the xbox, than they presumably would have looked up minecraft. You are making that assumption as well. So they wouldn't buy a game they fully know is better and more advanced because of an early release version of a similar game on a different platform? That doesn't make sense. You just said it is about the money, stay consistent within your argument. The idea is Legos. Minecraft isn't even a full game yet. Its in beta release where the only objective is to survive the night. So...the idea it's stealing is a concept. I guess all platformers are stealing their success from Donkey Kong. All this argument stems from Minecraft being new. If an indie developer made a game called, "Chain- Quest for LowRule" and made it a similar in every way to Zelda except they changed all the names, noone would bat an eye. In fact people would probably love it because of how retro it was. And again stealing applies he copy/pasted Mojang's code. Try not to use loaded language inappropriately. You are accusing FortressCraft of copying Minecraft, not stealing anything. I don't know, everything you've typed thus far seems to say that FortressCraft is a carbon copy of Minecraft. If I was an outside observer, I'd want to get FortressCraft based on that . First time you actually said anything negative about the game that wasn't "its the same as" was right there, "Fortress craft is a piece of crap". Finally, an actual opinion that can be legitimately argued. You think it is a piece of crap, fine, the game isn't out yet, all videos of it are of test sessions or the trailer, and its for the (and let me make this big letters), INDIE MARKETPLACE. Those games don't get the room and resources that retail games get. Minecraft was made for the computer, as such it can be as complex as any computer out today. FortressCraft will run on a network that can barely support 5 GB files. From what I've seen the graphics and lighting are actually damn impressive, take a look at some of the other Indie games for comparison Right, and have you heard the Developer of FortressCraft talk? He lists several ideas that default Minecraft doesn't do. Sounds like he wants to add new mechanics and gameplay ideas....So because Minecraft added animals and looks prettier its not similar to infiniminer? I don't know, I saw the videos...there was TNT....blocks....water...lava...mining...crafting... seemed pretty similar to me Again, I'm not against Minecraft or anything, I enjoy it and will continue to play it, just pointing out the flaws in your argument as it were. Yes, the official trailer of the game. All videos of the game are from earlier test sessions of the game or of the trailer with people talking over it. There is a 14 minute video where the developer explains the game and that was an older video. But ok, fair enough, I believe you looked up the game at least, and upon looking up the game you decided it shouldn't exist based on what....it looks similar...ok... So now this isn't about a two games that are similar, its about symbolism is it? You obviously are missing the point and just feel like arguing every small thing I type regardless of the big picture I'm trying to convey. YES I KNOW IT IS OPPORTUNISM. WHO CARES?! It is an indie developer trying to get their foot in the door by making a concept that is popular right now. Do you know how many Angry Bird spin offs there were once that game made its first million? BTW, Ravio were not the first developers to come up with the idea of sling-shotting something into a destructible environment. So every game that took that concept could be accused of opportunism. And I would agree, Angry Birds made a lot of money and the concept it has is fairly general. Minecraft is making a lot of money, and the concept behind it is fairly general. So yes people will now always compare any lego/creation type game to minecraft, just like they will link any sling-shot game to Angry Birds. Because those games are what is popular at the moment, it doesn't matter if those games were not the first of its kind, in popular perception it is. So let me wrap this TL;DR in the same point I keep trying to convey. Why do you or anyone care, because the creators of the game certainly don't. Your whole argument is predicated on the basis that because the game is too similar to Minecraft, it should not exist. That is your "thesis" if you will and anything else seems to be just semantics and argument for the sake of argument. So, by that thesis, even if FortressCraft were free, meaning no "competition"(whatever), whatsoever for Minecraft, you would still be against it because of how similar it is? Huntar possibly try cleaning the computer itself. Delete cookies, check for spyware/viruses, close any non essential program running in the background, cold reboot.
I have tried. Also, it's a BRAND NEW computer. Hasn't been out of the box for no more than 5 days. Whatever I try, it comes to no avail :/