The Fifth Column

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Lazer X7, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    Hey everyone. This will be my second map on Forgehub, my first being a recreation of Serenity I posted a few weeks back. This ship is completely original, though I did take inspiration from several places.

    The Fifth Column
    Living up to its name, the Fifth Column can insert a mechanized Spartan-II team anywhere in intersteller space undetected.

    The Fifth Column is a UNSC specialized Prowler-type vessel. Instead of gathering intelligence, the Fifth Column uses its stealth capabilities to insert Spartan II's, complete with a compliment of armored vehicles, weapons, etc, behind enemy lines. It's fast, can be used on long voyages and in atmosphere. It's main drawback is a lack of armor and firepower.

    I've filled the entirety of the open space inside. Also, the floorplan inside doesn't effect the hull shape, so if you wanted to you could clear the inside out and completely rearrange it (you're free to do this, just credit me.).

    Now the ship itself:

    A view from the aft of the ship. It's supposed to look like a more organic UNSC ship. You can see some of the point defense turrets here.

    Another outside view. You can see the cockpit and the ship's two radar/satellite dishes.

    A look inside the drop bay. All the vehicles can be driven out and land on the sandbank. Walking out will kill you though. There's one of those ramp mounted machine guns on the right...

    ...which can actually prove to be quite entertaining.

    A look down the cargo bay from the ramp. This was inspired by larger military cargo planes like C-130s and C-5s. Warthogs are stored in the curved structure of the ship.

    Service ramp up to the main floors in the back. There's a mongoose behind it and a cargo door similar to Serenity's. You can also see the door to the spartan barracks.

    Inside the Spartan barracks, with storage space above the bunks.

    If you go up the last ramp from the cargo bay (on right), you are now on the main floor. If you continue...

    You'll be in the armory/cafeteria/lounge. Even if the Spartan's take rec time, they'll be ready to fight.

    Rest of the rec room. In the back is a safe room, with its own devoted communication dish.

    Back by the ramps. Behind the spartan are the crew quarters, which I'll let you explore. They've got desks, a couple view screens, and beds. The captains quarters is at the end. Now to the final floor...

    Ramp from main floor on left. Here there are 4 cryo pods, and ahead is the med bay.

    Inside the med bay.

    The med bay window from the outside.

    If you didn't go towards the med bay, you'll end up on the bridge. You can see view screens, a table, and electronic jamming equipment on the ceiling. Note: the version you'll download looks different, it has several camp chairs to make it look more used.

    I've separated the bridge from the cockpit, cause really they're two different rooms. The cockpit is up this ramp.

    I may post a couple more pics, but for now thats it! Hope you like it, please comment and give me some feedback.

    Download "The Fifth Column"
    #1 Lazer X7, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  2. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    I completely fail at making ships on reach, so I like exploring other peoples ships, and this one looks interesting! I will have fun on this map. It's great, but for a slayer gametype, do you have spawn points all around the ship? Could you try and make it an invasion map aswell?

    I will download this map for sure!

    Thanks, Ozkid3232.
  3. JD Horx

    JD Horx Forerunner

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    making spawnpoints is done in no time, but transforming a map into an invasion gametype may take you hours! i know what im talking about, add some well placed weapons, create spawn points and thats it or make an infection gametype, but making invasion on a ship AFTERWARDS the ship design is done will be fatal!!!

    i agree, from the pics the ship is very very nice
    my personel opinion is that this ship is very much better designed than your "firefly", but this is only my taste of ship design....

    well done !!!
  4. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    yeah ive actually distributed a fair number of spawn points around the ship, but the weapons are kinda concentrated in the armory and crew quarters, which could throw off gameplay. if you disabled the ability to use vehicles (because someone could just camp the vehicle bay with a scorpion), i think it might make for an okay slayer game. i started to set it up for infection, but wasnt sure how it works haha, im gunna read a guide on it so i can set that up.

    like JD Horx said, invasion is a different story. the map would have to be designed around invasion to make for a good game. i'll look into it for future maps, but it does limit what your able to build. this specific ship is more asthetic though, i dont think too many game types (save infection) would work too well.

    anyways, thanks, i feel like this came out pretty well, hope you enjoy. 'firefly' was a remake of a ship from a show, so saying you like my design better is a definitely compliment, thank you. i also learned a lot more about how forge operates by making firefly, so i didnt have to end up 'fighting' forge so much haha.
    #4 Lazer X7, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  5. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    Yes, my first invasion map was a bit of a mess... It does take a long time.

    I apologize for asking about the invasion gametype, I like experimenting with how maps may apply with other gametypes.

    This is a great map though, and as I said above, I will have fun pwning noobs on it. I love the vehicle bay and the bridge, and am going to look for hiding spots when I get Live working again.

    I may also look at firefly.

    EDIT: I had a look at firefly and again lost a large portion of my confidence and I had a think about the whole Invasion thing. Maybe I can download this, and attempt to make it an Invasion gametype for you, and maybe some other ones?

    #5 Ozkid3232, Feb 26, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2011
  6. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    yeah, no need to apologize haha, i just have to learn to do it. im actually trying to make a brand new invasion map right now, we'll see how that goes. i think my ships are a little small for invasion, like you'd have to utilize the map outside of the ship.

    haha thanks, those came out pretty good, especially the vehicle bay.

    it'd be awesome if you make an invasion gametype for this, id actually enjoy that. your free to do it for firefly too.
  7. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    I will definitely help with your new invasion map!

    Yeah I just need to get live working, maybe I could go to a friends house who has live and try make an invasion map for your ships there.

  8. xX Zoidberg20

    xX Zoidberg20 Forerunner

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    Downloaded! I am very impressed with this ship it looks great and the fact that you can enter and exit the ship is amazing, which most ship maps don't include, along with the use of curved platforms as garages for warthogs is simply genius. If you don't mind I wanna edit this to see if I can include a sort of rebel base outside that attacks the ship in a sort of invasion game type.

    Great work anyways and keep them coming. :D
  9. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    thanks for the positive feedback! this ship flows linearly, and can only really be entered from the cargo bay, which i feel could lead to some interesting 'fall back/last stand' syled gameplay. the money's on zero, but there's probably several 1000 in vehicles in the cargo bay.
  10. xX Zoidberg20

    xX Zoidberg20 Forerunner

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    No problem I just wanted your permission and yea in a invasion game that many vechiles would be overpowered anyways. lol
  11. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    I think Ozkid decided on making Serenity playable, so yeah, go ahead. interested to see what you come up with.
  12. Ice Pinata

    Ice Pinata Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Damn it I thought this would be a map that had something to do with the television show V, but oh well. The ship is nicely forged, by the way.
  13. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    well, ive never watched V, but i looked it up and can see whyd youd think that haha. The phrase has the same meaning here though. glad you like it.
  14. TheDTYP

    TheDTYP Forerunner

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    OOh! DTYP likey! This ship is fantastic. How long did it take you! I love the hangar, and how you put in the Warthogs. It reminds me of the Maw run at the end of Halo CE. It also, the interior anyway, looks a lot like the Serenity from "firefly" like you said. My favorite part is the Cryo bay.
  15. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    Thanks man! It was an off and on project over a few weeks. I really liked how the hangar turned out, I was glad I had the extra cash to put all the vehicles in. Thanks! I just wish I could fly it around Forgeworld.
  16. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    If not invasion, maybe try one flag or one bomb assault?
  17. PhantomStrike

    PhantomStrike Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Another great map by Laser X7 yet my response is that i'm angry. I put a lof of effort into making good ship maps but mine are all epic fails. Does anyone have a tutorial? Anyway I like the idea but if its slayer only could you add a custom varient specific for this because I come to realize that normal slayer allows the use of vehicles. You might want to edit that. Also could you think about the idea of this going into space not many ships that go into space have giant windows. Good map. And I could use some tips for ship building.

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