I'm not going to pick at anybody but even my laptop can handle Minecraft. If the game was different enough I'd be supportive of it but it's not, it's almost exactly the same.
The creator isn't saying it isn't like minecraft. He's saying his game is inspired by the same thing Minecraft was inspired from. What's to be annoyed at. It's minecraft for the xbox, be happy. Original game that inspired minecraft, so one could say minecraft is a copy of that game. You mad at minecraft now because it is similar? YouTube - Reliquary Game Reviews: Infiniminer
I've already seen Infiminer before, it doesn't have grassy blocks where the grass grows about 1/3rd of the way down, it doesn't have minecarts and tracks, torches, bookcases etc. Edit: Top rated Youtube comments on the video: #1 - #2 - Plus your use of XBL avatars actually means the player model is more hideous to look at, how is that possible?
I swear, sometimes fanboys annoy me. Who cares is what I'm trying to say. It won't compete for market share as minecraft is PC, and fortresscraft is xbox. Notch doesn't care about clones so why do you people. By your own logic you would hate every remake and inspiration ever done. So it is ok to hate on a fledgling indie developer for cloning a popular game but not ok to hate on someone for remaking a halo map. What if I said, your Warlock remake is to much like Bungie's Warlock, I hope they sue you and noone plays your game.... Also any MMORPG is like a WoW clone and there are hundreds of them. Some people just want to hate on anything.
I love Minecraft and that indie game doesn't change a thing. It looks really pretty, which is cool cause my computer can't do pretty. Either way it'll only be 1-3 bucks for the first 'chapter'. I'm not about to pass up the opportunity just cause Minecraft came first. The only thing about this Fortress Craft game that bugs me is the developer response to the 'you copied Minecraft' hate mail. That was an extremely unprofessional way of dealing with such a sensitive manner, those are potential fans even if they do look like trolls.
We all have our own opinions and I want to end this argument (although I'm still going to get a few things off my chest). IF the game had done something new I would be less hostile towards it. I personally believe that I don't take a 'Fanboy' approach to anything, I own an Xbox 360 and a PS3 my opinion on them is that the PS3 is better, I have this opinion from seeing both sides of the story. I joined in with some arguments about matters I had not known about before, I looked at both sides and decided what I thought was right. If I were to look at this situation without ever knowing about Minecraft, I would still be against this.
First, "something new" is relative. EVERYTHING nowadays comes from something. It is incredibly hard to come up with a new unique concept. If you look hard enough, everything has been done somewhere. You're stance is predicated on what is popular. There are just as many arguments that could say Minecraft didn't do anything that "new" over infiniminer. Also you are assuming what you saw in that couple minute teaser trailer for the game is all that will be in the game. Oh god no, there are minecarts AND bookcases! Call the copy right police. I'm sure there will be enough new concepts in the game to satisfy whatever your definition of "if the game had done something new" is. Criticizing a game that hasn't come out yet because of some faint sense of dedication to something else is fanboyism nomatter how politely you put it. Your feelings toward xbox/playstation are irrelevant and are not the only kind of fanboyism. As an asside, I honestly don't care if you buy the game or not or don't like the game, I just don't like the reasoning that because it is too much like another game it shouldn't be played.
When they say there's lots of different things that are going to be added before release I'll be happy. I also agree that there isn't much more that can be done/ good ideas are taken, I swear that game developers can read minds, when thinking about ideas for a game I may or may not make in the future I first though: -How about Karma? - BAM Sims 3 gets Karma -How about a giant Island you can free-roam and do missions whenever you want? - BAM Just Cause 2 I'm going to just leave now and pretend none of this ever happened, sorry for the seriously off topic post.
I'm sorry do you have an opinion in this discussion or just want to quote random lines from my posts to be a smartass on? Because if its the latter, I'm fine with it, just let me know and we can play that game. I disagree with emohawk's reasoning but I respect him for posting his thoughts in a concise yet descriptive manor.
Thought you would post another crap response instead of adding a legitimate post to the discussion. Are you on Twitter rules or something, 140 character limiit? Anyway, update 1.3_01 is out, fixed some mac issues which is good.
Pac. Will you haz mah babies. And For the whole Fortresscraft Vs Minecraft, I really hate that they stole the game and half the name, but I probably will still end up buying it, because its FUN.
Now that's a legit post, well done sir. Anyway, I disagree with the "stolen" viewpoint because it implies nefarious intent. Not reflecting an indie developer making a popular concept for a different platform FBU, stop being as asshat. You havnt even mentioned minecraft in your last like 10 posts, how you havnt been infracted for spam yet is beyond me. You might not agree with my views, but then say yours, and stop being 5 about it. ...awaits your mature response...
infected for spam... hmmmmm so we got rid of infractions and now just give people diseases? hah anyway, i think fortresscraft will be FUN. Who cares if its the same as minecraft, at the end of the day notch isn't developing for 360 so in a sense it seems logical that he wouldn't care. And hey, if he does care surely he has enough money that he could potentially hire the guy to work as the 360 dev for minecraft (although that would be silly because i dunno its just stoopid)
It doesn't matter anyway. Minecraft will always be number one to me. I may well get fortress craft just for a bit of fun now and then and hey, 80msp per chapter with chapter 1 being creative mode. I must just shell out 80msp and keep the creative only forever. Who cares if this guy got inspired by notch. He isn't stealing any of minecrafts copyrighted material so who gives a ****.