OP edit: preview pictures a few posts down...... more of a question than a preview... does one exist? I've searched around a bit and I can't find one. It seems like a gaping hole. So, unless it's been done before (and doesn't suck) than I'ma get it made. I'm really suspicious that one exists and I'd rather not put forth the effort because I have a few original ideas that I'd rather work on. But Ghost Town is my favorite DLC map from H3, and I for one need a Reach version. I'm thinking the quarry with a bit of ground extension.
I just found a couple via this thread and I don't want to say they're bad... but one was decent and the other burned my eyes a bit.
Ace of spades is doing something of an inspiration but not a remake. I believe it's some combination of ghost town and one of his old maps on it. I'm not sure where he'll go with it or if he's planning to finish it, but it's no remake.
I recently made a map called Departed that is heavily influenced by Ghost Town. Not exactly the same by a longshot, but it might be worth checking out if you're out of luck finding direct remakes. Yeah, that was pretty shameless advertising. XD
Alright, might as well come clean... I've been secretly working on one, since it was one of my favorite maps. It's not near completion, but I've been going for pretty accurate. I'm not going to discourage anyone who also wants to attempt it, but there will eventually be a beautiful remake made with love for the map. I just gotta settle down and get cracking.
This thread made me laugh a little. It went from a harmless question to a sort of anonymous chat circle. People like "Yes, I've been working on on". "It was a secret". "I'm in the planning stages" I can't wait to see the finished version of whoever does it.
gonna be even longer now, I went to work on it now, and it did that glitch where you select the map, and it loads a different one. My progress has been lost.
well ****. Fat lot of good it does now but I have a method for preventing that, since it happened to me once. Ever so often, I'll just go do a quick custom game on the map so I can extract the map form the video if need be. I don't save the video or anything, just keep a relatively up-to-date (non-forge) video available in my temporary history.
FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Spoiler No just kidding, I don't care. My version's going to be more based off Remony than Ghost Town but made to be more of the size of Ghost Town so it'll support 4v4. Remony supported more of a 2v2 game.
I've got caught up in this project after all. I started off wondering, hypothetically, how I would go about doing it, and it snowballed from there. I just finished the geometry and thought I'd share: Now on to weapons and spawning and objectives and testing and all that.
Wow, that's stunning. I know what remakes you are Talmud about an they're no where near close to yours. I have to say that, from the pictures, the only thing I don't like is the building with the Grid. I get what building it's supposed to be, but it jut doesn't work for me. It would be impossible to get something that looks close to that because of how broken-down it was and it would just be to hard to make. Also, do you have the back pipes too? One of my favorite spots to hide in.
That looks really nice for the most part it is extremely accurate from what I can see, but whats with the grid?
Looks great. The only problem is the grid as it looks pretty bad and ruins the theme. Looking very nice, hope it plays well
Bad. ass. Good thing too. Mine was far too accurate, and I don't think I'd have ever finished it. I'm lazy.
Personally hated this map in Halo 3, but I must say. The re-make's looking good. You gonna be leaving the powerups on the map? Considering we have AAs now.