The budget is doing pretty well, actually. With the majority of the geometry complete PLUS a few random vehicles scattered about (I've been using them for reference, etc) the budget is still at around $4000. That should be more than enough to finish off the geometric details and do the vehicles, weapons, gametype setup, and even FX. As for the submerging, I felt that this spot would be just big and flat enough to support the map. Submerging the coliseum walls, windows, large braces, and grids that I used to plug up the gaping lagoon kept everything from being too ugly or expensive.
Because of school priorities, I will not be forging again until Thursday. I should have more pictures up by then. If not, then expect a bunch by the weekend. And thanks for the support <3
Hey. I don't know if you're interested, but I found a nice remake of your beloved Sandtrap in this thread. Click-y And here's the map.
I'll take a look-see in forge over the weekend. As depressing as it is not to be creating the primary remake of something, it's also exciting to see how others have fared. Still, Deathtrap isn't exactly a remake... A few new pictures, by the way. Basic geometry is complete. Evidence Loadout Deja vu Great indoors An alternative Midsection There 'shee is The end I did have a few other screenshots highlighting some minorities of the map, but I guess they weren't sent to Bungie properly. They'll be in the next visual update. Did you notice Juicy? I tried Orange, but felt it was too dark. Budget is still just around $2000! Wow! I could use some more Building Blocks, though... It seems that none of the structures are entirely faithful, but still quite inspired by Sandtrap. Everything is pretty blocky right now too, which may be a turn-off. I'll be sprucing things up over the weekend. Thoughts?
Map looks nice from what I can see. I personally would have made it in the gorge rather than in the water.
I like the looks of it a lot [br][/br]Edited by merge: I agree with you the water makes it look too broken up but it looks to be a fun map
I actually like the water. The sunken ruin aesthetic makes sense, strangely enough, given that original was basically sinking into a sea of sand. just curious, are there any framerate issues when looking across the map? there's a pretty awesome Sandtrap remake out there called "Greytrap", however it suffers from low framerate.
As of yet, framerate is not an issue on Deathtrap, though I have yet to test it with a full party. I have downloaded Greytrap and will be taking its coordination with Reach (I.E. how weapons have changed to fit with armor abilities, stuff like that) into consideration.
I like and I dislike the water at the same time. Its good, but I think theres just too much of it. Would you mind adding me and i'll playtest with you? I may be wiling to do you a video (if I have any free time cozza school)
Hmm...a lot of people are showing their concern for the water...but alas, I'm much too far into the project. Weapon and vehicle placement is complete; all that remains is spawning, gametype optimization (I plan to have Deathtrap compatible with all gametypes), and any small, cosmetic geometry augmentations. I'd be honored to have you playtest my map! I'll add you as soon as I get back online. Actually, it'd be wonderful to get a large playtest party going for some CTF and BTB...any takers?
Id really love to play test this, it looks so fun. The juicy effect is debatable but I havent been on the map yet so my opinion could change. I actually enjoy the water part of it to.
Excellent! Perhaps we'll get the party going by next weekend. Oh, and those other screenshots went through...
I'll be up for testing any evening from tomorrow onward. By the way, what did you put in place of the Brute Choppers?
I would love to help test this! My GT is coolaid55, feel free to add me. I'm on most evenings. But . . . Alaska time so . . . I'll figure it out. No worries.
Revenants replace the once-beloved Choppers. (Although vehicle placement and stock isn't the same as Sandtrap) The vehicles on the map include: - Mongoose x4 - Warthog (Standard) x2 - Revenant x2 - Wraith x2 - Banshee x1 - Shade Turret x1
Im not sure on the revenants. We will have to see. Are you gonna create a "heavy" version like on H3? And how will you make this compatible with invasion? Oh yah, and my GT is the same as my forgehub name, as i'm just that inventive ;-)